Journal 6

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Khalil Malone

Journal #6

Journal # 6

The gender roles are very conversional topic because Categorizing males and females
into social roles creates a problem for the gender. Each gender wants to have control of each
other both in a negative way and positive way. However some individuals feel they have to be at
one end of spectrum and must identify themselves as dominant man or dominant woman, rather
than being allowed to choose a section in between cause them be passive and not aggrieves. The
biological differences between men and women are a set of social expectations that define the
behaviors that are "appropriate" for men and women. The expectation for men was for to be the
bread winner in the family however the bread winner are found more commonly in women today
because of the have different systems of norms and beliefs, but there is no universal standard to a
masculine or feminine role across all cultures. Although many women statistics say that more
women receive more college attended and graduate degrees than men. Yet, on average, women
continue to earn considerably less than men. The reason behind that is Women have made
tremendous leap during the last few decades by moving into jobs and occupations previously
done almost exclusively by men, yet during the last decade there has been very little further
progress in the gender integration of work. In some industries and occupations, like construction,
there has been no progress in forty years.

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