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About Us

Allow us to introduce ourselves, we are

the Roses and we are Pioneers church
planters to Japan, a wealthy, first-world
nation that has an incredible need for the
Our journey to Japan was not a direct
one. Like every other nation on earth, we
knew that Japan needed the gospel, but we
had no idea that there could be a nation, free and open to
Christianity, where over 100 million people have yet to hear the
gospel one-time. But thats exactly what we discovered when we
moved to Nagoya, Japan in order to teach and do English
ministry. Over the course of two years, God would expose us to
what He is doing to advance His Kingdom among the nations and
what role He was calling us to take in this mission.
Our vision, moving forward, is to help start Genesis International
College in Osaka, Japan, using the school
as a platform to spark a church planting
movement among young Japanese in one
of the worlds ten largest mega-cities.
As we embark on the next chapter of our
story, we do so emboldened by a clear
sense of Gods calling and His faithfulness
to equip and empower us by His Spirit for what He has called us
to do. I hope that in the pages that follow, God would open your
own heart to the spiritual needs of the people of Japan and
provide an opportunity for you to make a difference for the
Kingdom and the advance of the gospel among the Japanese
people to the glory of God in Christ.
Your servants in Christ,
Jesse, Candie, and Eliana Rose

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