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Revolution Scrapbook Project

A revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past.
Fidel Castro
The world has changed forever as a result of numerous revolutions that occurred in Europe, Asia,
and the Americas during the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. Many political, economic, and social
systems were remade across the globe. The ruling and working classes, the rich and the poor,
men and women were all effected by revolution, and have left us numerous artifacts for us to
remember the events that changed the world.

The Task
Your assignment is to create a scrapbook that contains memories of a historical or fictional
person who lived through one of the following world revolutions:
American Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson, King George III, Revolutionary Soldier
French King Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Robespierre, Peasant in the 3rd Estate
Haitian Napoleon, Toussaint LOverture
Mexican Porfirio Diaz, Emiliano Zapata, Pancho Villa, Mexican farmer/peasant
Russian Tzar Nicholas II, Tsarina Alexandra, Vladimir Lenin, Russian serf/peasant
Chinese Chiang Kai-shek, Mao Zedong, Chinese peasant
You may choose which revolution your scrapbook covers, and the person you choose can be a
real or fictional revolutionary activist, a fictional outside observer, or a real or fictional
government official or leader in power before/during the revolution.
Important: Before you begin, get your choice approved by your teacher!

The Process
Make sure your scrapbook is creative, neat, organized, and includes the following:
A cover with your name, the title of your scrapbook, and a relevant image
A timeline of the major events of the revolution you have chosen, including the date, a
description, and the significance of each event.
At least five relevant historical images (photographs, paintings, or drawings) with at least
2 sentences explaining their importance
At least 3 artifacts with explanations. These might include: a political cartoon, part of a
speech given or heard by your revolutionary figure, images of the weapon(s) used during
the revolution, representations of clothing, your friends, a propaganda poster from the
revolution, etc. with at least 2 sentences explaining their importance.
At least 3 journal entries written from the point of view of your revolutionary figure.
(Each must be at least one paragraph long5-8 sentences).

Teacher Evaluation


Cover Page
- Your name is written so that your teacher can read it
- Includes a Title for your scrapbook
- Contains an image that represents the revolution your scrapbook covers


- Includes dates, description of events, and why theyre important to the revolution
- Has at least 5 events
5 Authentic Photographs
- Includes two sentence descriptions/captions under each photo to explain the pictures
3 Artifacts (political cartoons, photos of weapons used, propaganda posters, etc.)
- Includes two sentence explanations of each artifact


3 Journal Entries
- Written from the perspective of your revolutionary figure
- Describe the revolutionary figures involvement or experiences during the revolution
- Pages are designed in a creative, organized way


- Neat in overall appearance
- Limited grammatical errors
- Picture captions and descriptions are written legibly, and can easily be read





Revolution Scrapbook Library Research

Revolution you will cover ______________________________________
Revolutionary Figure (real or fictional) ________________________________
5 Significant Historical Events from the Revolution
1. Date:
What happened?
Why is it significant?
2. Date:
What happened?
Why is it significant?
3. Date:
What happened?
Why is it significant?
4. Date:
What happened?
Why is it significant?
5. Date:
What happened?
Why is it significant?
My 5 Photo Descriptions:

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