Lesson 2 Parts of A Plant

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Teacher Candidate: Amy Laudeman & Amanda Wilson

Cooperating Teacher:
Group Size: 20 Allotted Time: 60 minutes
Subject or Topic: Plants

Date: 11/10

Coop. Initials
Grade Level: 2nd

Identify and describe plant parts and their functions.
Explain how different parts of a plant work together to make an organism
I. Performance Objectives:
A. The second grade students will be able to identify and describe the functions
of plant parts by writing about each part.
B. The second grade students will be able to apply their knowledge of plant parts
by creating a 3D plant.
II. Instructional Materials
Investigation Journals
Food Coloring
Seedlings (20)
Chart Paper
White construction paper
III. Subject Matter/Content
A. Prerequisite skills:
1. Basic knowledge of how to utilize an IPad
2. Background information on what a plant is.

3. Utilization of fine motor skills.

B. Key Vocabulary:
1. Roots hold the plant in place and carries nutrients to the stem.
2. Stem- gives a plant support and carries nutrients to the rest of the
3. Leaf part of the plant where the food is made for the plant.
4. Flowers part of the plant which makes the seeds.
C. Big Idea:
1. What are the main parts of a plant?
2. What does each part of a plant do?
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
1. Teacher will write the following riddle on the board
a) I come in different shapes, sizes, and colors.
I can make my own food.
I start small and grow big.
I love the sun and the rain.
What am I?
2. Teacher will direct students to solve the riddle by themselves
keeping in mind what we talked about yesterday in science. Teacher
will ask What did we talk about in science yesterday?
3. Teacher will ask for volunteers to share their answers to the riddle.
Not saying if they are right or wrong.
4. Teacher will put up a picture of a plant to show the class the answer
and say. Today we will be exploring the parts of a plant!
B. Development
1. Plant Experiment
a) Teacher will pre-set up the plant experiment:
i. Place water into 3 jars half full.
ii. Put food coloring (different color) in each jar.
iii. Place a piece of celery in the first jar.
iv. Place a piece of cabbage in the second.
v. Place a white carnation in the third.
b) Teacher will tell students that she has set up an experiment for
the class to observe and predict.
c) Teacher will call the class to gather around the experiment and
then begin to explain it.
d) Teacher will say: I have three jars in front of me filled with
water and food coloring.
e) Teacher will ask: The first jar has a piece of what inside of it?
(answer: celery)

f) Teacher will ask: Who can tell me what is inside the second
jar? (answer: cabbage)
g) Teacher will ask: What does the last jar have inside of it?
(answer: carnation/flower)
h) Teacher will continue discussion saying over the next few days
as a class we are going to watch and see what happens to each
of the jars.
i) Students will be given time to walk by the jars and observe
them, and then return to their seats.
j) Teacher will direct students: When you return to your seat
please get out your investigation journal and turn to the page,
which says Plant Experiment. On this page you will draw a
picture of what the experiment looks like and then predict what
you think will happen over the next few days.
(This will be collected and used as a pre-assessment)
k) As the students complete this, the teacher will move the plant
experiment to a nearby shelf or back of the room.
l) When students finish, the teacher will ask for volunteers to
share their predictions of what is going to happen and write
some of them on a piece of chart paper.
2. Jigsaw Activity
a) Teacher will show the class a diagram of a plant on the board
with each of the parts labeled. The teacher will introduce each
part of the plant by saying the name and having the class
repeats the name back (roots, stem, leaf, and flower).
b) Teacher will introduce the students to a jigsaw activity. We will
now be doing an activity where each of you will become an
expert on one of the parts we just learned the names of.
c) First, the teacher will separate pods giving each student a
specific part of the plant (roots, stem, leaf, and flower). The
teacher will then direct the students to go to the correct location
in the room by finding the piece of chart paper that is labeled
with their plant part. (Areas will be set up ahead of time by the
d) Once the students are separated into their groups the teacher
will explain that they are to use the websites that are open on
the Ipads to research about their part and write what it does and
any other interesting information on their piece of chart paper.
(this will be used as a formative assessment)
e) Teacher will give the groups 10/15 minutes to research and
write about their plant part. Once time is up teacher will direct
students to return to their seats and get out their investigation
f) Teacher will ask students to open to the page that says plant

g) Each group will be given the chance to explain their plant part
and interesting facts they found.
h) After each individual part the teacher will fill out the guided
sheet (plant parts) on the board as the students fill it out at their
i) As the teacher is listening to the presentations, she will add any
other crucial information the group did not include.
j) After every group has finished, the students will watch a Brain
Pop video about the parts of a plant.
k) After the video the teacher will lead a discussion: This will
include pointing to a part of the plant and asking for volunteers
to say what the part is and what its function is.
l) Teacher will have students come up to the board and write in a
particular part of the plant.
m) Teacher will call on another student to explain what the
function of that part of the plant is.
n) Students will then open their investigation booklets and
complete a parts of a plant diagram on their own. (See
attached; this will be used as a formative assessment)
3. 3D Parts of a Plant (this will be used as a performance assessment)
a) Teacher will pass out a seedling plant to students and tell them
to observe the plant by using their five senses.
b) Teacher will have a student pass out a piece of big white
construction paper to everyone.
c) Teacher will direct students to take the plant out of the pot and
set it on the white piece of paper.
d) Teacher will then direct the students to find each part of the
plant, which they have talked about earlier and label it with a
black marker, on the white paper. (Teacher will give students
about 15/20 minutes to complete this.)
e) Once students have their parts labeled teacher will pass out the
information sheet. (See attached)
f) Teacher will tell the students their next directions: In each box
on this sheet you will write two things: (Teacher will give
10/15 minutes to complete this)
i. The function of each part and how it helps the
ii. A fact learned about this part of the plant in
iii. If you have extra time you may color/decorate
the worksheet.
g) When students are done with this activity the teacher will take
a picture of each students plant diagram that will be later made
into a display.

h) Teacher will direct students to leave their diagram on their

desks. Teacher will grade the 3D diagrams whiles students are
at lunch or special.
i) When the students return from lunch or special teacher will
have them clean up their desks.
C. Closure
1. Teacher will direct each table of students to go to the shelf and
observe what has happened to the plant experiment so far.
2. Teacher will begin a discussion about what has happened so far. Tell
them to keep in mind everything that we had learned today.
i. Why did this happen?
ii. How did this happen?
iii. What will happen next?
3. At the very end of the lesson the teacher will say: Now that we are
experts about the parts of a plant and seeds. Next, we need to learn
about what plants need to grow!
D. Accommodations/Differentiation
1. In order to accommodate Sam who has a hearing impairment the
teacher will use a FM system to project their voice. Also, the teacher
will repeat the direction multiple times while standing close to Sam
so he can process what is being asked of him.
E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative:
a) Teacher will collect investigation journals at the end of the
lesson and use the completed pages as an assessment tool to
check for an understanding of content.
b) Teacher will use each groups chart paper as an assessment tool
to check if the class as a whole understood the concepts.
2. Summative:
a) Performance Assessment: 3D plant diagram and information
sheet. This will assess the students knowledge about the
different plant parts and their functions, and will be graded
using a rubric. (see attached rubric)
V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Student Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (Reflection on
student performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for
students who fail to meet acceptable level of achievement)
Remediation Plan:
B. Personal Reflection

1. How can this lesson be improved?

2. Can the students explain the different parts of a seed?
3. Did the majority of the students seem to struggle with any particular
VI. Resources:
Websites used for jigsaw activity!

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