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Massage and Martial Arts Massage and martial arts have been intertwined since the art of fighting was first invented . The earliest document relating to massage was found on a bone from over 3 500 years ago in China but it has obviously been practised for longer . Each art has its own style of massage which was often part of a treatment regime which included injury treatment , bone setting , herbal medicines and , in the case of the chinese , acupuncture . Tradition vs the New Way Over the last 20 years , the revolution in training , weight lifting , injury treatment , sports psychology etc. has bulldozed its way through most of the old methods and rendered them obsolete , however , most martial arts have remained true to their tradition and have wrapped themselves in a protective bubble through which nothing from the modern world is allowed to enter . It is only in MMA that the new methods have been used , particularly by the new breed who see themselves as coming purely from the MMA tradition (after trying many different styles I eventually settled into Wing Chun Kung Fu and have stuck with it for 10 years - it isa relatively new style - less than 400 years old - and is based on the triangle - the strongest load bearing shape - and has a tradition of ' no tradition ' - it constantly evolves as new and better methods come to light ) . Being Able to say No As we get older and the effects of years of training and injury begin to take their toll on the body , it can be difficult to admit that a particular exercise or training pattern is causing difficulties and , surrounded by fighters and teachers who you may have known for years it can be difficult to refuse to take part . The same is also true if you find that a more modern technique is better than the one you have always used ( as I did when I discovered Isolated Active Stretching - I now consider the holding type of stretch something from the last century ! ) . It takes courage to enter a ring to fight but even greater courage to say no in yourown gym. Massage - the First Line of Defence Massage is a powerful tool when used as a preventative measure - it brings to light minor problems which can be sorted long before they become an injury . Unlike fighters in the past , we do not practice our art full time - we have jobs and families to feed and massage is thought of as an expensive luxury (in the past it was part of the training day ). But consider how much you spend when you do get injured - physios are not cheap and surgery is very expensive if you don't have a medical card . A weekly visit to a massage therapist is advisable but if your budget cannot stretch to that go as often as you can ( regularity is the key ) - it will save you money in the long term and give you peace of mind and a psychological edge knowing that your muscles are in good condition . Self Treatment + Learn simple self massage techniques + Learn to use cold treatment - if you can't get to an ice bath use the sea or a river or make your own ( a couple of bags of ice from the supermarket will do ) * Stretch regularly - this is the key to maintain muscles in good order + If you do get injured learn about P.R.I.C.E. and get treatment as soon as possible ( injuries don't disappear on their own ) Val O'Halloran Massage Therapist

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