Kidblog Assessment Rubric

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KidBlog Assessment Rubric: Social Psychology 101

Points Allocated

1 point
Poor effort to present any
comprehension of what was
learned in the lesson.
Descriptions are basic and
Reflection has no depth and
there are no references to

Lesson 1
Introduction to social
Categorisation and Stereotypes
Lesson 2
Consequences of social
categorisation and stereotypes
Lesson 3
Formation of social values and
influence on behaviour
Lesson 4
Research Methods: Designing
surveys to measure social values
Total Points
Additional Comments

2 points
Basic and limited
comprehension presented
on what was learnt in the
Only general references
made to literature.
Not all questions are
completed to the full

3 points

4 points

5 points

Moderate effort to provide

comprehension of what was
learnt in the lesson.
Descriptions and
elaborations are simple and
are not analytical. Some
effort has been made to
show literature has been
researched and reflected

Good effort to display

understanding of what was
learnt in the lesson.
Reflection answers are
detailed and own thought is
evident. Answers are well
support with research from
the literature.

Excellent display of
comprehension of what was
learnt in the lesson.
Reflection exhibits creativity
and originality.
Answers are well written,
extremely detailed and uses
literature effectively to
support concepts and

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