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Khalil Malone

Journal #5
Journal #5

What is evidence? Many would say evidence is Facts, documentation, or testimony used to
strengthen a claim, support an argument, or reach a conclusion. The purpose of evidence is
gathering information for possible use as evidence in your argument, you need to be sure that
you understand the evident is facts to support your argument. Without evidence to support your
claim or theory all you made was statement off your beliefs. Any statements you make in your
writing have little or no value; they're simply opinions, and ten people may have ten different
opinions none of which is more valid than the others unless there is clear and potent evidence to
support it. Think about it this way if you are working on a project for a class, and the prompt
asks you to carefully read the assignment prompt. The prompt itself give you clues on what you
are supposed to you, it may give you clues about what sorts of evidence you will need. Find
evidence is not hard at all it may require so effort but the difficult of find the evidence is not
severely are most think. Because evidence existed in Print and electronic sources such as Books,
journals, websites, newspapers, magazines, and documentary films are some of the most
common sources of evidence). An interview, Surveys, Experiments, and Personal experience all
of these method are example of where evidence and where you find it and use in youre writing.

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