1 Background of The Study

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1 Background of the Study

Marketing in todays business is getting complex day by day due to globalization.

Core quality or core products alone are not sufficient for successful marketing
Brand Preference is requisite for success
Widely Availability of Cosmetics Brands
Face Cream is habitually used
2 Statement of the Problem
the brand loyalty is falling despite the increment on consumption
tough competition to sell their products.
The problems of the study are summarized as:
a. Do demographic variables affect the consumers brand preference and brand
switching on cosmetic products, face cream?
b. Why brand preference is important and what are the driving forces that cause
brand preference?
c. What should the brand creator do to make the cosmetic brand as consumer
3 Objective of the Study
main objective:
analyze the consumers brand preference on Cosmetic Products, especially on face
specific objectives;
a. examine the consumers brand preference and brand switching on the basis
demographic variables.
b. evaluate the driving force and significance of consumers brand preference on
face cream.
c. provide guidelines for the brand builder to create consumer oriented brand
preference on cosmetic products.

4 Significance of the Study


Knowledge of the brand preference change consumers attitudes

Brand preference is one way of segmenting a market.
Brand preference gives sellers or marketers protection from competition and greater
control in planning marketing mix.
milestone for the entire related field like distributors, retailers, as well as consumers.
5 Research Methodology
5.1 Research Design
empirical studies
descriptive and exploratory in nature
The reasoning given in interpreting the responses are absolutely deductive
5.2 Population and Sample
Population-Entire Consumers
Sample- Few Consumers and Businessmen of Kathmandu
5.3 Sources of Data
primary data questionnaire to consumers and vendors of cosmetics products
6 Limitations of Study
a. focuses on the brand preference only.
b. limited inside Kathmandu Metropolitan City
c. Only one cosmetic product, face cream, has been chosen
d. Accuracy- reliable on responses

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