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Innovative Berghof filtration concept to quicken

Asian-Pacific pulse
Market requires robust and flexible waste water treatment
The often coined German term Deutsche Grndlichkeit is hard to translate, but incorporates all the
good characteristics we sell with our products including: quality, thoroughness and reliability. This not
only makes BMW and Mercedes Benz highly coveted brands, but also the Berghof Group, says
General Manager Eric Wildeboer of Berghof Membrane Technology. What we do in our highly
specialized field of work, is trying to support our partners the best we can with innovative, extremely
flexible products of the highest quality.
The story of the family-owned Berghof Group started in 1966 as a research centre in the field of
electrochemistry, membrane filtration and plastic technology in the south of Germany. Today the
Berghof Group is a long-term partner in the development and realization of pioneering work with
more than 220 experts and specialists in eight product areas. The strength of the joint network
between the different product areas lies in the synergy between the diverse technology skills of the
innovation hub that is Berghof. Within the Berghof Group, Membrane Technology is one of the fastest
growing divisions.
Since 1975 Berghof Membrane Technology has developed and manufactured its own tubular
membrane modulesand technology for a wide range of applications. From 1990 to 2003 Berghof
offered turnkey solutions to end-users. Beginning in 2004 the company changed to strictly offering
products and extensive knowledge and training to OEM-customers only. This strategy has built longterm partnerships in their global network. Today 95 % of Berghofs membrane business is related to
membrane bio-reactor technology (MBR) for mainly the industrial market. Since 2012, Berghof has
experienced a strong growth for its products outside of the MBR market as well. Innovation and high
flexibility towards customers is Berghofs fundamental strategy for the current growth curve.
Global water scarcity is an increasing issue, as it is the quest for renewable energy. With that in mind,
Berghof has developed a new, flexible, low energy filtration concept called the Berghof BioPulse, as
shown in the image below.

Eric Wildeboer says: It seems that with this BioPulse concept we are exactly fulfilling our customers
needs. The market demands a reliable, robust and flexible concept that is able to produce high quality
water under all circumstances at the most economical conditions at any time. We have combined the

strength of submerged and side stream membrane technology into a new innovative sidestream
concept, which is a low energy concept with easy operation and maintenance. The submerged
membrane system may be saving energy but offers little flexibility when the system requires
adjustment, e.g. when waste water quality is changing or fouling potential is increasing.
Berghof is currently installing the latest BioPulse MBR systems at two major sites with zero liquid
discharge requirements:
The largest bio-ethanol project in Europe, is related to the production of
the second generation bio-fuels and renewable energy. More than 95 % of
the waste water resulting from the production process needs to be recycled
(zero liquid discharge) into high-purity water. After two years of extensive
pilot research a comprehensive treatment scheme has been designed which
consists of anaerobic digestion, aerobic biological treatment in combination
with Berghof tubular ultrafiltration (UF) products, a multi-stage, reverseosmosis plant and evaporation.
The UF-design is based on the flexible, low energy Berghof BioPulse concept. Two identical UF lines
are treating a total of 180 m/h of waste water and filtering it into 150 m/h purified UF permeate and
30 m/h concentrate. Each UF line is equipped with 72 ten inch, four meter long membrane modules
based on 5 mm and 8 mm diameter backwashable, low energy PVDF membranes. The unique features
are backwashable membranes with 8 mm diameter, making Berghof the only supplier of this
technological feature. Berghof is also the sole producer of 10-inch 4 m long XL-modules, which enables
its OEM-partners further savings in plant construction and footprint.
The UF modules are operated at a very low variable velocity. With this flexibility Berghof is able to
control fouling and produce the designed waste water amount under optimum conditions at any time.
This is what Berghof customers have been asking for. The periodical cleaning of the PVDF membranes
is carried out by backflushing. The particle-free UF permeate is further recycled into process water,
using reverse osmosis and evaporation.
The second BioPulse system is being installed at the largest solar-thermal power plant in North
America. Due to critical fouling components in the feed water Berghofs customer has selected the
robust and reliable, low energy BioPulse concept. A total of 6720 m/d of water will be treated in eight
double skids. Each equipped with ten pieces 10-inch diameter 4 m long modules using 5 mm
backwashable low energy PVDF Berghof membranes. Start-up is expected to be at the end of 2013.
The next generation of BioPulse is already under development and will save operators ubiquitous
adjustment activities. A joint development between Berghof Automation and Berghof Membrane
Technology should lead to a smart, self-regulating BioPulse software program. The software,
containing the entire Berghof membrane know-how gathered over the last 30 years, will do the fine
tuning itself. The system will automatically anticipate process changes at any time. Berghof is
convinced that this feature will lead to further savings for customers. The main focus is to support its
partners in achieving an excellent reference on their projects.

Today Berghof Membrane Technology operates worldwide and has meanwhile over 500 successful
operational references. In terms of technology Berghof envisions a further fast growth in the industrial
market. The worldwide trend is towards a robust and reliable treatment with the most economical
conditions for a wide range of industrial applications. In addition, Berghof focuses on the
decentralized markets for containerized sewage treatment plants. The company is confident that their
innovative compact BioPulse design will exactly meet the customers needs. Cost for sewer systems
continue to rise and Berghofs membrane technology has been proven cost-effective all over the world.
In 2004 Berghof started an exclusive partnership with TriHigh Membrane Technology as distributor
for the Chinese market. TriHigh offers a fast and professional local OEM-service, which is the strength
of Berghof. Today it covers over 75 % of the industrial market for sidestream technology in China.
Markets in which Berghof is strongly represented are landfill leachate, oilfield, coal industry,
fermentation, tobacco industry, mining, etc. This year Berghof Membrane Technology has expanded
its focus on the Asia-Pacific market. The company is looking for new partners in the Asia-Pacific region
and would love to share its know-how. Come and join Berghof!








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