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) | Resume _ Role: Archaeological Survey Crew Member (Archaeologist) i focuses on projects related to land use planning and NEPA compliance. Before joining ICF, she Education worked on several archaeological field survey projects and on BA Anthropology with as post-excavation processing of archaeological materials concentration in Archaealogy, Pos pF 'o 3 Mercyhurst University, 2014 through the Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute has, Meohust tn accrued experience maintaining intricate databases and has Poble Henn Morne developed a keen detail-oriented work perspective. University, 2011 | Currently working towards MA Key Skills Aatvoplogy wih conesration in rohaeolegy Unversity of Archaeological and Cultural Familiarity. Through her college Daven anveated adtebon education with concentrations in archaeology and public date of 2018 history has become familiar with archaeological and cultural concems in relation to project development and the importance of public involvement. She worked on class projects focusing on taking oral histories, completing NRHP nomination forms, and collecting and analyzing original ethnographic data. With ICF as research and written several cultural sections for EA and EIS documents. Project Coordination. (Sill) has worked on project coordination for many projects, which entails assisting with planning and coordinating administrative activities with tribal representatives, stakeholders, and agencies, such as ePlanning supervision, as well as managing quality assistance and quality control checks. Database Management. served as a supervisor in the processing laboratory of the Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute. She supervised the maintenance of various databases, cataloging all of the archaeological materials from several sites at which the Institute had performed excavations or field surveys. also managed several people working on these databases, focusing on maintaining consistency and accuracy throughout the matrices. Project Experience Buffalo RMP and EIS—BLM, Buffalo, Wyoming Serves as research assistant. Assists the project manager with various tasks including maintaining matrices of all documents referenced in the RMP and EIS. Helps provide quality assurance and quality control for any alterations or edits to the RMP and EIS. Serves as an Planning coordinator to upload and format sections and provide general assistance to problem solve issues, Bird Canyon Natural Gas EIS—Koch Exploration Company, LLC, Rock Springs, Wyoming Serves as research and cultural resources assistant. Wrote the Class | Cultural Inventory for the project as well as the cultural sections in the Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences chapters of the EIS. Manages the administrative record database. | Resume Chokecherry and Sierra Madre EA—Power Company of Wyoming, Rawlins, Wyoming Serves as research assistant. Wrote the cultural resources sections for the Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences chapters of the EA. Assisted with public scoping meetings. Fort Burgwin—Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute and Southern Methodist University, Taos, New Mexico Served as student excavator. Was part of the field crew performing a Phase Ill excavation to the Laundress’ Quarters at Fort Burgwin. Assisted with performing a surface reconnaissance, setting up a grid composed of 1-by-1 meter units, excavating units in 10-centimeter arbitrary levels within natural strata, and mapping all subterranean artifacts. Arbuckle Field—Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute, Erie, Pennsylvania Served as crew member. Helped perform a Phase | survey, which entailed using a total station to develop a grid of shovel test pits every 15 meters and excavating the circular shovel test pits within natural strata to test for any cultural material remains, Meadowcroft Rockshelter-Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute, Washington County, Pennsylvania Served as crew member. Assisted with a Phase | survey, which entailed setting up a grid with a total station to excavate circular shovel test pits within natural strata every 15 meters to test for, any cultural material remains. High Speed Rail—California Served as field survey crew member. Helped perform a Phase | survey in the Central Valley of California. Resources included historic trash scatters, prehistoric midden sites, and lithic scatters | Resume. Role: Archaeological Survey Crew Member (Archaeologist and Historian) is an archaeologist with professional ‘experience in historic and pre-contact archaeology, and has Education worked extensively conducting archaeological field surveys. © BA, Anthropology, Washington She contributes to the operation of field methods and State Universty, 2012 documentation, and also provides support to report production and laboratory analysis. She has been involved in working with Professional Memberships tribal monitors in field investigations, and has experience 1 Associaton for Washington working with a number of tribes. has additional Archaeology experience in site management and project management. including support work to supervise archaeological excavations Special Training and archaeological monitors. Her experience also includes 1 Seminar in Section 108 historic research, pre-contact research, landform analysis, invoducton document production, photo production, site documentation, §—§ ————_ and field procedures. This also includes experience in tribally sensitive areas, including work on tribal burial sites, and working in areas with pre-contact era features and artifacts. She has experience identifying archaeologically sensitive zones within a project area through the conducting of field survey, both pedestrian and subsurface, and research Selected Project Experience Pit Road Recovery — City of Oak Harbor, WA Served as an archaeological crew member recovering a heavily disturbed pre-contact burial and habitation site, working alongside Swinomish tribal members. Performed artifact analysis and laboratory proceedings as well as field support. Contributed to site management and maintenance, including gear and machinery operation and maintenance. Worked with local shell midden and pre-contact artifacts, as well as late 18" C. and early 19” C. historic artifacts, in order to provide some context for a heavily displaced site. Documentation included photography, site mapping, and tracking archaeological material. Worked within requests of tribal monitors pertaining to the sensitivity of the site. Feather River West Levee Project - Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency, CA Served as an archaeological crew member recovering a disturbed and intact pre-contact village and burial site near Yuba City, CA. Monitored machine and construction activity to identify archaeological sensitive areas. Worked to recover data through unit excavation, and performed laboratory analysis subsequent to unit excavation. Worked autonomously across site to coordinate monitor activity and track construction activity. Worked alongside Enterprise tribal monitors and Auburn tribal monitors to identify areas of archaeological sensitivity and implement avoidance of disturbance to those areas. Contributed in identifying tribally sensitive feetures and stratigraphic deposits in the field; also contributed to identifying of historic levy building and associated stratigraphic effects to the native sites, Alisa Reynolds | Resume Waste Water Treatment Plant - City of Oak Harbor, WA Served as an archaeological crew member in excavation of pre-contact habitation site, including extensive shell midden excavation, pre-contact feature analysis, and pre-contact artifact analysis. Assisted in overseeing excavation procedures, and contributed support to the management of field and laboratory activities. Monitored trenching activity to identity areas of ‘modern disturbance, and areas that have been relatively untouched by modern and historic development, in order to ascertain areas of greatest archaeological sensitivity and potential Provided additionat support to research of the site and the components involved, including invertebrate analysis and thermally-altered feature analysis, Proposed Snake River Road Project - Asotin County, WA Served as an archaeological crew member on a short-term field survey to delineate a known pre-contact site in eastern Washington. Worked to identify former site boundaries and identify newly contributing elements that may be affected by the project area, including subsurface testing and documentation of the landform to provide better site information. Used prior site documentation and field reports to look for other areas of sensitivity, and conducted pedestrian survey in these areas. Provided report writing support and documentation of the archaeological site in order to better discern resources at risk, and contributed to field method proceedings SR 520 Bridge Replacement and HOV Program, 1-5 to Medina - City of Seattle, WA Oversaw archaeological monitoring activity and implementation of unprecedented discovery protocols. Organized daily communications and field fogs, and coordinated with contractors to identify areas of activity that may impact potential archaeological resources. Worked with ‘Washington State Department of Transportation archaeologists to implement testing to focus on areas of archaeological sensitivity, and monitored regularly with contractors to judge level of construction activity and impact. Acted as consultation for construction activity and zones of potential archaeological significance during that activity. Smudge Pits of Fort Vancouver ~ Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, WA Conducted an independent research project on the historic smudge pit features at the Village of Fort Vancouver, a Hudson's Bay Company trading fort. Performed laboratory processing and analysis of thermally-altered features in order to better characterize those features, and contribute to their identification in the field. This included a significant research component into prior field investigations at Fort Vancouver and smudge pits found in other activity areas, and a range of attributes that they possess. Produced a report and analysis to Fort Vancouver for the benefit of future field proceedings. [Resume Role: Archaeological Survey Crew Chief (Archaeologist and Geomorphologist) is a qualified professional archaeologist (36 CFR 61), with ‘over ten years of professional cultural resources experience. Education His specialized expertise includes geoarchacology, Prehistory, jt, archeology, Porand State and invertebrate faunal analysis. "is experienced in all University 2090 phases of archaeological inventory, evaluation, and mitigation w ga. aninopoigy whiorin and has authored or co-authored cultural resource inventory ‘Geology. Western Washington Feports, data recovery reports, work plans, treatment plans, Umer, 2004 archaeological sensitivity memos, and site records. He is experienced in designing and implementing cultural resources ; , projects under Section 106 of the NHPA, NEPA, SEPA, EO Professional Memberships 0505, as well as local ordinances and coordinates with DAHP, "Register of Proessional Oregon SHPO, Idaho SHPO, tribes, and federal agencies on Archaeologists Behalf of his clients regulary. | has extensive experience "Soci for Amertcan implementing and supervising personnel in support of large ‘Archaeology and complex cultural resources survey and testing projects. 1 Geological Society of America Selected Project Experience rear ofthe nein's Profesional Qualietons Standards Crystal Springs Hatchery Projects — Bureau of Land Management, Salmon, ID sArcheclegy Principal investigator. ICF performed a shovel probe and pedestrian survey for three proposed fish hatchery projects in central and eastern Idaho. The projects represented a joint Special Expertise effort between Bureau of Land Management, United States Gevarcheestogy Forest Service, and the Shoshone-Bannock tribe, Following ‘Pacific Northwest Prehistory the discovery of a previously undocumented archaeological ‘lovortebate Faunal Analysis resource, ICF worked with the consulting parties to alter the = Aichacologial Research design to avoid the resource in accordance with the Shoshone- Design Bannock's wishes. Tontitown Phase I! Expansion Project—Centerpoint Energy, Ozark, AK Field archaeologist. Participated in a pedestrian and subsurface survey for a natural gas pipeline construction project. Boardwalk Pipeline Expansion Survey— Northern Louisiana and Northeast Texas Field Archaeologist. Participated in pedestrian survey ofa proposed 300+ mile pipeline across northern Louisiana and northeast Texas. Performed pedestrian survey and archaeological testing Geoarchaeological Testing for the Alaskan way Viaduct Replacement Project, Tunnel Boring Machine Repair Shaft - WSDOT, Seattle, Washington Principal investigator and geoarchaeologist. |) conducted a rapid geoarchaeological study for the proposed tunnel bore machine repair shaft. Immediately upon notice to proceed, he Participated in logistical planning and coordinating meetings with WSDOT and Seattle Tunnel Partners to get field investigations underway. Within three days of notice to proceed, ICF ICF | Resume mobilized a crew of three archaeologists to perform geoarchaeological testing, which included the excavation of 45 test borings and eight vactored holes, and completed all investigations over eight consecutive days. The study revealed that the tunnel bore machine repair shaft would occur in an area that consisted of fill overlying intertidal beach deposits, and that the project had low potential for encountering buried archaeological resources. The study also further delineated a previously documented island — currently buried — of ethnographic importance along the Seattle waterfront. Cultural Resources Survey for the North Ridge Estates Remediation Project - Environmental Protection Agency — Region 10, Klamath Falls, Oregon Principal investigator. ICF performed an archaeological pedestrian survey at the North Ridge Estates Operable Unit 1 (OU1) Remediation project, which encompassed a 150 acre area Documented 21 archaeological sites in OU. As a rasult of the danger posed to human health and safety if the project was not conducted, coordinated with client, state agencies, and the Klamath Tribe to develop alternative strategies to protect documented cultural resources while allowing the project to safely move forward on-schedule. A technical report describing the results of the survey and coordination effort were presented to EPA. The results of this technical report were integrated into the project’s NEPA EIS documentation Cultural Resources Support for the Snake River Road Improvement Project — Asotin County, Asotin, Washington Principal investigator and project manager. lil is providing cultural resources support for the Snake River Road improvement project. The project occurs in a cutturally sensitive area and requires careful coordination between Asotin County, DAHP, WSDOT Highways and Local Programs, consulting agencies (including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Land Management) and affected tribes. responsibilities include the development of an archaeological investigation plan, meetings with the county project team, Trent DeBoer, and DAHP Archaeologist Matthew Sterner to develop an APE, and coordination with the consulting agencies and Nez Perce tribe to characterize their cultural resources interests and concems. The proposed area of potential effects and archaeological investigation plan was formally submitted to DAHP, the consulting agencies, and affected tribes for formal consultation — and received concurrence from all parties. The cultural resource survey consisted of a series of shovel probes in archaeologically sensitive areas and a pedestrian survey and the completed technical report received concurrence from all parties. SR 520 Bridge Replacement and HOV Project Cultural Resources Surveys - Seattle, Washington Principal investigator and project manager. [il] oversaw the implementation of cultural resources investigations at two natural resource mitigation sites for the project and one. gecarchaeolocical study along the project corridor. The studies were performed in support of Washington State Department of Transportation's (the project proponent) obligations under the project's Section 106 memorandum of agreement. At the request of Washington State Department of Transportation, and in support of the project's on-going Section 106 consultation obligations, i] kept in regular contact with the Snoqualmie Tribe of indians cultural resources specialist and helped to coordinate any field visits and update meetings. Resume Role: Archaeological Survey Crew Member (Archaeologist and Historian) has over five years of experience in prehistoric and historic archaeology throughout California, Education Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, She has MA student, Cultural Resources experience in many areas of cultural resources management, Management (CRM), Sonoma including assisting in writing technical documents (ASRs, ISs, Sate Universty Phase |, Il, Il archaeological reports, and sections for EIR/EIS), m8, History (minorin ‘conducting preliminary records searches through the California anthropology), University of Historical Resources information System (CHRIS), completing __—_Caifornia, Los Angeles. 2008 formal site records, Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and tribal consultation within the constraints of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the California Professional Memberships Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and Section 106 of the © society for California National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). Her field Archaeology ‘experience consists of both prehistoric and historic site testing, pai sipha Thea, Intemational data collection, burial excavation, pedestrian survey, and Holory Honors Society, Theta construction monitoring Upsion Chapter Project Experience Bay Delta Conservation Plan—California Department of Water Resources, Yolo, Solano, Contra Costa, San Joaquin and ‘Sacramento Counties, CA Performed preliminary research and records search for the proposed project area. Also participated as part of a crew to perform pedestrian survey to identify any cultural resources throughout the area of potential effect. The Bay Delta Conservation Plan was created to provide habitat and natural ‘community conservation for the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Detta. Investigation—Washington Department of Transportation/ Parametrix, Inc., Seattle, Washington ‘Archaeologist. Crew member on a team conducting field studies for an extensive subsurface testing program for a bridge replacement project in Seattle, The project involved the ‘excavation of over 250 excavation units in a designated Traditional Cultural property on Foster Island, and area of great importance to focal Native American groups. The field studies and reporting were performed successfully under close Native American and public scrutiny and under a very short time line. | Resume. ‘Sonoma-Marin Area Rapid Transit (SMART)}—Federal Transit Administration, Sonoma and Marin Counties, CA Provided preliminary research and records search information for the proposed rail line. Conducted pedestrian survey for areas of potential effect located in Sonoma County, CA, Served as on-site monitor for all construction activities performed in sensitive areas, SMART is a proposed passenger rail line which connects Sonoma and Marin Counties with the greater Bay Area. Patterson Pass Wind Farm Repowering Project - EDF Renewable Energy (EDF), Alameda, CA Served as lead archaeologist for the proposed wind transmission project. Responsibilities included performing cultural records and literature search, assessing site significance, and conducting NAHC and tribal consultation. Supervised crew in field survey and ultlized an IPad to navigate the 84 acres of survey and record cultural resources in real time for immediate upload to ICF servers, and prepared the final Archaeological Survey Report (ASR). This project would repower an existing wind farm providing dependable, renewable energy. Rosamond PV Solar Technical Studies—Sempra Generation, Rosamond, California Archaeologist, Served as part of the survey crew. A Phase | cultural resource survey and inventory has been completed by ICF for the proposed Rosamond Solar Project, 2 photovoltaic solar power generation facility being developed by SGS Antelope Valley Development, LLC on a 960-acre parcel outside of Rosamond, cA Camanche Reservoir North Shore Dock Replacement Project = East Bay Municipal Utilities District (EBMUD), lone, CA Served as lead archaeologist for the proposed dock replacement project. Conducted cuttural records and literature search, assessed site significance, and conducted NAHC and tribal consultation. As well as, performed a pedestrian survey of the ‘entire project area, and prepared the Archaeological Survey Report (ASR). This project would replace and update an existing boat dock and associated electrical equipment. Welqamex Archaeological Research Project - Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, Hope, British Columbia Worked as a part of a crew during data recovery and artifact, analysis of the St6:lo community Welgamex (A.D. 1200-1400), located on the Upper Fraser River. Worked closely with Std:lo leaders and community members throughout the project, | Resume _ _ Role: Archaeological Survey Crew Member (Archaeologist) has move than 22 years of active experience as an archasologst inthe western US.Hehas experience conducting ; records searches, background research, archaeological inventory BA, Anroplo hazy) and test excavations and ste evaluations, as wellasmonitering for yeah Corts Gris construction. has experience working with Native American 1995 representatives and has experience with both CEOA and Section 106 compliance. He has helped to analyze impacts and to develop avoidance, minimization, and mitigation measures has worked with a numberof cultural resources firms over the years, participating in large scale inventories and excavations in California and Nevada. Education ICF Project Experience Pit 3 Dam Geological Investigations—Pacific Gas and Electric, Redding, California Serving 2s on-call cultural resources monitor and surveyor for geological testing project for dam safety primarily in Shasta County. Conducts inventories and makes on-site determinations of potential significance,in addition to monitoring excavations. Prepares letter reports documenting activities. Sacramento Railyards Cultural and Biological MMRP Compliance— ‘Thomas Enterprises/Kimley-Horn Engineering, Sacramento, California Served as cultural resources monitor for accidental discoveries and sensitive areas at the Sacramento Reilyards. Documented monitoring activities and evalutaions of finds. Los Banos-Gates 500-kV Transmission Line Project (Path 15)— Infrasource, Inc., Merced and Fresno Counties, California Served as cultural resources monitor for the Path 35 archaeological ‘monitoring program designed by the Western Area Power Administration (Western). Range Evaluation, Historic Theme Study VilEdwards Air Force Base and Corps, Los Angeles, Kern, and San Bernardino Counties, California Participated in test excavation and evaluation of homestead site at Edwards AFB as part of ahistoric theme study of 4o homestead sites on Resume Edwards AFB, Responsibilities included GIS data collection and site ‘mapping, as well as crew chief for test excavations. Big Sandy Casino and Resort ElS—Big Sandy Rancheria of Mono Indians, Fresno County, California Participated in test excavations at site for gaming facility proposed by the Big Sandy Rancheria Band of Western Mono Indians in Fresno, County. Shiloh Ill Wind Project—enxco, Solano County, California Participated in archaeological survey of wind energy project area in Solano County California, Responsibilities included inventory, site recording, GIS data collection and management, and preparing site records and updates. Shiloh IV Wind Project—enXco, Solano County, California Participated in archaeological survey of wind energy project area in Solano County California. Responsibilities included inventory, site recording, GIS data collection and management, and preparing site records and updates. Resume. Role: Archaeological Survey Crew Member (Archaeoogist) has over 6 years of experience working in all phases of archaeology in connection with various cultural Education resources management projects in Washington, Oregon, and m= A, Anthropology (concentratin Alaska: primarily for transportation, and development projects, in Archaeology), Wester He is fluent with archaeological survey, testing, sample. Washington University, Boliingham, Washington, 2008 = MS, Archaeology, Porlland State University, Portland, Oregon, in collection, profiling, and collections processing and has co- authored many cultural resource inventory reports, Prior to joining ICF, experience included serving as an Progress archaeological technician for private consulting firms in ‘Washington and Oregon as well as performing survey and Professional Memberships archaeological excavations in remote northwest Alaska as part cof a joint National Park Service and University of Washington ™ Associaton fer Washington project interests include geomorphology and Archasology mmeromorpnoleay Special Training Project Experience = HAZWOPER 1 Wldemess Safety Transportation—Roads, Bridges, and Highways South King-to-South Holgate Viaduct Replacement Project, Stages 1-3, Construction Cultural Resources Support Monitoring, and Cultural Resources Data Recovery WSDOT, Seattle, Washington Served as archaeologist supervisor, lead monitor and crew chief. Monitored construction activities and supervised seven archaeologists, coordinating archaeologists with the construction schedule. Directed crews and excavations of an historic archaeology site. Also served as geoarchaeologist and micromorphology sampler ‘R520 Bridge Replacement Project, Eastside Cultural Resources Monitoring and Archaeological Investigations — WSDOT, Seattle, Washington Served as archaeologist supervisor and lead monitor. Monitored construction activities and supervised five archaeologists, coordinating archaeologists with the construction schedule. Served as field crew member. Conducted site surveys and subsurface shovel testing, geomorphologic subsurface testing, and directed the collection of samples for micromorphological testing | Resume Jim Creek Bridge Cultural Resources Survey—Snohomish County Department of Public Works, Washington Served as archaeologist supervisor. field crew member, lead monitor, lab supervisor and coauthor. Conducted archaeological excavations and survey, directed the collection of samples for potential micromorphological testing. Monitored construction activities and, coordinated archaeologists with the construction schedule. In the lab, supervised the curation of collected cuttural material and performed to analysis of the collected lithic materials. Development Projects - Water, Energy and Parks C44 Channel Restoration Project-Phase 1 and 2, Grande Ronde River Basin— Bureau of Reclamation, Middle Snake Field Office, Boise, Idaho Served as field crew member, archaeological monitor and coauthor. Performed field investigations that included surface and subsurface survey. Monitored the installation of engineered log Jams, Coauthored the writing of the technical report Antelope Ridge Wind Farm—Horizon Wind Farms, La Grande, Oregon Served as field crew member. While employed by Archaeological Associates Northwest, conducted archaeological surface survey of large access corridor and windmill locations. Identified and recorded prehistoric and historic archaeological artifacts and sites. Blue Bridge Pipeline—wil Washington Served as field crew member. While employed by Archaeological Associates Northwest, conducted archaeological surface survey of proposed pipeline corridor, identifying and recording archaeological artifacts and sites. ms Energy, Eastern Oregon and Cape Krusenstern Research Project—University of Washington and National Parks Service, Kotzebue, Alaska Served as field crew member. While employed by the University of Washington, conducted surface survey of a beach ridge complex in remote Northwest Alaska. Performed subsurface testing and archaeological excavations; identifying and recording surface scatters, and subsurface archaeological artifacts and sites. + RPA | Resume ., MA, RPA Role: Archaeological Survey Crew Chief (Archaeologist) is a qualified professional archaeologist (36 CFR 61) and registered professional archaeologist with over 16 years of experience in archaeology in California and the west. He is adept at performing archaeological survey, resource significance assessments, and preparing management recommendations and mitigation measures, as well as, managing archaeological compliance for projects. Education has direct knowledge of and experience in the = MA, Anthropology, California application of NEPA, CEQA and Section 106 of the NHPA. He a cme von oe works effectively in a team environment providing Ba Athapiogy, Uv 0 leadership and guidance to teams executing projects and programs within a specified budget and schedule, experience includes carrying out the role of principal investigator, field director, and crew chief for field surveys and testing and evaluation projects. Tasks include archival research, excavation, site recording, monitoring and GPS mapping skills. His laboratory experience includes cataloging of prehistoric and historic collections, analysis, data entry, conservation, and collections management. Years of Experience Professional tart date: 1998 IGF start date: 08/2011 Professional Memberships Society for American Archaeology ™ Society for Calforia Archaeology © Archaeological Insitute of America Conejo Valley Historical Society Certifications A "Register of Professional Project Experience Archaeclogsts, No. 12574 Data Recovery Study—City of Palmdale, California He served as principal investigator and field director for cultural resources evaluations and data recovery of five archaeological sites in coordination with the local Tribal groups. This work included a data recovery program composed of surface collection of at-risk artifacts, preparation of site records and the development of treatment recommendations in accordance with the City of Palmdale policies. ‘Secretary ofthe Interior's Professional Qualiteations Standards = Archeology Phase Ill Data Recovery at LAn-62 and Adjacent Sites Located at Ballona Creek, Playa Vista Los Angeles, California He served as crew chief and excavator for a large prehistoric Native American cemetery in coordination with all the local Tribal groups. In addition, provided lab analysis for the project Centinela Solar Energy Compliance Inspection Program—LS Power Development, LLC, Imperial County, California As lead field archaeological monitor, monitored all construction activities and authored site records and updates for cultural resources identified on land owned and managed by the BLM. Project is being conducted for CEQA and NEPA (Section 108) compliance. RPA | Resume Barry M. Goldwater Range West Cultural Resources Inventory of 2,000 Acres, Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Arizona. Co-Principal Investigator and Co-author. As Field Director supervised fieldwork for an intensive Class II), 75-mile pedestrian survey along existing dirt roads and previously recorded prehistoric trail segments in the BMGR as a continuation of completed studies along the western and eastern routes of the Camino Del Diablo. Work was completed to assist in assessing impacts to significant cultural resources in the eastern Yuma Desert and Davis Plain leading to Tinajas Altas. The project also included formal recordation of the Camino Del Diablo and other trails as appropriate based on archaeological associations and archival results. Cultural resources Inventory for the Proposed Murrayville Range Complex, Barry M Goldwater Range, Marine Corps Air Station, Yuma, Arizona. As Field Director and Co-author, managed Class Ill intensive pedestrian survey of the 894-acre proposed Murrayville Range Complex located on the west and east sides of the run-in line to the Yodaville Complex, BMGR West. The study provided baseline data on all site types, their density, distribution, and condition, so that cumulative impacts can be assessed over time. ‘These impacts would include vehicular traffic and military range activities including live fire. Thorough documentation of existing ground disturbances was necessary to provide data against which impacts can be monitored, The study was conducted in compliance with Section 110. Cultural Resources Evaluations at 47 Sites—Edwards Air Force Base, Kern and Los Angeles Counties, California He served as field director, managed survey of 5.976 acres and Phase II testing in the western half of Edwards Air Force Base. Survey resulted in the identification of 82 prehistoric and historic period archaeological sites and included documentation of 53 newly identified sites. Co- authored the CA DPR 532 site forms and co-authored technical report. The Phase Il testing and evaluation effort was completed to assist with Section 110 of the NHPA. Anaverde Home Development Phase ll, Ill, and IV Joshua Tree Home Development with a Data Recovery Study—City of Palmdale, California, He served as principal investigator and field Director for a Phase 1 cultural resources evaluation of over 140 previously discovered and newly discovered sites in coordination with all the local Tribal groups. The Phase Il evaluations consisted of a site testing program composed of site relocation, surface collection of at-risk artifacts, preparation of site records, subsurface testing, and the development of treatment recommendations in accordance with the City of Palmdale policies, Selected Publications 2011.TRTP Isolated Historic Refuse Deposit -Determination of Eligibility (Non-eligible property) (Pursuant to the Programmatic Agreement for TRTP Segments 4 through 11-Construction Phase Management Plan: Appendix kK). Pacific Legacy, Inc., 2010, ‘Cultural Resource Survey of 2,000 Acres along Trails and Roads in the Vicinity of the Western and Eastern Branches of the Camino Del Diablo, Barry M. Goldwater Range, Arizona.” Marine Corps Air Station, Yuma, Arizona + MS, RPA | Resume , MS, RPA Role: Archaeological Survey Crew Chief (Archaeologist) is a qualified professional archaeologist (36 CFR 61) with more than 25 years of experience in prehistoric Education and historical archaeology. He has worked extensively in BA Geology. History Univesity of California, the Pacific Northwest, the Midwest, and on the Montana 1981 Atlantic seaboard. ill has training in geology and lithic, MS Anthropology University of analysis, and in historical period artifact identification. He has Oregon 1998 managed all phases of archaeological work including survey, testing and Section 108 site evaluation, data recovery, monitoring and mitigation, lithic and analysis, report Professional Memberships Society for American preparation, and archival research. He has authored or co- ee buthored cutural resource survey reports, testing and te Sacer Catia evaluation reports, data recovery reports, and treatment plans, Ons, y reports, p © Montana Archaeological Society Selected Project Experience Training & Certifications Archaeological Survey, Proposed Strip Mine Lands — Regitored Proarsional McCone County, Montana drchacologist #1087 Archaeologist, Participated in pedestrian survey of proposed = -HAZWOPER (40hr) strip mine lands in central Montana, focusing on prehistoric © ile Analysis, resources. ‘Secretary of Interior Standards Mining Project and Plan Evaluation—Lincoln Ranger a rchaeoiogy District, Helena National Forest, Montana Geologist & Archaeologist, Evaluated privately sponsored mining projects and operating plans proposed for Federal lands. Class | Inventory, Bird Canyon Natural Gas Development Project — Bureau of Land Management, Rock Springs Field Office—Sublette and Lincoln Counties, Wyoming Senior Archaeologist. Cultural resources analysis of existing sites in 17,612 acres proposed for natural gas development. Slate Canyon Water Pipeline Replacement Project, Utah County, Utah Principal Investigator. Phase | survey of a Wasatch Front canyon, and Section 106 evaluation of a 1920's metal water pipeline, allowing for replacement and future use of the canyon water supply by the City of Provo. Point of Mountain Trail Project—Salt Lake County, Utah Principal Investigator. Phase | survey of a proposed bicycle trail along an existing railroad line. Assessed railroad for NRHP eligibility . MS, RPA | Resume Parleys Canyon Railroad Grade Project—Summit County, Utah Principal Investigator. Conducted Phase | survey, recordation, and Section 106 evaluation of a circa 1880s abandoned railroad grade. Survey and Testing, Commonwealth Gas Transmission SOLO and Hopewell Loop Pipelines—Prince George, Dinwiddie, Sussex, and Greensville Counties, Virgi Assistant Field Director/Geoarchaeologist. Survey of a 60-mile right of way in Southside Virginia, including discovery of prehistoric, colonial, slavery era and Civil War sites. Follow on Section 106 testing and evaluation of 50, prehistoric sites, as well as geomorphological landscape analysis. Phase | Survey, Columbia Gas Transmission NJET Project—Hunterdon and Morris Counties, New Jersey Archaeologist. Survey and site recordation along a 20-mile right of way in northern New Jersey. Diamond Valley Lake (Eastside Reservoir) Project—Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, Riverside County, California Field Work Manager-Field Director-Lithic Analyst. Supervised a field staff of 50 archaeologists and trainees to complete a 15,200-acre survey, record more than 220 sites, test 90 sites, and complete data recovery at 12 sites. Served as field director for test excavations of 25 sites and data recovery at three prehistoric village sites. Conducted lithic analysis for one hundred plus site and prepared final reports during this multi-year (1992-2000) project. Pipeline Expansion Project Testing and Data Recovery—Pacific Gas Transmission/ PG&E, Eastport, Idaho to Los Bafios, California Archaeologist. Testing and data recovery excavations at sites in easter Oregon, and lithic analysis and report preparation. Supervision of a 75 person crew for construction monitoring of this 1,000-mile natural gas pipeline. Phase Il and Phase Il! Excavations—-U.S. Air Force Over-the-Horizon Radar Transmitter Site, Christmas Valley, Lake County, Oregon Archaeologist. Testing and data recovery excavations of numerous prehistoric resources. Phase I Survey High Desert Corridor—Caltrans District 7, Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties, California Principal Investigator. Managed archaeological, architectural, and paleontological survey of 60 miles of new freeway and High Speed Rail ROW, including Section 106 evaluation and final reports. ited Resume Role: Archaeological Survey Crew Member (Archaeologist) is a cultural resources specialist with more than 20 years of experience in prehistoric and historical Education archaeology. |jlll] has worked in all phases of archaeological BA, Anthropology, University of activities, including surveys, testing, data recovery excavations, __Calfornia, Los Angeles, 2006 monitoring, site evaluation, analysis, report preparation, and archival research, |) has experience in field mapping Professional Memberships techniques and working knowledge of GIS software «Society fr Catforia | | Acchaeciogy Project Experience 1 Society for American Archaeology High Desert Corridor Archaeological Survey—Caltrans, 1 American Association forthe Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties, California ‘Advancement of Science Participated as a crew member in intensive pedestrian cultural resources survey for the project. Specific responsibilities Training included systematically walking over the project area and = ArcView GIS locating and recordation of any cultural resources encountered. Access Database The recordation of resources included photographing the resource, drawing site maps, collecting GPS data on the location and completing the California Department of Recreation form for cultural resources (OPR 623 form). Cajalco Road from Harvill Avenue to Temescal Canyon Road—Riverside County Transportation Department, Riverside, California Participated as a crew member in the intensive pedestrian cultural resources survey for the project. Responsibilities included recordation of any cultural resources encountered, photographing the resource, drawing site maps, collecting GPS data and completing the California Department of Recreation form for cultural resources (DPR §23 form). SR-138 Widening—Caltrans District 7, Los Angeles County, California Participated as a crew member in the intensive pedestrian cultural resources survey for the project. Responsibilities included recordation of any cultural resources encountered, photographing the resource, drawing site maps, collecting GPS data and completing the California Department of Recreation form for cultural resources (DPR 523 form) 1-215 Bi-County Project—San Bernardino Associated Governments, San Bernardino and Riverside County, California Served as Archaeologist. Conducted a cultural resources records search at the San Bernardino Archaeological Information Center in Redlands, and at the Eastern Archaeological Information Center in Riverside and the writing of a summary of findings. | Resume 1-15 Widening Project from San Bernardino to I-215—Caltrans District 8/Riverside County Transportation Commission, Riverside County, California Served as Archaeologist. Performed cultural resources Survey for Caltrans District 8 on 1-15 Widening project in Riverside County, a distance of 43.5 miles. Fred Waring Drive Improvements—Riverside County Transportation Department, Riverside County, California Served as Lead Archaeologist. Conducted the archival research and a cultural resources field survey. Prepared draft and final Section 106 technical reports, Chino California Health Care Facility Environmental Document—California Prison Health Care Receivership, Chino, California Served as crew member. Performed cultural resources survey of 180 acres for new prison hospital location, Chino Institution for Men Big Sandy Rancheria Casino EIS—Big Sandy Rancheria of Mono Indians, Auberry, California Served as crew member, Conducted survey and archaeological excavations for The Big Sandy Rancheria Band of Western Mono indians proposed gaming facility in Fresno County. Archaeological/Paleontological Monitoring Pomona/Atlantic Parking Structure Project— Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Los Angeles, California Cultural Resources Monitor. Monitored excavation and recorded resources observed, evaluated and treated these resources for removal, to allow construction to continue. Macallister Ranch Development Phase Il Cultural Testing of Sites—SunCal Companies, Bakersfield, California Served as crew member. Performed cultural resources survey and archaeological excavations at four sites for the Macallister Ranch project. 2007 & 2009 CWA Extension of Staff—Southern California Edison (SCE), Statewide, California Served as Lead Archaeologist. Cultural resources record search, field survey and reporting for hundreds of pole locations scheduled for replacement throughout California, South Region High School No. 18 Archaeological Monitoring—Los Angeles Unified School District, Los Angeles, California Cultural Resources Monitor, Monitored extensive grading and excavation associated with schoo! construction in the former Fort MacArthur Miltary Reservation in San Pedro. Observed and recorded resources located during construction, evaluated and treated these resources Trancas Canyon Storm Drain Repair and Restoration—City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works, California Served as Cultural Resources Monitor, Monitored grading and excavation associated with project. Observed and recorded resources located during construction, evaluated and treated these resources for removal, to allow construction to continue. Role: Archaeological Survey Crew Member Archaeologist) hhas a wealth of experience in all phases of both prehistoric and historical archaeological fieldwork and investigation, cultural resources project management, lithic analysis, laboratory and curation management, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis. archaeological experience includes surveys for multiple road and rail improvement projects; the Phase Il excavation and analysis of a multi-component prehistoric site; and ‘multiple geotechnical monitoring, reconnaissance, survey, and testing projects associated with the go-mile proposed corridor of ‘the proposed State Highway 130 Turnpike Project. has spent several excavation seasons in Northern Israel where he gained valuable experience in early to late-Roman Era Archaeological practice while excavating the first-century city of Caesarea Philipp. Hes now pursuing his MA in Anthropology witha specialty in Archaeology at Western Washington University. Project Experience Cultural Resource Survey for a8th Avenue/Fones Road Improvement Project—City of Olympia Public Works Department, Washington Field Director and GIS Lead. Provided archaeological services for the successful survey and historic building inventory for the 28th ‘AvenvelFones Road Improvement Project in the City of Olympia. No archaeological materials were identified during our pedestrian survey of the project’s APE. One historic building was identified and inventoried within the project's APE. Dating to the early part of the oth century, the farmstead was recommended by ICF as not eligible for listing in the NRHP. ICF submitted a technical report to Washington State Highways Local Programs and the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for review. Both state agencies concurred with our findings in the technical report, that no historic properties would be affected as a result of the proposed road improvement project. Antelope and JAB Uranium Project Wildlife and Cultural Resources Baseline Studies—Energy Metals Corporation, Bair wyoming Archaeologist, Field Coordinator and GIS Lead. Duties included staff coordination and fieldwork planning, archaeological fieldwork, mobile Education [MA (in progress), Anthropology Western Washington University BA, Religious-Historical Studies, Hardin-Simmons University, 1993 Professional Memberships Society for American Archaeology Assocation for Washington Archaeology Texas Archeological Society Certifications GIS Corticate Program, University of Washington Extension, 2007 40-Hour HAZWOPER Training ‘and Certification, October 2005 Training Ste Survey Shovel Testing Excavation of Archeeologcal Unis Profle end Pan View Mapping Detaled Soll Descriptions Landform Assessment Photography Backhoe Mocitoring Operating Survey Transit (Total Station) Laser Leva Cataloguing and Clasiying Cultural Materia eration of Flostation Screens Clering and Sorting Atiecs GIS and GIS analysis lead. Produced all GIS deliverables for archaeological site inventory forms and technical report. Taylor Cultural Survey and Feature Elevation for Anglo Nevada— Knight Piesold and Company, Nevada Field Director and GIS Lead. Coordinated with client and agency for fieldwork access and GIS data. Led field effort with mobile GIS strategy for feature relocation. Co-authored technical memorandum and produced all GIS deliverables. SH 330 EDA Project—Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), Texas Servedas staff archaeologist. Participated in multiple Pre-Survey reconnaissance and Phase | Archeological surveys of SH 130. Additional Properties and Borrow Areas (PSL) associated with Segments 1-4 of the proposed go-mile corridor in Williamson, Travis, Hays, Caldwell, and Guadalupe Counties, Texas Bridging the Valley—Spokane Regional Transportation Council, Washington and idaho Served as staff archaeologist and field director. Responsible for National Register eligibility testing of one historic temporary railroad ‘camp site and one undetermined prehistoric site in Spokane, Washington. Additionally, previously investigated sites for the project were inventoried and eligibility determinations coordinated with the Washington DAHP as well as the preparation of the Section 106 Technical Report. Clear Creek Riverside Mitigation Site R-Cultural Resources Monitoring—WSDOT, Tacoma, Washington Project Manager, GIS Analyst and Archaeologist. Managed scoping, budget negotiation, task development, and adherence to MOA and, ‘monitoring plan in coordination with Tribes and WSDOT. Coordinated unanticipated discovery event with Tribes and WSDOT. Participatedin monitoring, co-authored technical report, and produced all GIS deliverables. ‘SR-20 Red Cabin Creek Cultural Resources Inventory—WSDOT, Hamilton, Washington Project Manager and Field Director. Directed field survey investigations, co-authored inventory report, managed budget, coordinated client communication, utility locate communication, and landowner coordination. Co-authored technical report and produced all GIS deliverables MA, RPA| Resume s MA, RPA Role: Archaeological Survey Crew Member (Archaeologist and Historian) is @ qualified archaeologist and historian (36 CFR 61) with eight years of experience in the field of cultural resources Education management. She specializes in historical archaeology and ‘= MA, Cultural Resources GIS analysis. has extensive experience conducting Management, Sonoma Stata historic background research, writing historic context University, 2006 statements, and crafting NRHP eligibility evaluation BS, Anthropology, University of statements. As an experienced historical archaeologist, she California, Riverside, 2004 has served as the field director and co-author on several welt a ny, Univer of known historical archaeological data recovery and analysis Moria, Rversiée, 2008 projects in the Puget Sound. In addition to her experience with designing, implementing and reporting on historical archaeological investigations, she has also served field director ® Society for Historical and crew chief on numerous archaeological surveys and ‘Archaeology conducted archaeological monitoring on several projects in Register of Professional Washington. strong background in historical Archaeologists archaeology and archaeological field methods in Washington allow her to develop flexible archaeological investigation and analysis solutions thet adhere to state and federal cultural 1 Rogistered Professional resources regulations. Archaeologist, #16149 © HAZWOPER, 40 hr, California, March 2008 (updated Merch Professional Memberships Certifications Key Skills 2013} Field Director. has served as a field director for cultural Secretary o Interior Standards resources projects. Her responsibilities have included the Archaeoiogy supervision of crews during survey (including projects of more than 400 acres), archaeological testing, and data recovery Awards investigations with up to 14 crew members. has worked in both rural and urban contexts and recorded Canter Scots Catal hundreds of sites, including historic, prehistoric, multi- Resource Management, 2005 component, and historic architectural resources The Peter Schneider Award for Report Preparation, KIN is experienced in report wring erat rescuch ang promise and production, having written or co-written numerous inthe fold of American History, inventory reports, testing results, data recovery plans, and data 2004 recovery results for cultural resources projects. Her experience in GIS, historic archaeology, and prehistoric archaeology Specialized Expertise enables her to easily communicate and work effectively with Historical Archaeology project staff to produce reports of the highest quality. Uren and Incustial Archaeology # History © Geographic Inermation Systems +MA, RPA | Resume Project Experience Buena Vista Historic Ferry—ODOT, Marion County, OR (2011) Principal Investigator. Responsible for an emergency site recordation of a late-1800s ferry ‘har, discovered during monitoring operations. Directed the site's mechanical excavation and archaeological crew tasked with the recordation and data recovery of an exposed feature in an abbreviated time frame. Conducted research and literature reviews to develop a site-specific historic context. SR-99 Alaskan Way Viaduct Archaeological Treatment Plan and Data Recovery for Site ‘45K1924—WSDOT, Seattle, WA (2010-2011) Field Director and Co-author. Co-author of the research design and treatment plan for archaeological investigations at a ca. 1890-1910 tideland community. Field director during data recovery investigations, supervising up to 14 crew members at one time. Co-author of the data recovery excavation results. Middle Kyle Complex Project—U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Las Vegas, NV (2010) Co-author of a cultural resourced investigation report. Conducted in-depth research, authored the historic context, and contributed to the research design Folsom Prison Hospital Inventory Report and Evaluation—URS and U.S. Corps of Engineers, Folsom, CA (2009) Contributor to an inventory and evaluation report. Conducted site survey and prepared site records for all historic resources discovered. Served as a crew member during testing excavations for @ historic habitation site. Performed artifact analysis and prepared text summary for report. Coastal Resources Survey—-Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, U.S. Westorn Coast (2012-2013) Technical coordinator for all cultural GIS data. Tasks included supervising staff and providing quality assurance on the digitization of over 2,400 cultural sites on the Washington, Oregon, and California coasts. Produced report text figures, created necessary metadata to conform to Federal standards, and packaged all project GIS data for delivery to the client. Bowman Water Treatment Plant Improvements Project—Placer County Water Agency, Auburn, CA (2010) Lead archaeologist. Conducted the site survey, prepared site records, and authored all archaeological report text for a cultural resources inventory report City of Larkspur Bridges (Alexander Avenue, Bon Air Road, Doherty Drive)—City of Larkspur Department of Public Works, Larkspur, CA (2010) Conducted three site surveys. Authored three inventory reports. MA, RPA | Resume BF Sisk Dam Corrective Action Study—U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and the California Department of Water Resources, Merced County, CA (2010) Conducted a records search and Native American consultation. Served as a survey crew member. | Resume , MA, RPA Role: Archaeological Survey Crew Chief (Archaeologist and Historian) is a Registered Professional Archaeologist and is a qualified Education professional archaeologist (36 CFR 61) with over a decade of = YA. Latin American and brian experience in environmental consulting as project manager, Studies, University of Catamia, Santa Barbara, 2 archaeologist, historian, and GIS specialist. His work has ranged from desktop analyses and feasibility studies to data recovery and Programmatic Agreements, with project deliverables including plans, 1 A, Anttopstogy, Corel Washington Univesity, 2002 and reports for survey and inventory, testing and evaluation, data Professional Memberships recovery, and monitoring; EIS and EA sections; Programmatic, soit Poessone Agreements; and feasabilty studies, among others workhas SSasotaists included coordination with: National Park Service, US miltary, US 1 Soci or Amencan Archaeology ‘Army Corps of Engineers, many county agencies, and a number of. Socey forCaltniaAcchaeaiogy other federal and state agencies. His projects have included compliance for: NEPA, Sections 106 and 110 of NHPA, Section 4(f) Secretary of the Interior's of the US DOTA, USACE 404 and 408 Permits, FERC relicensing, Professional Qualifications Standards, ‘and CERCLA, emong others. Archeology © History Highlighted Project Experience Rangley-Cisco Recoats and Anomalies, Rangely, CO - Languages Williams Northwest Pipeline 1 Portuguese ffuent Sened 2s archaeclogical monitor for natural gas pipeline recoating ——« Marinka (asvancad) and anomaly repairs in the Canyon Pintado Historical District. French (reading) Archaeological Data Recovery from a Front Range Plains Site, ‘cuttcations Parker CO f8 HAZWOFER (Ath) Served as fet archasologist for this private development projecting SS central Colorado. Tasks included subsurface archaeological data cane 206 Exsesense recovery, with work being conducted as a mitigation measure for Co Principal Investigator NEPA/Section 108 compliance. Prehistoric Archaeology Green River Farms Project. Green River, UT ~ Utah State Institutional and Trust Lands Administration Served as field archaeologist for this land transfer projact in rural southern Utah, with the task consisting of an archaeological pedestrian survey, Keystone XL Oil Pipeline Project. ND, SD, NE. KS, OK ~ US Department of State and TransCanada Served as archaeologist, technical report reviewer, EIS section co-author ‘and editor, and MOA reviewer. The project consisted of third-party EIS {for the U.S. Department of State, forthe international (Canada) and ‘mubi-state petroleum pipeline. Tasks included review of cultural resources technical reports, co-authoring EIS sections, and reviewing the PA, The work was conducted for NEPA/Section 106 compliance _& Robin D. Hoffman | Resume 'MC252 Natural Resource Damage Assessment Response, Gulf of Mexico ~ British Petroleum Served as Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) cultural resources co-team leader, NRDA avian field surveyer, and NRDA recreational use field supervisor. The project was in response to the C252 oil spill of Apri! 2010 off the coast of Louisiana. Tasks included! collaboration with the Unified Command and Response teams in assessing potential impacts to cultural resources along the entire Gulf Coast; site visits to cultural resources in Texas, Alabama, Mississippi ‘and Florida to identity potential impacts; and interpreting with the trustees the applicabiliy of existing regulations to cultural resources. Additional tasks performed were avian field surveys and recreational use field surveys and field crew supervision. Detiverabies included preemptive survey development and treatment plans for cultural resources, Barge DM 932 NRDA Response, New Orleans, LA - American Commercial Lines Served as Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Technique (SCAT) team ‘member for the oil spill Responsible Party. The project consisted of ail spill response for the July 2007 Barge DM 932 oil spill in the Mississippi River in New Orleans. Tasks included SCAT field surveys for cultural and biological resources. Tontitown Phase Il Expansion Project, Franklin and LeFlore Counties, AR ~ Centerpoint Energy ‘Served as field archaeologist for this natural gas pipeline construction Project, Tasks included pedestrian and subsurface archaeological survey, and historical research. The work was conducted for NEPA\Section 106 compliance. Gulf Crossing Pipeline Project, Houston, TX - Gulf South Pipeline Company, Houston, TX Served as reviewer of cultural resources technical reports and co-author the EIS cultural resources section. The project consisted of 2 FERC application for a mult-stete natural gas pipeline in the southern and Central United States, Tasks included EIS and cultural resources technical report review, and development of cutural resources mitigation measures. The work was conducted for NEPA/Section 106 compliance as part of FERC relcensing

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