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‘Tongue River Railroad EIS Cost Tracking - 2014 Table 1 EISFOR THE TONGUE RIVER RAILROAD ~ Amount Spent January 1, 2014 ~ December 31,2014 suman 2018 Peront of Tose Funded Tota! | Amount spent | AME | “Funding Detos nemoiins | spent 2014 Tasks sseacses | saeszen | sass | oom |” Percent of auk Funded Tort | Amount Spent | AM@unt | "ranaing etons Remobing Spent : Task oor: reat P ; “TF 7: Erneta 7 - Clecion and Anas :| i Purpose and Need Chapter} $i q E | proposed Acionand | ‘ , ‘AtematvesChpter CoolMaret Anpendix | § ¢ s 2 ‘oogearteoues | § 5 ; ig oer Resources § § Ss Topography, Gly, Soe 7 = : Fi 1c repr ion inludedconsttite CF Propsetarynfomaton and aazbjc fe rettions on edalonurer ableton. ‘Table 3. Revised 2014 Monthly Forecast (produced in November 2014) Actual Total | Actual Tota ‘Actual Total Project Management Environmental Data Collection & Analysis _ ‘Agency and Tribal Consultation Public Involvement ‘Document Production ‘Data isue/Management Total Task ActualTotal | ActualTotal | Aca Total | Actuator | mates | Estimated Project Management| Environmental Data Coletion & ian ‘gene snd Tl onan Publ nehrenent Cecunen reseion — bata sv/ Managemen at Total Funded Original Estimate for 2034 Revised Estimate for 2034 Uy) Revise Exist for 2034 (Oct). Expected 2015 Carryover (Based on Oct Estimate) Monday, November 17,2018 1S FOR THE TONGUE RIVER RAILROAD ~2014 COST TRACKING eu Sper nar 2018- November? 208 summary ine Fade | a a Rant | eno a ‘mating | rea = | ; rte ssescans | gasoosn | siosase | one Task OOK Project Management “Task 002: Environmental Data Collection and Analysis Purpose and Need Chapter ‘Propesed Action and ‘Alternouves Chapter ‘Coal Market Appendix Biological Resources Water Resources Topography, Geology, Soi | Monday, November 17, 2014 Task ‘Funded Total | Amount Spent | Amount Percent of | Details | “Grade Crossing Safety ond Delay and Rail Safety Noise & Vibration | § $ ‘ir Guaity Tinclading col Hit ‘Monday, November 17,2034 Teak Funded Total “Amount Spent Timunt Wi ‘Glossary, Adverse Inpacts, ‘Short/Long Term Resource se, ireversible/ retrievable, References, Ust of Prepares. Distribution ust, Agency CConsutation Append, Land “Access Append, and other ‘misceloneous front and back ‘matter “Task 008; Ageney and Tribal Consultation Task 004: Puli IvoWement | Task 005: Document Production Task 006: Data sue ‘Management 2014 Contingency Funding ‘Totals $3,696,985 eae Monday, November 17, 2034 Past invoice Totals —) [January 247,014 February $395,031 March $501,952 une uly ‘October “Total led Projected invoice Totals November December “otal Projected Table 1. Revised 2015 Monthly Forecast twgnton Summary, | Addo pesrabtecanen | ge (ter Sacto Ererey | Commer, “deportes” | “hevew oes roses | "eats et Manager toooneal bs Gaocin kahee_| | ‘Agency an el Const Tas Poet Management sae, tn Td Corin bc imohement nvronmeral Ota etn Baral | orice espera to | "Comments Upcte sue/Managenent nated Tot ‘erence een Prarand Goren eve FEISbned sa Cooperating ‘sop ‘Table 2. Previous 2015 Monthly Forecast gon Ober | seen tre ond opener) a | sony and Sour tis agar Sumany saat | nee ered nd Sonne cestMonagement ‘Aercyand Tiel Consttion {bocumentPredution as e/ Management | Update al esr Fate Fs ats Resource Camas | a Senor roec Marapament ‘ipso Pec Management Agr) an alone [ oocument reduction ‘Table 3. Current 2014 Monthly Forecast Project Managers _ nonmetal Ota Colecion Anais an Tal Cosuaton ‘at hs/ Manage Prop Manage {ern ata Coleco & rai ‘Agony an eal Conaation ais huse/ Magers raed — ecleneae I tea eset mene ita {aetna | Lit ‘Tongue River Railroad EIS Cost Tracking - 2014 Table 1 EISFOR THE TONGUE RIVER RAILROAD ~ Amount Spent January 1, 2014 ~ December 31,2014 suman 2018 Peront of Tose Funded Tota! | Amount spent | AME | “Funding Detos nemoiins | spent 2014 Tasks sseacses | saeszen | sass | oom |” Percent of auk Funded Tort | Amount Spent | AM@unt | "ranaing etons Remobing Spent : Task oor: reat P ; “TF 7: Erneta 7 - Clecion and Anas :| i Purpose and Need Chapter} $i q E | proposed Acionand | ‘ , ‘AtematvesChpter CoolMaret Anpendix | § ¢ s 2 ‘oogearteoues | § 5 ; ig oer Resources § § Ss Topography, Gly, Soe 7 = : Fi 1c repr ion inludedconsttite CF Propsetarynfomaton and aazbjc fe rettions on edalonurer ableton. Amount Spent | Famine] a ane | ht cr Proprietary ‘he data nd othr information included cnstute CF Proprietary information ad are subject restriction en redesrearpubeton, 2 Parcentof Task Funded Tota! | Amount spent| Amount | “Fanang Deeats Remand | "spent “aie 0 Agency a Wb CConstation TaikOOk Pubic wowerent | S| a Tesk005: Document |g Production Tak 06: Dat sve Tsameae | Sasra@ | — saan [sex 7 \ - i {cr ropitay ‘The dats nother information ncloed conetut IC roprtary information and ar sujet reeictane on elu orpbltion Proje Manageme vironmental Data Colton & Aral Total Funded ss.95965 nigina Estimate or 2014 Uy) se Rewsed Estimate for 2016 (et) = pected 2015 Caryover = ce Proprietary The data andthe infomation ude constute CF Proprietary formation nd ar suet orestietonson re clour or pation. ‘

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