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Application oes For Employment ‘North Charleston, SC 29419-9016 We consider applicants forall positions without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital or veteran status, the presence of anon-job-related medical condition or handicap, or any other legally protected status, "(PLEASE PRINT) _ Position(s) Applied For Date of Application | 1 1312009 Police oF feck 7 a, e How Did You Leam About Us? tara | (1 Advertisement Friend OO Walk In Nd | {[._ Employment Agene C1 Relative [D7 other QEFICER Wilhiom Tomek | [iat Name First Name a Middle Name ~| SIAGER Phebael horas ——_—— ‘Address Number Giy Ladson State Zip C MorthEhertirlal 5 p Merth: iz "Telephone Number(s) | Driver's State (G5 9h- 87 __ Lorroee Tf you are under 18 years of age, can you provide required proof of your eligibility to work? ot Lye [Who Have you ever filed an application with us before? 7-7 (Yes No . tyes, give date _/_T Have you ever been employed with us before? Ove No : ifyes, give date JI — ‘Are you currently employed? [res LI No May we contact your present employer? (Hes [no ‘Are you prevented from lawfully becoming employed in this country because of Visa or Immigration Status? O Yes Wo I oY ip mgation sale ese apn employe ‘On what date would you be available for work? OL jal 2O6F ‘Are you available to work: [Full Time [] Part Time [O shift Work — [) Temporary ‘Are you currently on “lay-off” status and subject to recall? [Wes LI No Can you travel ifa job requires it? res C1No Have you been convicted of a felony within the ast 7 years? O Yes Ko ‘Stan wit easy qual a epico om enlyret If yes, please explain WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Employment Experience start with your present or lst job, Include any job-related military service assignments and volun ser ites, You may exclude organizations Which indicate race, color, religion, gender, national origin handicap or other protected status. 1 or Da ET Wa Pato leh States Covst fued |For 1% Aint, Boacdiiy pean "ies 7k Con rose 5 = reper Roud,? Corse ay 20, o3|presen’ V7 md Gryeaee. | ine Noe ay Ral ae + + 32/- 5O8-Yeoo Baring | Fak Forced Festeret o Tae Sipe f 1 Le tanend Hrewlic, Fork security | car i Calta. br 2 | 3 pelo Das Bale Warren Ventas ee aes Ww35.0, JB vordwes , WS. el ‘Fsions Nisa) ear Se oe Song | Fe aT Snr carte Ten LE Seined _Mtileton, 5, [Boot ‘¢ Bas Ee Wai Fatah ae Kae a NT Toya ae Sorin Tae Siar aa ra 7 |r Baa Eagar Tara Fea [| alee So) Ra a -_ Surteg | TTR ea Ta Tas TF you need additional space, please continue on @ separate sheet of paper. Special Skills and Qualifications “elated skills and qualifications acquired from employment or other experience. Education Hicnenlary School [| High Sehoot | _ Undergraduate Giaduate ‘| {| __ College! Universit Professional chool Name and ‘Location Toray Tigh schol Menten 1 vevcewet [Hl pleLolb| a} gla le plat Tajo lo | ar | Diploma’ Degree TsisCoamatog ———_Feenent ep lpaaieaymemlinl | coe PE eich, | SE2 atrocved ii and ext coor stiviies Describe eny hones you ave received Tite any adios | § a emia aces ee eae red ‘be bef tous in ‘onserng yout sepliin ie - Indicate any foreign languages vou can speak, read, and/ or write _ Fluent | Good _____ Fair ___ Speak - Read ames z { Write z [ist professional, trade, business, or civic ‘otivities and offices held. | List professional, ad tees rove el tia og pe nei: randori Ste atteched 1 _ References _ Give name, address, and telephone number of three references iho are not elated to you and are not pr 3 L aw 2 ee 3. Port Cansvetel , FL d2ire | Have you ever had any job-related training in the United States Military? Yves [No If Yes, please describe:_S&& attached Applicant’s Statement cen that answers given herein are true and complete *9 the best of my knowledge. rt Cae investigation of all statements contained in this application for employment as may be necessary in arriving at an employment decision “This application for employment shall be considered active for a period of time not to exceed 45 days. ‘Any applicant wishing to be considered for ployment beyond this time period should inquire a 10 aoe eer not upplications are being accepted at that time Thereby understand and acknowledge tht, unfess otherwise defined by applicable law, any employment Telationship with this organization is of an “at will” nawure, ‘which means that the Employee may resign wang time and the Employer may discharge Employee at ny ie ‘with or without cause, tis further a estood that this “at will” employment relationship may Mot ‘be changed by any written document or by conduct unless such change is specifically se novrledged in writing by an authorized executive of this organization. aa erat of employment, understand that fuse or mistending information given in my application or Fees) may result in discharge, F understand, also, het! a™m required to abide by all rules and regulations of the employer. Uisfog ® * fgnatuyp/of Applicant FOR PERSONNEL DEPARTMEENT USE ONLY. Amange Interview [] Yes [1 No Remarks: interviewer Date Employed ([] Yes [1 No Date of Employment Job Title Hourly rate/ Salary Department By _ a se Name and Title Date NOTES: CITY OF NORTH CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA ‘JOB DESCRIPTION, MAY 2003 JOB TITLE: POLICE OFFICER POLICE DEPARTMENT GENERAL STATEMENT OF JOB Under regular supervision, enforces al federal ane state laws and Cy ordnance relating to public safety and Une 8 ome general uniform patrol, invesigalive, special operations oF other police duties as assigned; reetareds to eas or service. Works under stressful, high-isk conditions. Repons {0 the assigned Sergeant. SPECIFIC DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS. ENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS Enforce all federal and state laws and Cty ordinances relating to public safely ane welfare; performs all cerce® Somplianes with applicable policies, procedures, laws, feguiations and standards of safety. Performs general or specialized police duties peculiar to the unt to which assigned. performs general police work, including but not fimited to maintalning pubic ofset responding to calls for cer or pprenending, resting and deaining criminals, suspects and law Vlora ts prisoners ‘and mental patients as necessary. 5 provides testimony and presents evidence in court as necessary ue Receives and responds to citizen inquiries, complaints and requests for assistance, prepares and submits daly records and reports as requited. Maintains assigned equipment and vehicles. Assists other law enforcement agencies and jurisdictions as require. Paricpates in publi relations efforts necessary to maintzin cooperative and postive relationships between the department and community Maintains required certifications and training as mandated by the Department, performs genera cleial work a require, ncusng entering and reteving compute de, prcrarr reports, Peter oe tng covuments, sending and eceving faxes atencing meetings, answering ne telephone, et. Receives and reviews various documents, which may include ease folders, Incident reports investigative reports, statements, evidence reports, etc prepares various documents, which may include dally activity report, incident / accident reports, citizen cre estint formes, catonshvamings, arrestreports, case reports, Investigatve reports, injury reports, various other records, logs, reports, etc. © Archer Company 2003 1 Mersel Slagev City of Nortle Charleston SC a xor sua, avon HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT CHRISTINE A. RUTH, DIRECTOR #12999 “Thisis to certify that | have received a City of North Charleston employee proximity card that provides me with ac~ cess to specific areas of the North Charleston City Hall building, | understand and agree that am responsible for this tard and if its lost, stolen, or damaged during my possessicn that | will inform the Human Resources Department immediately, and that | wll be responsible for paying the amount of $20.00 for a replacement card. e “Decor yee che SAGER a rel 7/07 Winns pesoats? 2 Dare City of. North Charleston SOUTH CAROLINA Cchiatine A, Ruth, PHR, IPMACP tunan Resources Deparment DIRECTOR. South Carolina Legal Notice ‘Wages, Fringe Benefits, Hours, Payday and Dedu: ons from Wages Im accordance with South Carolina State Employment Law we are providing you with a-written ie fice regarding specific aspects of your employment with the City of North Charleston. © Wages— Asan employee you will be paid the hourly rate or salary as set forth in the Sa cation and Compensation Plan and Salary Plan « Fringe Benefits ~ Outlined below are the fringe benefits and group health insurance provided t0 al fll-time employees who hays ‘completed the required probationary periods and any extension periods that may be required ‘These fringe benefit policies Mere written to cover the most usual and typical situations. The policies may contain ambiguities and may not be readily ‘applicable to all fact situations. ‘When there is a doubt as to how a policy should be interpreted, the City will interpret the policy ona case-by-case basis. © Hours of Work > General ~ Each employee is subject to being required to work between | and 168 Pats cach week, any, all, or no days ofthe week, and any, all, or no hours of each day. The fact that an employee may ‘be tentatively scheduled for particular saancena day or days in a week does not change the fact ‘that the employee is Hereby given notice that he/she may be required to ‘work additional hours, or ower bouts than those tentatively scheduled, Attendance Poliey ~ We expect every employes fo be here on time, fully ‘prepared, every day the employee is ‘scheduled to work. We expect every employee to strive for perfect attendance, © Layoffor Shutdown - The City may at any tine layoff one (1) or more ‘employees, or may shutdown an operation temporarily or permanently, totally, or partially. © Suspension or Termination ~ An employee may be suspended or terminated with Susptpout cause, and atthe time of his/her notice of susp or termination, father tentative schedule hours to be worked will be modified. «Payday - Wages will be distributed at the ‘work site on alternate Thursday or Fridays, cae juipment failure, lack of sufficient information fo ‘calculate wages, or other such problems that may cause a delay, in which case “wages will be paid as soon as possible after the normal payday. — South Carolina Legal Notice Wages, Fringe Benefits, Hours, Payday and Deductions from Wages ‘understand that Thave been hired as a.“ Police. _CRice at Grade__\Q___. T understand that J am normally scheduled to work _§G_ hours per pay ponod an wile paid at my work site on altemate Thursday or Fridays. T understand that al periime must be approved by my department head, except in emergency situations. In VA cmrgency situations, the hours worked andthe reason must be reported to the department heed, sere han the next regular working day. 1 further understand that no deductions will be made fom say wages other then those required by State and/or Federal Law, or upon written request, or upon viritten notification by my employer prior tothe deduction. It is understood and agreed that this notice does not constitute a contract of employment for any fined time period nor does it create a property right in employment, as all employment with the City of North Charleston is “at wll” with the City. The employee may terminste hishher employment at any time, with or without cause, and with or without notice, The City retains the same right. Thave read, received and understand the City’s policy on alcoho! and drug testing, and I agree fo abide by that policy. Tunderstand that under these poticies positive test results may result in my discharge and that I would then be ineligible for workers’ compensation or unemployment bascfitsT also promise to notify the City within five days ifT am convicted ofa criminal drug violation that oceurred while Twas on the job. 1 also understand that the City may either wimation me fora drug conviction or requite tha I participate in a rehabilitation program. T seederstand that my failure to sign this agreement will result in my being ineligible for employment on any State or Federal contract. 3 Se] Thave read the City of North Charleston's Notice of Privacy Practices and understand that I may request and be provided with a copy of this notice. {understand that itis mandatory for me to participate in the South Carolina Retirement System pension plan and currently I will be required to deduet 7.5% of my wages for the pension plan. —— I understand that Iam required to pay a co-payment for my dependents health, prescription and dental coverage and this amount may be subject to change, & AS FRINGE BENEFITS Observed by the City of North Charleston New Years Day Veteran’s Day Martin Luther King Jr. Day Thanksgiving Day President's Day Friday after Thanksgiving Day Memorial Day Christmas Eve | Independence Day Christmas Day CL Labor Day — THIS APPRAISAL HAS NOT BEEN REVIEWED BY THE EMPLOYEE. APPRAISAL PERCENTAGE: [| _100 TOTAL RAW SCORE: |_26.5 TOTAL WEIGHTED SCORE: ~ 3.24 appraisal score:[ 224] _L Al Ae. IRDAN, ERIC M ‘SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE AND DATE: J = (/-2 §- 20/0 — LEVEL ONE REVIEWER SIGNATURE AND DATE: NO JATURE AND DATE: NONE LEVEL TWO SIGN formance appraisal has beon reviewed with you by signing your name and entering the Please acknowlege that this per Fate of the review in the space below. FINAL OVERALL SCORE: ‘SIGNATURE AND DATE: Copyright The Archer Company 2008 2010 PAGE 5 OF 5 THIS APPRAISAL HAS NOT BEEN REVIEWED BY THE EMPLOYEE. APPRAISAL PERCENTAGE: [100 TOTAL RAW SCORE: (2575) TOTAL WEIGHTED SCORE: | _3.24 "APPRAISAL SCORE: [324 | an ae SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE AND DATE: PROSSER, CHARITY L ar Ve-bte LEVEL ONE REVIEWER SIGNATURE AND DATE: LEVEL TWO SIGNATURE AND DATE: NONE Please acknowlege that this performance appraisal has been, reviewod with you by signing your name and entering the Gate of tho review in the space below. rina overatt score: [324] a LIGAL ee SIGNATURE AND DATE: 5} ‘copyright The Archer Company 2008-2012 PAGE 6 OF 6 date of the review in the space below. FINAL OVERALL SCORE: [3.41 SIGNATURE AND DATE: “Copyright The Archer Company 2003 -2013 PAGE 6 OF 6 [B] Meets Expectations - USUALLY plans and organizes work/tasks. -avlea naving to ropest a procedure or aupicat atask fo get tne oP done [B] Moos Expectations - SELDOM has fo do werk ovr ai Supptes, materials, qupment, or work ime effectively and ofciomy [By Meets Expectations ~ SELDOM wastes ie organizations resources/supples. JUSTIFICATION: Pll Slager demonstrates good time management in completing all assigned dutlos and case reports. GOALS: SAFETY AND HOUSEKEEPING mayne: 3.00 WEIGHT: 0.040 WEIGHTED SGORE: 012 Keeps work area clean and neat [3] tots Expectations Does # 6000 of uses machinery plus safety equipment and clothing Follows safety rules for use of Moets Expectations - CONSISTENTLY obsorves safely ules and regulations. Shows interest in safety of others working together [5] meets Expectations - Shows ‘SUBSTANTIAL concern for safely of ‘co-workers. JUSTIFICATION: GOALS: “TiS APPRAISAL WAS NOT BEEN REVIEWED BY THE EMPLOYEE. APPRAISAL PERCENTAGE: [_100 TOTAL RAW SCORE: TOTAL WEIGHTED ScoRE: |_3.41 APPRAISAL SCORE:[ 34 | SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE AND DATE: LEVEL ONE REVIEWER SIGNATURE AND DATE: LEVEL TWO SIGNATURE AND DATE: please acknowiege that this performance appraisal has boon fev wad with you by signing you copyright The Archer Company 2008 - 2013 PAGE 5 OF 6 SAFETY AND HOUSEKEEPING RATING: 333 WEIGHT: 0.040 Keeps work area clean and neat Z| Excoeds Expectations - Usualy Follows safety rules for use of mactinery plus safaty eculpme Meets Expectations - CONSISTENTLY observes. safety rules and regulations. Sows intrest in safety of others working together [a] Meets Expects - Shows SUBSTANTIAL conse” for safely of co-workers. SJeTIFIGATION: On 1029-2014, on inspection was conduct on PFC Siege assigned patil unit. was found to be Cktemely clean and neat in order. WEIGHTED SCORE: 0.13 does an EXCEPTIONAL jab of housekeeping. wnt and clothing GOALS: Tis APPRAISAL HAS NOT BEEN REVIEWED BY THE EMPLOYEE. APPRAISAL PERCENTAGE: [_100 TOTAL RAW ScoRE: | _27.78 TOTAL WEIGHTED scoRE: |_3.37 "APPRAISAL SCORE: | _3.37 SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE AND DATE: WEBB, RONALD D LEVEL ONE REVIEWER SIGNATURE AND DATE: Ni please acknowlage that this performance appraisal Gate of the review in the space below. 357 FINAL OVERALL SCORE: SIGNATURE AND DATE: SI “Copyright The Archer Company 2003 - 2014 PAGE 5 OF 5 South Carol 5400 Broad River Rd., Columbia, SC 29212 na Criminal Justice Academy March 22, 2013 RE: CERTIFICATION RENEWAL LETTER atleston Police Dept. ‘Attn: Training Officer PO Box 62558 North Charleston, SC 29419 Deat Training Officer: ‘The following officer currently employed with your agency has met and successfully Completed the in-service requirements for recertification &s °F forth by the South Law Enforcement Training ‘Act & Regulation, Section 23-23-60(C), Reg. 38-012 and Reg. 38-013(B) (1): Name: Michael Slager ‘Academy Number: 5728-2851 Cortifieation: Class 1 Law Enforcement Officer Expiration Date: 2/26/2016 Should this officer separate/terminate employment with yous "genes please forward in Shovfdance with Reg, 38-009 (B) 8 Personnel Change ln Status Form confirming this separation/esmination along with an MRN (Mandaiory Retraining Notification) form listing sparing received since the officer’ last certification renewal Sincerely, Ania de 7, Hoa? Hubert F, Harrell, Director SCCJA Certification 803-896-7802 e ® [NORTH CHARLESTON — POLICE | ‘COURSE REGISTRATION FORM, CRW ENFORCEMENT TRAIRING Course Title: Taser Certification Course Hours: Course Location; NCPP Training Room Instructor (6): Set Deen ‘Hatchell; Pe Joseph Niemiee: MPO James Gant. Date(s): 1/8/10 cpv_ LEGALS __ IN-SERVICE_XXX ADVANCED Please Print Information Listed Below grudentName:__ SAGER _Mycuher Tast First ‘Social Security Number: __ ait orbiviion Assignets_ ZRALNI NG ‘sworn: X200K Non-Sworn: Hours Qualified for Re-Certfication Yes: XX No:___ “During this raining, have been instructed on al! Pen of the Use of Force Policy # 0-02. Marine een provided an additional copy of is pole) it writing during this course. I have had aiquestions about this policy answered daring this raining to my complete satisfaction. Date: U8/10 Signature of Student___ a Signature of Instructor / Proctor ___Sot Dean Hatchel: Pfe Joseph Niemiee— ENTERED far 15 20i0 ©) TRAINING ACADEMY TASER® ECD User Certification Form PRINT LEGIBLY AND CLEARLY PLEASE! nich dovico were you certiied in (Check allthat anh: 26 Rank: _ PE ame _Wieheel S aug ¢ —__—— ‘Agenoy: RePD Ema ee Phone: Fax: Address/StatelZip:_ umber of test answers coroct: FD out of 50 (X26) (0% minimum = 40) 9 ut cof 45 (M26) (80% minimum = 36) instructor to rita that student has svocesstuly competed the folowing pacts application tests: ‘Demonstration of proper finger positions for aking and fing. contol TASER ECD adequately won commanded “Am - Spark - Safe” a andor Demonstrate the ably to toad and unload the TASER ECD under sess: i ‘ly ) ren 10 ! Remove and reinstall botteres in TASER ECDs correct [Kren VOron “FE. weepavmton tance onscebanrtesba resents Trig DsIon 1 hreby certify thatthe abovo named applicant has passed the approptae TASER Certification Test with a minimum score onan has met te above efter for sfcent knowlege and sis nthe We ‘of the TASER ECD system checked Shove and is hereby cerified as a user ofthis system. Ktaeglicay Alig eg — pete: 2 Ail ovation _EPD Keep this Form for Department Training Records re rs cel a ar eee aad @ e ©) TASER TRAINING ACADEMY TASER® ECD User Certification Form PRINT LEGIBLY AND CLEARLY PLEASE! Which device wore you certfied in (Check all that apply): po Pil Agency: ACPO emai: - Phone: SSW $706 Fax: hot a LW Chole Address/StatelZin: inartor nal that student has succesfully complet the folowing practical application tosis pemensiraton of prope ng postions for aiming and fing. contr TASER ECD adequately when commanded "Arm - Spark Safe" a enon beronatat the abit o lod and unload the TASER ECD under sos, Remove and einetal bates In TASER ECDs correct —rr—“— rss \netby cory hat ihe sbove name! applicant has passed he SPPreRtE® “TASER Cortfication Test wih a mitmum s20"@ at cd has ma the above cera for sufleent krowedge and ral in the use of the TASER ECD system checked Sbove and is hereby cortiied as 8 user ofthis system ‘Attested by Certifying Instructor: _ (Signature) Date fof 4 Locati Keep this Fornrfor Department Training Records »» ENTERED a eon as AER are. TASER srwecrone ms ae tee ode TAS wee rele @ @ NORTH CHARLESTON POLICE COURSE REGISTRATION FORK Taw ENFORCEMENT TRAINING ANNUAL IN-SERVICE MANDATORY ‘TRAINING ‘Training Year -_2013 couse Sabet rows Date, ==‘ mas FIRST AID / CPR 2 aan R.DEAN DKS BLOODBORNE 1 iangia = R-DEAN —_ HAZMAT 1 yangna——P-XIRKLAND _|— BIAS \ yan A-KING | FIREARMS CLASS az yntii2 | We HUMPHRIES oo FIREARMS QUAL. 2 yagiia WAUMPHRIESS.HILLE | VICTIM SERVICES TR. 1 yiyn2—-MAOSSEINL AKS= EVO CLASS 2 jaigrig —— WSANICKI/K.SPEARS ‘TASER CLASS e ianenz —.GANN le {Prof} raion GANN/GHITJANICK! DRIVING Prof. 4 tangn2 —— WJANICKL/ SJANOWSKI __1_— SHARP /P. KIRKLAND "TACTICAL PRACTICAL 3 y2ngn J, GANN//D. GHI ORS \w.JANICKL STUDENT INFORMATION Bane student Name, SUNSET Micha, 1 — sociat Security Number 00.30% AE ‘aren Assignea: Sole. Vhs Neon 2 sworn: Yi — Non-Sworn:_ Qualified Re-Certifieation Hours: poring ists the en neal on ela Potey 0-02, Daring hn canal nyo ht i wring sari ur 7 oti questions abou this ploy answered Fre isang tomy complete sosftion pate. Student Signature: ‘Training Signature: VER Date 7 2-7 Gof Training hows and ie ‘ales based on the experince and ability ‘of the class af “etaltoa HY iy torrserifcaon oor. SAT ERED autres for this taining Ye" gee 18 | NoRTH CHARLESTON — POLICE ‘COURSE REGISTRATION FORM. Caw ENFORCEMENT TRAINING ANNUAL IN-SERVICE MANDATORY ‘TRAINING Training Year 2014 r ——TF Course Subject | Hours | Date Instructor TE Bloodborne Pathogen T ‘sion R. Dean DA Ethics 1 ‘sient T, Dandridge = ‘Fiaz Mat oe 1 Si6lha *P. Kirkland P Bias Base Profiling [a1 sro A. King EVO Classroom 2 sienid | R. Heid { Taser Classroom 1 | Sena | _M. Powitehko ry Driving Range 4 amd BR lieid/ R. Dean H. Roper _| _S9— Legal Discussion 2 ard ___ Legal | Firearms Classroom. 2 Sra R. Dean/ S. Evans {Firearms Qualification 4 | sienna ‘R. Dean/ S. Evans a “Tactical Practical (DT/Taser) 4 f 38/14 | Pamphrey/ Sanchez! M. Powitehko z= I a ing isting ave en ns on lap oft Ure ef Fre ey = aaa sven ke py fs py in ing ain ws cos, Teall GU tout this policy answer tags rnin (oy competesatstaton STUDENT INFORMATION (Pease Print) smsent rome UNS —_fNQanet, _— Tat Social Security Number: XXX-KX- UGG Aven Assigned: SATL. x ‘Sworn: sve spins 2 Te FG _ pate: Se Pees “raining howrs and profiiency is bused on the experience and blity of the class as a whole, Frere Murae does not current qualify for recertification hours _-Now-Sworn:___Qualiied Re-Certfcation Hours: ‘Training Signa CITY OF NORTH CHARLESTON POLICE DEPARTMENT FIREARMS: QUALIFICATION 40 Round Course - Minimum Score of 80 % required. (160) [vars | ROUNDS | TIME ‘Tnless noted, shoo! ing positions will be from |_ (SEQ) the Weaver or Natural Point. | 6 From the holster, fire 5 rounds, sean threat area, and return to the holster. —_ FP irom the holster, fire 5 rounds, sean threat area, and return to the holster. 15 From the holster, fire 4 rounds, combat magazine exchange, fire 3 rounds and sean threat area. | 2 vom the holster, fire 4 rounds strong band, | transition, fire 4 rounds reaetion hand, | | teansition to strong hand, and return to the holster. 20 From the holster, fire 2 rounds standing, combat magazine exchange, fire 3 rounds strong side kneeling, fire 3 rounds weakside Kneeling and scan threat area. Timed | From the ready position, fire 2 rounds ‘Xb We aus seconds, fire 2 rounds two seconds, fire 3 rounds three seconds, and scan theshxeat. (A Lewcer— | —_— TE. ] [Instructor _(Print) I Instructor's Signature [Date] Revised 12/29/2008 Officer Involy Es Td cormsel feel ao Fralied Revew bale aT eaten ormesicen RE Ei [ I 1) JNON-PREVENTABLE i once ned vied tomcedentReew By se ‘Final SpA i i | Driver Was At Fault | | Diseiptinary Action Taken. = Tuesday 1 [masz Jiss2 ARAGON ST <1 JNORTH CHARLES’ Se TREES wr z z 1 [PATROL | fT reronz098 Bee Dwiein ae SR CaseNO [eo-16s Sa { 2011 | [Foro 0) [SROWNVICTORIA Depammet No year Vari Wake Naide Note [PATROL CAR i [uc-52162 [PATROL | 1 “ype otVatible cae seRasepaTe 3 rermmm| (AuTo —TeaNG EACRWARD 7 Be | rare Wha the Oba Wasa mee [STOPPED | fucaTs ip [CLEAR Se cone RSTRNT a EE [NONE 7] [YES | [BUMPER FRONT {YES _|| [ALLEN, DARYL Pee orn E coco nppacese = Sw E SS iar placed Tis vehicle in reverse and stuck the patrol cat. Te Giver fled the scene ands = corcted a afi sop. As be approached the vehi ithe vehole on ralvoad tracks ere a bled The diver lod the scenester sand Add A oe | peteto Drop Print New sbecident | Reports This Down | This Accident accident | Lists ‘Soreen Report Criteria: Ofear SLAGER. MICHAEL Officer Complaints Summary RptH7 North Chatteston Potice Department Type Of Complaint An d Disposition By Officer [officer [SLAGER, MICHAEL, T__2 [100.0% [Eyre ‘of Complaint [cooe OF CONDUCT 7 [50.0% [Officer Disposition SUSTAINED. 7] 1000% [WE OF FORGE [7 [200% [Orcs Disposition | EXONERATED. a aaitnberoTmedens TL 7) Different Officers Involved F Different Types Of Action Taken] (iret pes oF comets IE FBiferen Dapostion Pes || LEA Data Technologies ADMINISTRATIVE Database (Vor2015 1:29:30 PM 2 Totals Entries (Officers plus" Complaint Violations Alleged) Page of Report Criteria: Offoar SLAGER, MICHAEL ‘Complaints Detail Rpt #14 North Chatteston Police Department Full Details Report [complaint Number Sas Complant Taken 9716/2013 ‘No. Type!] WALK-IN [ossccmenjonenors [Cae (7 43-Ex012 (13-£x012 | [“insient] cttzen - Formal [ [Tssaton Oosied] 2025 DELAWARE AVE Complainant] GIVENS, MARIO Gorplainants Address] 2025 DELAWARE AVE, N CHARLESTON SC 29405 Business Phone: ecured ‘ON Duty [ee] [Sendeq]m [enero [eran] LACK [caine] ce) 518-2624 [ssoneg] JOHNSON, TESS: Garant Case Disposttion’] EXONERATED omplainant Satisfaction} Unknown-Not Entered [senna RCS ESFONDES TO BURGIARY ON ECHO AVE: THE VIET STOMED WE ET SOAGEE Tne RESIDENCE. PTL HUGGINS WENT TO THE REAR TM SHOWS LAGER MADE CONTACT AT THE FRONT DO [Baya case Doe TH] 90 [oars] i708 [Sa Cotta] 4018 aon CT Date Due] 10/17/2013 AE THE SUSPECT LIVED AND HE AND PTL HUGGINS, Oe MIR GIVENS REFUSED TO [eT THE RES ‘ype OF Complaint Deseipion Complaint Disposition compuintes4 [USE OF FOR USE OF FORGETTASER [EOnERATED al Name DNember Rank json Shit Orcerbispostion _—__OnAler 4:4, [SLAGER MICHAEL a PATROL [wet sae EXONERATED ves | wimess4s-4 BROWN, WALEAR KIARA TP eae “ype Witness OMTIZEN | {leas THBT ECHO AVE, N, CHARLESTON SC 20408 Tontaced Fray August 76, 2079 TT Phone B hove [Ps TRC) BETS TSPECTS ADDRESS TO SHOW Iwrinese Notew FE WAS THE VISTI OF THE BURGLARY, GHE DROVE TO TE He ete > WAITED INHER VEHICLE WHILE OFFICERS Ws ‘CONTACT. SH SETATED AS MR GIVENS OPENED THE iS, MAURICE oer Ses ie YELLED TO OFFICERS THAT HE WAS NOT THE SUSPECT. c BLACK [pe Wines POUGE OFFICER imese: 2. (RUG rides EOD CTTY HALL UN, N GHARLESTON SC 28408 Contacied B Phone: 8 FGA) 6545700 © Phone: Ti Phone: SELLING COMMANDS AND HE CAME ARO! =FIGERS AND SUSPECT. ENSUED BETWEEN BOTH OFF [GAIN COWPLIANCE. LEA. Data Technologies “ADMINISTRATIVE Database Pe ce NGS OFFICER HUGGING WAS COVERING THE FEAR OE ONG RESIDENG! \arreMPTING TO MAKE CONT/ (GER HUGGINS HEARD THE OFFICER AND OFFICER SIAGER WAS SNS WAH THE SUBJECT AT THE FRON DOOR. OFF HE SUBLECT AIOE tre RESIDENCE TO ASSIST. APHYSIONL STC Oo WAS FORCED TO USE HIS TASER THEN DRIVE STUN TO Page 1of2 North Charteston Police Department Full Details Report Complaints Detail Rpt #14 ines t'd [WHITAKER YOLANDA TF peak “Type Witness: CITIZEN = ress TSB PARKLANE OT HN, CHARLESTON SO 20418 Tontaced: Monday, September 16,20 Phone [Phones [GPhone eRe THE Ts NSS SFE CLAMS TO PAVE BEEN ASLEEP MENINGES OTe Gi ‘DOOR AND THAT SHE WOKE UP [Waness NES: ST Ge ENTIRE NIDENT. HER STATEMENT S THE SAME AS ME SUE samtive:[PTUSLAGER AND PTL HUGGINS FESFONDED 10.5 USGL ony Te SE OFFICERS WERE [ED TO 2izs DELAWARE AVE WHERE THE SITE RETLOOR A A LE To Et GAS TASES COR NO MEAS A AS NO Ee in ALSO STATED POVSEDES Om NAS ass guage ors RESoce A THE ME, TOWDET BASES ie IM AN? Guy BEFORE He WAS TASED. [Complaint Number | [bate Gompaint Taken] 1/26/2018 Date Occured] 172472015 [Case Nov] 15-EX003 T No. Type] WALKIN [te-ex003 | [raat] cazon- Formal Tal aisl| No —([SamSG ON Duty [Tasso ose] 4507 HGGLY WIGGLY DR Bae 4 JUNELLE VANHANNAGEYN: Face] AFRICAN AMERICA [Gender] FEMALE Complainant| Tompiainant’s Address: 4525 DEAS HILL LANE, NORTH CHARLESTON SC 29405 Home Phone] (843) 364-723 [[eatProne} Business Phone: Email Address: [[issanad] ROONEY, MICHAEL caeReime] varrots | [Daecaeowe] a0 [BADUE] 2282015 Tarrant Case Disposition’ SUSTAINED Date Completed] 2/18/2015 Complainant Saiistaction|| Unknown-Not Entered Satisfaction Comments] [Complainant sateteston] Sonman| 7 “ype Con Desig cgi Dien ‘Complaint #: 4. [CODE OF CONDUCT FAILURE TO PROVIDE POLIGE REPORT "SUSTAINED ] ‘ane (DNnbor ak ison sii fee Oepanion On let Officer #: 4. [SLAGER, MICHAEL I PTL PATROL Not Stated SUSTAINED YES Sag Raya aba aa eaested a poles repor THe comrenae Hes HAAN icone athe | “Nasrative: [Te Compan called the police due oer wan goblome that the complainant and the suspect re Having [ise not doing a repart due tothe ongoing ba Page 2 0f 2 LEA. Data Technol jes ADMINISTRATIVE Database | susnt asNaaaCaNnOUd~L009G09 ESAT gota ONRANSVAW GaaAS~ 900 TOD “usu 90~$004009 SwAVTHLE-400109 “LSNIONTARHE—€00 1409 *LSNISOLLOVL TAISNAAAA - 200 EOD sagt O1Sva-To0 409 SAGOD AOLIMALSNEAD [SRT DNTHO VET WOIOMALLSNT 10 ONWAING | ‘qvin0s | AINWN . S21 1440 TIO TD BPI ALT Te eee Ferrie xy papanas 20 paca axe ()soeansutpapasons LAST eS qeonay ‘O'S Buoys oa WM NOLLOTS —RapeSy SOHNE TET ) TTT pasos somyspon rauononsss $0 SNOT CED SATS \ ‘Wwaor Le t g ve | eh02 € i | ewe - Law} “LTAVHOIN 'SSOVIS Oh eve } ° e ‘snoaa | gmg aN SHOR AGN sv WYN c wounds | EVEK DIVA TVD | Tos | SaugoLO ‘yesed9S “si | | crorzpoe ioe -aidurexe) 7010 = P CanapUrEL EVEN Iv AUER) FONT = DONT TTT WISSeIO ‘#SS OWEN S4914O JOS (Ly SUsF Teed dnoxen © 3)" 20 9quNN vee, ‘AEC NBLON 3 BRUTE TRE MOTH THUTOY WoTTeOHFTTIS & HOE FRET TA TORTS) SAMOA OHSS.) eTE TOS pp AML UL ABNEL S85°LD_ aapraodg psuonNgAseL poaoaddy Vf SUBId WossaT posoaddy V£9 *AOIAWAS-NI (dquo) patarwa smoHy [EHO] HUT =E ssv19 (wumyo3 seansatg WL 1095 WT pauseg sino s9}s199-UY [EOL THT TssvDD (OAT? PHES-AL Spear] ‘QOUDJOLA SHSOTH TOLD AopUy pouswy smoHy 409NT TOOMITSSV ID FT S! “en veo “20 120-8 worn mH posnbor se ey so ney sore ap 2 eH 5 ‘PapEaUE se BE (VIDE £-€7 WOHES ope enone tog ov ns seogo USUIONA Hea a omoutoo pasos pa sno taHon a sts 0 POPS Mod NW W= NOLLVOLILLNAD ONINAN (SILA 40 waLsOW IT NOILOIS oe South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy ‘5400 Broad River Rd., Columbia, SC 29212 March 22, 2013 RE: CERTIFICATION RENEWAL LETTER North Charleston Police Dept. Attn: Training Officer PO Box 62558 North Charleston, SC 29419 Dear Training Officer: ‘The following officer currently employed with. your ageney has met and successfully completed the in-service requirements for Cesertification as set forth by the South Carolina cae rnforvement Training Act & Regulation, Section 73-23-60(C), Reg. 38-012 and Reg, 38-013(B) (1): Name: Michael Slager ‘Academy Number: 5728-2851 Certification: Class 1 ‘Law Enforcement Officer Expiration Date: 2/26/2016 Should this officer separsteterminate employment with you sBene% please forward in Shofance with Reg, 38-009 (B) a Personnel Change fh. Si Form confirming this separation/termination along with an MRN (Mandatory Retraining Notification) form listing all training received since the officer’s last certification renewal. Sincerely, Arad 7 Hoole Hubert F. Harrell, Director A ee Frainw'y SCCJA Certification 803-896-7802 2013 oviecy SOUTH CAROLINA CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACADEMY 6400 BROAD RIVER ROAD COLUMBIA, SC 29212-3540 MRN (MANDATORY RETRAINING NOTIFICATION) SECTION I: ATTESTATION REPORTIN records of the ‘this_22" ape — My Commission Expires Ovd 6 2017 NOTAR' PUBLIC FOR SOU’ 69 390-970/1266-96R Revised 05/10 AGENCY: North Charleston Police ‘Tustice Academy or its designated representative, YEARS 1-3 SLAGER, MICHAEL T. eT Cap of Nowch Wharlestons $C scat ties POLICE DEPARTMENT JON ZUMALT, CHIEF OF POLICE “OATH OF OFFICE” FOR THE NORTH CHARLESTON POLICE DEPARTMENT 1, Michael. Sloger, do solemnly affirm that as a Police Offices for the City of ‘North Chereston, South Carolina, I wil faithfully serve the citizens of ths City to the ——"—c— €s——_ against deception, the weak against oppreasion, the peacefi apnst violence and to respect the Sight of all men and women to liberty, equality, and justice. 1 shall never abuse my authority either by words or acts, nor shal allow my personal feelings, prejudices or friendships to influence my decisions in the performance Peary. Label pphold the Consittions of te United Stes andthe Se of South, oa and | shall enforce the laws ofthe State and the City impartially, courteously ca out fear; never employing unnecessary force or accepting gratty in any form. 1 recognize my badge as a symbol of public trust, and T shall strive to justify this trast as a law enforcement officer to the best of my ability, SO HELP ME GOD. Given this Ist day of Mareh, 2010 for the City of North Charleston | thief HR Zama 0 Box 62558 + North Charleston, SC 29419-2588 « T 848-554-5700 «F Att 745-1052.» northcharlestonorg North Chorleston Police Department isa CALEA Accredited Agency Cl of. ‘North: BW arleston Law Enforcement ‘As a law enforcement officer, my to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against dece wd the peaceful against violence or disorder; and against oppression or intimidation, an se tespect the constitutional rights of al to Ui ‘will keep my private life unsullied as courage and calm in the face of danger, be constantly mindful of the welfare of other: personal and official life, | will be exemplary Try department. Whatever | see or hear of relfided to me in my official capacity will be fecessary in the performance of my duty. Twill never act officiously betiefs, animosities, or friendships to int crime and with relentless prosecution ‘and appropriately without fear unnecessary force or violence, | recognize the badge of my a public trust to be held so long as never engage in acts of corruption or police officers. | will cooperate with all legal Fepresentatives in the pursuit of justice | know that | alone am responsible for performance and w' {evel of knowledge and competence. 1 will constantly strive to achieve th myself before God to my chosen profession... office asa bribery, Michael . Slager___ Printed Name of Officer March 1,2010 _____— Date PO Box 62558 # North Chas ‘Nort Jeston, SC 294192: th Charleston Police Departie 558 + T 84: scorn, or ridicule; a confidential nature ‘or permit personal feelings, fluence my decision: of criminals, | wil or favor, malice, and never accepti 1am true to the ese objectives and ideals, JSG ager suey, MAYOR POLICE DEPARTMENT JON ZUMALT, CHIEF OF POLICE Code of Ethics fundamental duty is to serve the community; ;ption, the weak berty, equality, and justice, ‘an example to all, | will maintain develop self restraint; and in thought and deed in both my the law and the regulations of of that which is ‘ever secret unless a revelation fs s. Honest i in obeying kept prejudices, political 's. With no compromise for enforce the law courteously ‘or ill will, never employing ing gratuities. bol of public faith and | accept it, as ‘ethics of police service. | will ‘will | condone such acts by other iy authorized agencies and their sym nor my own standard of professional il take every reasonable opportunity to enhance and improve my dedicating Law Enforcement. 13-554-5700 # F 843-745-1052 * isa CALEA Accredited Agency on CITY OF NORTH CHARLESTON POLICE DEPARTMENT Policy and Procedure be dé, Receipt Form _ Wet SLAG __ Name (please print) “PB trol — Division (please print) Description: Updated Policies 2042 Manual #. NIA Flash Drive # t acknowledge receipt of the above listed Policy and Procedure. I understand that it ie my responsibility to review, read, and understan i oliey as written. understand that this policy is critical to the agency and will be followed to the bast of my ability. ae this time Ido not have any questions relating to this Policy and Procedure, but understand thot it is my responsibility to bring forth any questions that I may have to my Immediate pervisor. ‘ au upvovees oF THE CITY_OF NORTH CHARLESTON. ARE EMPLOYED AT WI; Tre MEANS THAT EITHER THE EMPLOYEE OR THE CITY MAY END EMPLOYMENT AT ANY TIME AND FOR ANY REASON. NOTHING IN THE CITY'S HANDBOOKS. MANUALS, POLICIES, wi 71 CEDURES DO_NOT_INCLUD 9~ FAD Date one E+ ED i SEP 12 2012 1 Taming Division TO: Training Department North Charleston Police Dept. PO Box 62658 North Charleston, SC 29419-2558 FROM: Donna K. Dowd Certification Unit (603) 896-7150 Re: Candidate: Michael T. Slager SSN: OFFICER SLAGER HAS SUCESSFULLY COMPLETED REGISTATION AND IS CONFIRMED INTO THE FOLLOWING BASIC TRAINING CLASS: Basic Law Enforcement Session No. 549 Date of Class: December 28-February 26.2010 (9 Wk. Class) Mandatory: Report to Gym in Khaki Classroom Uniform at 4:00 pm on the Sunday before class begins. please advise Oficer Slager to read the Student Rules and Regulations Handbook that he/she received at registration and bring it to class when reporting fo the Academy. If your candidate is unable to attend this class, please contact me as soon as possible at (803) 1896-7150 or you may email me at DkDowd@SCC Ara. any BROAD RIVER ROAD / COLUMBIA, SC 29212-3540 / PHONE: (803) 896-7777 / BAX: (803) 896-7776 TRAINING ACADEMY TASER® ECD User Certification Form PRINT LEGIBLY AND CLEARLY PLEASE! Which device were you certified in (Check all that apply): we Bx26 roe pL = me Michees SLAGER pgenay VCP —___— malt phone: 294: 5 726 __ Fox: AddressiStatoZIp: Dove et Rod Ln pW Chases A ——— © TASER instvctor to intial tha student has suocessfuly completed Me {allowing practical application tests ‘Demonstration of proper ger positions framing and na: contr TASER ECD adequately when commanded "ATT = ‘Spark - Safe" at random. emonstat tho abit to load and unload the TASER ECP under stress. Remove and tensa batteries in TASER EODs corre at torgets from varous distanoss and place both Probes in the preferred target zones crite TASER Certiaton Test wih a minimur) sete 1 pereby certify that he sbove named applicant Nas passed ‘appror fale in the use ofthe TASER ECD eystem checked ee snd has mat he above crra for suficient krowodge ‘and Shove and is hereby certified as a user of this system. ‘attested by Certifying Instructor: _ 0 (Signature) Date: ae aA Locatioft: _ Keep this Fort Department Training Records ENTERED " per 28m macrrasermenaiaaes > cones MAREE vcr acnantra TASEIP peared ———————— TASER TRAINING ACADEMY TASER® ECD User Certification Form PRINT LEGIBLY AND CLEARLY PLEASE! Which device jou certified in (Check all that apply): 26 rank PHI: name: _WMichae a rooney: __ PEP D Ema; - Phone: Fox ‘Address/State/Zip:_ Numbor oftest answers correct: S{D__ out of 50 (X28) (80% minimum = 40) oF out of 45 (M26) (80% minimum = 36) instructor to nal tat student has successfully completed the folowing practical application tests: YEP demonstration of proper niger postions framing and fring contol TASER ECD alequately whan commandod "Arm - Spatk- Saf” et andor. vars \ Demonstrate the abil to load and unload the TASER ECD under stross. in iM Oem © Remove and roinstall batteries in TASER ECDs correctly. ee ny ny mate ov pet past ote TASER Ces TS eg ny tn a soe tole rt he sn fe TASER ECD em ei | a cy contin ae aur fis 6M. tittergets om various distances and place bath probes inthe preferred target zones Training Dv Sion toned conting nstucee £ moglhesy (Print Name) ‘{Signgture) pate: 2AM Location: aePD Keep this Form for Department Training Records un 20101ASER a TASER, Sand PO

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