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Khalil Sinclair

Mrs. Petrov
AP Biology
March 19, 2015

Free ribosomes are located in the cytoplasm of the cell. They are not
attached to any structure; by they may group together with other ribosomes
to form polysomes. In the cytoplasm, ribosomes are free floating. They can
move all around the cell. Free ribosomes make proteins that remain in the
cytosol, cytosolic proteins. The cytosol has enzymes that take molecules and
break them down, so that the individual organelles can use them as they
need to. The cytosol also contains the cytoskeleton which gives the cell its
shape and can help in the movement of the cell.
Attached ribosomes are located on the exterior of an organelle called the
endoplasmic reticulum. Attached ribosomes are responsible for generating
proteins which will be part of a membrane or which will be stored in units
called vesicles. Attached ribosomes also translate mRNA for proteins which
will be moved outside the cell.

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