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LOW CURRENT DIGITAL BAR CODE WANDS METAL LOW RESOLUTION HOCS-6100 | @ HEWLETT METAL, GENERAL PURPOSE RESOLUTION HBCS-6300 METAL HIGH RESOLUTION HECS 6300 PACKARD POLYCARBONATE, LOW RESOLUTION HBCS-A000/A100_ POLYCARBONATE GENERAL PURPOSE RESOLUTION HECS AZ00/A200 POUYCARBONATE, HIGH RESOLUTION HECS-ACOO/ASOO Features 5 + ULTRA LOW CONTINUOUS CURRENT DRAIN i = Teas Than 4a Types Y HIGH AMBIENT LIGHT REJECTION ‘= Operates in Direct Sunlight AVAILABLE IN THREE RESOLUTIONS TO MEET A VARIETY OF SCANNING NEEDS. VISIBLE RED (655 nm) AND INFRARED (820 nm) VERSIONS FOR READING A WIDE RANGE OF PRINTING TYPES AND COLORS SCAN ANGLE 0 TO 45 DEGREES TYPICAL INDUSTRIAL VERSION — Textured Metal Cose — 25 kV ESD Immunity ‘COMMERCIAL VERSION — Polycarbonate Case — Switched or Unswitched — 15 kV ESD Isolation OPERATING TEMPERATURE -20°C TO +65°C SEALED SAPPHIRE TIP — Provides protection from contamination due to dirt and debris DIGITAL OUTPUT — Open Collector Output Compatible with TTL and CMOS Logle SINGLE 5 VOLT SUPPLY Description Hewiett-Packard’s Low Current Digital Bar Code Wands are hand-he'd scanners optimized to provide excellent reading of all common bar code formats. The wands contain an ‘optical sensor with a 685 nm visible red or 820 nm infrared LED. a photodetector IC: and precision aspheric optics. The Internal signal conditioning circuitry converts the optical Information into 2 logic level pulse width representation of the bars and spaces. All of the wands have a special circuit design that provides for extremely low current drain (less than 4 mA) with continous operation This makes them ‘deal for use on battery powered systems where low power ‘rain will extend battery Me These wands also have excel let ambient lignt ceection, allowing full operation in direct sunlight of brightly It indoor environment Available in a choice of three resolutions, these wands have bbeen designed to cover a wide range of bar code printing “The general purpose resolutionw ands, wih their 0.19 mm (00075 in) spot size, are excellent choices for reading a wide range of bar code symbois including dot matrix symbols. For reading very high density symbols, the high resolution wands with a 0.13 mm (0.005 in) spot siz, are the appropriate choice. For poorly printed low density symbols. the low resolution wands have a spot size of 0.33 rm {0.013 in} to help reject extraneous spots and voids. All of MP's Low Current Digital Bar Code Wands are FCC. land VDE approved. They feature a shield for maximizing Immunity 1 electrostatic discharge (ESO), electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and ground loops. The unswitches poly- carbonate case provides 15 KV EDS ‘solation, perfect for portable environments where slatic discharge could cam- fage the operation of the host terminal, The shied is also designed to eliminate noise from capacitvely coupled inputs ‘The standard wand configuration includes a strain relieved coiled cord. The siandard connector is a § pin, 240 degree DIN connector On the metal wands the standard connector fs the same, with the adsivion of a meta lacking «ing 746 Applications The digital bar code wand is a highly effective alternative to keyboard data entry. Bar code scanning is faster and more accurate than key entry and provides far greater throughput In addition, bar code scanning typically has a higher fist read rato and greater data accuracy than optical character recognition. When compared to magnetic stipe encoding, bar code offers significant advantages in tlexiilty of media, symbol placement, and immunity to electromagnetic lds Hewett-Packard's Low Current Digital Bar Code Wands are especialy designed for battery powered applications where low power drain is a primary concern. With contin~ uous current draws of less than 4 mA, these wands can be used on battery powered systems without sacrificing bat- tery lite or requiring special “strobing” circuits. They are also ideal for AC powered systems where conventional wand current drains may require an increased power sup- ply design. Switched wands are availabe to further reduce the power consumption. The switched wand may also be used to signal the host in a portable. one microprocessor based system In addition to their low current drain, these wands are also designed to work in high ambient light, such as outdoors of near large windows. This feature is extremely useful in applications such as inventory control on receiving docks, ‘automobile tracking outdoors and check-out stands out: ‘doors or near large storefront windows. Bcause the low resolution and the general purpose resolu- tion wands use an emitter wavelength of €55 nm, they are ‘extremely versatile in the range of printing type and colors ‘that they will ead, including thermal printing and dot matrix printing ‘Avaliable in elthor a light weight polycarbonate case or a rugged metal case, these wands are excellent choices tor both light industrial ana commercial applications, or heavy industrial and LOGMARS applications, Recommended Operating Conditions a Smo [fin ine te nae ree nowonieae an 633,001 mtn) pce Ranncoue ——T as tore [min | ic cocoa 0 005) rom caine em | 700, | a7 a | eee eos [7 Contrast (Edge Contrast) eC 40 _ —* | 2 | ~ une Voge Ve rr % io A a i 2 765 © | “Ambient Light Ey 100,000 ux 4 renin GerFiown aa 1 2 3 Contrast is defined a8 Ro whore Ry the rtiecance of atthe erntter wavelength (655 am oF 20 nim) Contrasts 2 PCs'Ry, Power Supply ripple and noise should be less than 100 nV pe Absolute Maximum Ratings Narrow element wicth * 033 (0.013) mm (in) and wide element with = 099 (0.039) em (in) the white spaces and Ri the rellectance of the black bars, measured ated to print contrast signal (PCS} By POS = (Py-Ael/y OR -Fg = 3 to peak “Ambient ign sources can be diflse tungsten, sodium mercury orescen, sunlight. ora combination thereat Parameter symbol | Min ax. Units Notes ‘Storage Temperature Ts *c _ Operating Temperature Ta *c Supply Voltage: —_s a “Output Transistor Power | Pr mw || “Output Collector Vortage vo | os | wo | vf 4 TAT Electrical Operation The HBOS-6XXX/AXXX family of digital bar code wands consists of @ precision optical sensor and an electronic circuit that creates a digital output ofthe bar code pattern. The open collector transistor requires only a pull-up resi tor to provide a TTL compatible output from a single 45 V t055 VC power supply 1A non-rellecting black bar results in a logic high (1) level ‘output, while a reflecting white space will cause a logic low (0) level output (see Figure 1), The initial state will be indeterminate. However, it no bar code is scanned, after short period (typically fess than 1 second), the wand will assume a logic low state. This feature insures that the first bar will not be missed in a normal scan, and allows for combining several wands by simple parallel wiring Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C) The wands provide @ case, cable and connector shield which must be terminated to logic ground or, proterably, to both logic ground and earth ground. The shield is connected to the metal housing ofthe § pin DIN connector. Al standard HP Low Current Digital Bar Code wands are Cortfied to meet FCC Class 8 and VOE Level 8 standards. ‘The shield must be properly terminated in order to maintain these approvals and to keep the cable from acting as an antenna, injecting electrical noise into the wand circuity, Grounding the shield wil also provide a substantial improve- iment in EMI/ESD immunity ‘The recommended logic interface for the wands is shown in Figure 5. This interconnection provides the maximum ESO protection for both the wand and the user's electronics, | ""T symbat | win | te Unt [Gonaitons | Woe IE ‘Supply Current Is. 27 mA Ms=5.0V 56 [ High Level Output Current ton - aA Vow 24v | Lew Level Gulu Wai vo I v [to me] | Ouput ise Tine a as | [os an Outpul Fal Time pw os [0 | 1s | 7 “Bwich Bounce — HBOS A000 /A200;400 | — te Tos [50 | ms a [ESO immunity — All Wands eso 2% wpe [Esp isowuen —Hscs-aronaaconsoo | eso | | is wf fe | ESDleoimon —vecs-Aanoazooroo | eso | [8 |_| _w F wep Time ww so_| 00 [ms 5 Push lo read sch i applicable) is depressed 5 Not including pul-up resistor currant. 710% eo 90% transition 1 kt pull-up resistor. Soe Figure 1 8 Switch bounce causes a series of sub-milsecona pulses to appear atthe output (Vo) 9.Shiala must be propery terminated (ee Figure 4) The human body & modeled by cischaraing 300 pF capacitor through a $00 61 resistor No damage tothe wang will accu a the spetitied recharge ev 10. No substantia discharge wi occur at this level 11. Ater hi time, he wand s operational Figure 1. Types! Output Wavetorm 748 Testing ‘All Hewlett-Packard Digital Bar Code Wands are 100% tested for performance and digitizing accuracy after manu: facture. This insures you of the consistent quality product you expoct trom HB More information about Our test Drocedures, test Set-up, and test limits are available upon request. Reliability data sheet available upon request. ee lism [ Nominal Narrow. | (mm) Element Width (inch) { Polycarbonate case Material | Mel Regular Thermal Paper (ote 12) | J winread Bar Py ges oc wa Codes Printed | OYE Based inns (Note 12) | | Using | Carbon Based inks | (Notes 12,13) alors (Notes 12, 14) 4 Colors (Notes 12, 14) 4 Widest Range of Bar Code Printing Best Choice For | Highest Density Printing | Low Bensity Poor Quality Printing Notes: aS 12. A bind spot may oceur while scanning specular bar cade labels wih the wand at a0 degree Hit angio 18. Forbiack-on-black’secunly barcodes, use nared (820 re) wands only 114 For color bar codes the background (spaces) should etlect red (655 nm} ight, and the bars should absorb red ight 719 Certification FCC Ceniicalion (USA Only) Model FOC Wentification HBOS 6100 trough 6199 | FOC 1D: 804600 1 HEWLETT-PACKARD HBCS-6300 tough 6398 | FCC 1D: 894600 HEWLETT-PACKARD | HBOS 6500 through 6599 HEWLETT-PACKARD FOC 10: BO4a/AHBCS. A000 HEWLETT-PACKARD FOC ID: BOAB/AHBCS-AT00 HEWLETT-PACKARD FCC 1D: BO4BJAHBCS. A200 HEWLETT-PACKARD 'WBCS-A300 through -A369 | FCC ID: BO4BJAHBCS.A300 I __ HEWLETT-PACKARD | HBCS A400 though -Aaoa | FCC ID: B48, FCC 10: B64G00 | HBCS-A000 tough -AOGS HBCS-A100 trough “A189 'WACS-A200 through “A209 FOC ID: BO4BJAHBCS- A400 HEWLETT-PACKARD }__|_ HEWLETT-PACKARD _ BCS. A500 tough -ASG9 | FCC ID: BOABJAHBCS.ASO0 HEWLETT-PACKARD THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCC ULES. OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING. ‘TWO CONDITIONS: (1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND (2) THIS DEVICE MUST ‘ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDING. INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION FCC Disclaimer Hewiet-Packard products have recewed FC certification {or its standard configuration only. Any eustomer purchas- ing the product with stripped and tinned leads oF a con rector without adequate shielding has the responsibiity to comply with FCC regulations. Moreover, the Hewlett- Packard Low Current Oigital Bat Code Wands ate pur chased without a connector, the product becomes defined {a a subassembly and the FCG Identification number no longer applies Hewlett-Packard assumes no responsibilty fr liability for users of the Hewlett-Packard Low Current Digital Bar Code Wands without connectors that fail to comply with FCC regulations. Interface ——anqqD_ | bon fh Error HBCS-6xxx oO Note 15 Dimensions ae in mlimetors ana inches) [Pin] wie Color Function feo | Vs Power Supply | wie | Yeoutpen Back — | Ground Na No comect Na No Comect shiek dy ; i : ano aS Taaneeste Secs Figure 4. Recommended Logi interlace fora tres statin host system. (When earth ground i nat avaiable, connec! shield to logic ground, as shown by dotted tine} For portabe devices. lager valve pull-up resistor ‘hould be used to contere power. ‘The wands include a stangard 5 pin, 240° DIN connector, Jacking and nan-tocking for the HBCS-6000 series ana the HBCS-A000 series, respectively. The detailed specitica- tions and pin-outs are shown in Figure & Mating connec: tors are available rom RYE Industries and SWITCHCRAFT tn both 5 pin and 6 pin configurations. These connections are listed below. Connector AYE was-s+ SWITCHCRAFT 61GAS SWITCHCRAFT €1HASE AYE MAB-6" — SWITCHORAFT 6THASE Maintenance Considerations There are no user serviceable parts inside the wand. The tip of the 6000 series wands is designed to be easily replaceable, and if damaged, should be replaced. The part ‘number for the replacement tip s HBCS-4999 Like the 6000 series, the HBCS-A000 family series’ case is, designed for OEM replacement should damage occur to the tip oF the case. A special tool has been designed to facilitate case removal (HBCS-AQ90}. The case can be replaced with either the HBCS-A991 or HBCS-AQ9? case replacement kit for the unswitched or switched wand, respectively. Betore replacing the tip or the case. disconnect the wand ‘rom the system power source The 6000 series tip, the ‘A000 series’ replacement case and alsassembly tool can be arderes from any Mewletl-Packard aulhonzed distrib utr. Warranty and Service Hewlett-Packard Low Current Digital Bar Code Wands are ‘warranteed for a period of one year after purchase cover- ing detects in material and workmanship. Hewiett-Packars will repair, oF at its option, replace products that prove to bbe defective in material or workmanship under proper use ‘uring the warranty period NO OTHER WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WAR- RANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. HEWLETT-PACKARD IS NOT LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. For additional Warranty or service information please con- tact your local Hewlett-Packard sales representative oF authorized distnbutor Ordering Guide ‘Hecs-x0% | ipo umber stermnaton vcs away | Se Selection ane Appcaton Gi onvaor | Shoe aly Po Replace par he WCE 60 H8CS-4999 | sores wandtamily wecoaum | Styli BCE necs.ag Replacement case kit for the HBCS-A991_| eCS-A100/A300/4500 wands. HECS-A982 | 4BCS-A000/A2008400 wands. —_ Optional Features For options such as special cords, connections or labels, contact your nearest Hewlett-Packard sales office or auth- corized representative. Figure 5. HBCS-4999 Sapphire Tip Figure 6. HBCS-AGOI Replacement Case. = pose) Figure 7. HBCS-A082 Replacement Cove. 721 Wand Dimensions won }) Cen - bw ‘ a bactca— q I >) Fw Cita

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