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£4 Version 2.3. May 2008 8.0 Corbels 8.1 General — A corbel is a short cantilever projection supporting a load-bearing member with dimensions as shown : Applied Load 20.5h Top steel bar Figure 8.1 ~ Dimension requirement for a Corbel 8.2 Basis of Design (Cl. 6.5.2 of the Code) 8.2.1 According to Cl. of the Code, the basis of design method of a corbel is, that it behaves as a “Strut-and-Tie” model as illustrated in Figure 8.2. The strut action (compressive) is carried out by concrete and the tensile force at top is carried by the top steel Sea sin be deermined by linear rapoltion Tie ation by / reinforcing bar a seat sion by % a euval acs sonsrete ik 09x ‘Balancing force polygon Concrete wtimate Coneree stress block at cob strain gy = 0.0035 9p Figure 8.2 — Strut-and-Tie Action of a Corbel 116 a 8.2.2 8.23 8.24 82.5 83 Version 2.3. May 2008 Magnitude of resistance provided to the horizontal force should be not less than one half of the design vertical load, thus limiting the value of the angle Bin Figure 8.2 or in turn, that the value of a, cannot be too small. Strain compatibility be ensured. In addition to the strut-and tie model for the determination of the top steel bars, shear reinforcements should be provided in form of horizontal links in the upper two thirds of the effective depth of the corbel. The horizontal links should not be less than one half of the steel area of the top steel Bearing pressure from the bearing pad on the corbel should be checked and properly designed in accordance with “Code of Practice for Precast Concrete Construction 2003” Cl. 2.7.9. In short, the design ultimate bearing pressure to ultimate loads should not exceed (i) 0.4f, for dry bearing; (ii) 0.6f, for bedded bearing on concrete; (ii) 0.8f,, for contact face of a steel bearing plate cast on the corbel with each of the bearing width and length not exceeding 40% of the width and length of the corbel The net bearing width is obtained by ultimate load effective bearing length x ultimate bearing stress The Precast Concrete Code 2003 (in Cl. of the Precast Concrete Code) has specified that the eflective bearing length of a bearing be the least of : (physical bearing length; (ii) one half of the physical bearing length plus 100 mm; (iii) 600 mm. Design Formulae for the upper steel tie The capacity of concrete in providing lateral force as per Figure 8.2 is 0.45 f,, xbx0.9x =0.405/,,bx where 6 is the length of the corbel. The force in the compressive strut is therefore F, = 0.405/_,bx cos f. By the force polygon, F, sin B=V, => 0.405/,,bxsin Boos B=V, uy 84 Version2.3 May 2008 Expanding and re-arranging (0.20257, +0.18225 ,,ba, x? -0.9d(V, +045 ,,ba, x +0, (a," +d Jeo Putting 4=0.2025V, +0.18225f,ba,; B=-0.9dV, +0.45/,,ba,) c=V, (a +4?) ~B-VB—4AC —_—_,CCW 8-1 = 2A (Eqn 8-1) By the equilibrium of force, the top steel force is T=, cot 8 =— 4 — d-0.45x (Eqn 8-2) The strain at the steel level is, by extrapolation of the strain diagram in Figure d-x 82is 6, 0.0035 (Eqn 8-3) Design Procedure : (i) Based on the design ultimate load and a, , estimate the size of the corbel and check that the estimated dimensions comply with Figure 8.1; (ii) Check bearing pressures; (iii) Solve the neutral axis depth x by the equation (Eqn 8-1), (iv) By the assumption plane remains plane and that the linear strain at the base of the corbel is the ultimate strain of concrete ¢,, = 0.0035, work out the strain at the top steel level as ¢, (v) Obtain the steel stress as o,=E,s, where E,=200%10° kPa. However, the stress should be limited to 0.87f, even ¢, 20.002; (vi) Obtain the force in the top steel bar 7 by (Eqn 8-2) (vii) Check that 720.57, ; (viii) Obtain the required steel area ofthe top steel bars 4, by 4, ates c 18 85 Version 2.3 May 2008 (ix) Check the shear stress by vets. If v>v, (after enhancement as co) . A, _ b(v-v.) licable), provide shear reinforcements by “* =— "=~ applicable), provi reinforcer ne ainy over the upper 2a where 4,, is the cross sectional area of each link and s, is the link spacing. Check that the total shear area provided which is “dis not less than 5 half ofthe top steel area, ie. 4, x42 $e evenif ve KH Top main bar c, cover to transverse bar transverse bar welded to The main tension bar of ‘equal diameter or strength Additional bar for shear Tink anchorage Shear reinforcements Figure 8.3(a) - Typical Detailing of a Corbel ‘Top main bar Shear reinforcements Figure 8.3(b) ~ Typical Detailing of a Corbel 8.6 Worked Example 8.1 Design a corbel to support an ultimate load of 600 kN at a distance 200 mm. from a wall support, ic. V,=600KN, a, =200mm. The load is transmitted from a bearing pad of length 300 mm. Concrete grade is 40. 120 Version2.3 May 2008 2502 0.5h Figure 8.4 — Worked Example. 8.1 The dimensions of the corbel are detailed as shown which comply with the requirement of Cl. 6.5.1 of the Code with length of the corbel 5 =300mm; Check bearing stress Design ultimate bearing stress is 0.8f,, = 0.8x40=32 MPa 600%10° 300%32 So use net bearing width of bearing pad 70 mm. With the following parameters 100 KN; f.=40MPa; b= 300mm; 100 mm; = 450mm substituted into (Eqn 8-1) ‘Net bearing width is = 62.5mm. (0.2025V,, +0.18225 f_,ba, x? -0.9d(V, +0.45 f,,ba,)x + V, (0,2 +a’) Solving x =276.77mm. The strain at steel level, ,, - $50=276.7 x “276.77 x0,0035 = 0.00219 > 0.002 ‘The stress in the top steel is 0.87f, as ¢, > 0.002; (if ©, $0.002, f,=E,xe, where E, = 200GPa) The force in the top steel is £3 Version 23 May 2008 Lats = 600200368. 71 kN > 0.5600 = 300KN; G=045x — 450-0.45%276.77 368710 0.87460 7, Steel area required is 921.32mm’, provide 3T20 (0.7%); 8. v, =0.556x(40/25)'° =0.65 MPa without enhancement. With enhancement, it becomes 240,65 =2.925 MPa. 4, 9. Check shear stress 600000 =44 v, = 2.925MPa. Fsox300 7M MPa> y, a -300(4.444-2.925) So shear reinforcement =1.14mm; 0.87% 460 A,, =1.14x 450 =513mm?. So use 3T12 closed links over the top 300 mm. 10, Area of 3T12 closed link is 678 mm? > half of area of tensile top steel = 0.5x3x314 = 471 mm’, ‘The details of the Corbel is finally as shown in Figure 8.5. 4si "720 anchor bar TI? closed links Figure 8.5 ~ Detailing of Worked Example 8.1 8.7. Resistance to horizontal forces Cl. 9.8.4 requires additional reinforcement connected to the supported member 122 Version23 May 2008 to transmit extemal horizontal force exerted to the corbel in its entirety. However, it should be on the conservative side if strain compatibility is also considered in designing the corbel to resist also this horizontal force N, as in addition to the vertical load ¥,. This is in consistency with the Code requirement. The force polygon as modified from Figure 8.2 will becomes Stee rin be etemined by linear ‘exrapolation ‘ieacton by Balancing force polygon Conerte timate Concrete stress blocks corel] strain, = 00035 soppor Figure 8.6 — Strut-and-Tie Action of a Corbel with inclusion of horizontal force From Figure 8.6 and formulae derivation in Section 8.3 of this Manual, it can be seen that the determination of the neutral axis depth x and subsequently the strain profile of the root of the corbel is independent of N_. Thus the steps (i) to (v) in Section 8.4 of this Manual can be followed in calculation of x, 5, and o, asif N. does not exist. Va, d-0.45x ‘And the steel area ofthe top bar can be worked out as 4, => However, the tension in the top bar will be T= N,, + (Eqn 8-4) Worked Example 8.2 If an additional horizontal force of 200KN is exerted on the corbel in Example 8.1, tending to pull away from the root of the corbel, the total tensile force to be resisted by the top bars will be 7 =368.71+200 = 568.71 KN and the top 568,71x10° 0.87% 460 has exceed 0,002. The top bar has to be increased from 3725, bar area required is =1421,06mm’, as the strain at the steel level £3 Version2.3. May 2008 to transmit extemal horizontal force exerted to the corbel in its entirety. However, it should be on the conservative side if strain compatibility is also considered in designing the corbel to resist also this horizontal force Nas in addition to the vertical load V,. This is in consistency with the Code requirement. The force polygon as modified from Figure 8.2 will becomes Applied V, ‘Stel stain o be determined by linear aaa Tie action by Apolied N. refering bar a H 1 i i i i 1 ' le ‘Balagcing force polygon Const timate Conese ses block core] strain fy, = 0.0035 S09POC Figure 8.6 ~ Strut-and-Tie Action of a Corbel with inclusion of horizontal force From Figure 8.6 and formulae derivation in Section 8.3 of this Manual, it can be seen that the determination of the neutral axis depth x and subsequently the strain profile of the root of the corbel is independent of N,. Thus the steps (i) to (¥) in Section 8.4 of this Manual can be followed in calculation of x, s, and o, asif N, does not exist v However, the tension in the top bar willbe 7=N,+——“““— (Eqn 8-4) d-045x |x And the steel area of the top bar can be worked out as 4, = 88 — Worked Example 8.2 If an additional horizontal force of 200KN is exerted on the corbel in Example 8.1, tending to pull away from the root of the corbel, the total tensile force to be resisted by the top bars will be 7 =368.71+200=568.71KN and the top 68.71x10" 0.87%460 has exceed 0.002. The top bar has to be increased from 3T25. bar area required is =1421.06mm”, as the strain at the steel level 123

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