Pe 1-2 Lesson 1 - Nov 3 14

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Lesson Plan
Teachers Name: Ria Beekman
Physical Education Gr. 1/2
Topic: Ball Familiarization
Length of
Class: 40 min (Nov 314)
Curricular Outcomes:
- D12 demonstrate effort while participating in various activities
- A11 perform locomotor skills through a variety of activities
- A13 perform nonlocomotor skills through a variety of activities
- A15 demonstrate ways to receive, retain and send an object,
using a variety of body parts and implements, individually and
with others
Materials: Gym class, balls
At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
1) demonstrate control of the ball (holding).

- Lets make a green line! Quietly walk to the
gym. Once youre there run four laps and
meet me in the middle of the gym on the
- Have a student repeat the instructions.
- Once at the center circle, explain that well be
using balls to do a variety of thingsplaying a
game in the end.
- I dont mind that you giggle or talk while
doing the exercises but when I call your
attention or say 4-3-2-1 Freeze I need you to
be quiet so everyone can hear what we will be
doing next! Also we wont be kicking any balls
today (if everyone kicks a ball people will get
- Allow students to get balls and find a space
somewhere in the gym using colour of their
clothes (or other attribute).
Body (Activities)
(To switch between activities gain students
attention by clapping hands and calling that well
switch activities or using the freeze method if its
quite loud.)
1. Hold the ball up high, way to the one side and
to the other side. Hold it close to you and far

Time Allowed
5 min

~25-30 min


way. Hold it high and low. Do this with one

hand as well! (Try doing it fast!)
2. Pass the ball from the one hand to the other
up high, down low and in the middle.
3. Put ball on floor, make a bridge over it and try
to touch the ball with your body. Can you
make a bridge and hold the ball at the same
4. Stand with legs apart. Put the ball on the floor
between your legs and move it using your
hands around each of your feet. Then move it
around your feet in the opposite direction.
5. Sit on the floorhook (with knees up) and
long sitting. Roll the ball around you on the
floor without losing control of it.
6. Everyone stand up! Take your ball and roll it
around your waist! Try not to let it fall. Once
you can do this well turn it around your body
in the opposite direction. Then turn it around
another part of your bodyyour knees, your
hips, your neck.
7. Find a partner. (Assign partners.) Take one ball
and put it between both your bodies. Dont
use your hands or arms when holding it. Try to
move and possibly walk a few steps.
8. Ask a few students to put their ball back into
the container. Now well pretend that the balls
are pets and so the students without a ball will
be the pet catchers! These students must tag
the students with a ball. If a student gets
tagged they will have to put their ball in the
bin and start tagging more people with a pet.
If a player drops the pet they have to pick it
up and put it in the bin and become a pet
catcher as well. And go!
- Play a few games of this if theres time
so that everyone will get a chance to
run with the ball.
- Ask students what they enjoyed and what
they found hard to do. (Some may be good at
controlling the ball while others had a hard
- Thankyou for participating!





5 min

Observe students throughout the classtime to see how well they

work together and how well they can control the ball.
- Ask students what they enjoyed and what they found difficult
- Lets just say this was an OK first lesson and alesson that I could
learn a lot from!
- Students made a green line! Once I had their attention I led them
out into the hall. Halfway down the hallway I realized that I forgot
to mention what we would do when we got to the gym! (Better
next time but this time Ill have to again gain their attention at
the gym word which is just a waste of time!) The instruction was
to run around the gym four times and then we would meet at the
middle. After a few minutes I knew that all of the students had
done the four laps and most of the students were already
gathered in the center of the gym on the circle something they
do every gym class. I was new in the class and so of course three
little boys had to try me out! :/ They ran past me a few times
with big grins on their faces while I called them to come to the
middle. This took a few minutes too long and so Ill have to think
of a different cue to use next time because I dont want this to
happen again! Calling individual names was not a great idea as it
hold one students accountable at a time while the others dont
feel too bad about disobeying. Finally everyone was at the center
of the gym and we could continue!
- Who goes first to get the ball? I chose the students who were
wearing blue to go first. This was not the best colour to chose as
it happened to be that most students were wearing blue and so
there was a stampede of grade ones and twos heading over to
grab a ball. Oh dear! Choose wiser next time!
- 4-3-2-1 FREEZE! This method worked great for me! The
students knew what it meant and the countdown would allow
them time to realize that they are soon expected to be quiet.
- For this first gym lesson I focused on having most of the students
in the class participating. It was a little overwhelming at first to
have to manage 22 of these young students (in the huge gym)
and so I didnt realize that two or three of them were not fully
participating. In the future Ill scan all areas of the gym and
possibly walk around more while teaching.
- Overall the activities went quite well but I need to remember to
tell students the importance of being able to do these activities.
I can see that you have great control of the ball if you can keep
rolling it around your feet without having to run after it.
- I need to work on giving more clear instructions.
- Positive Note: I could tell when students were getting good at or
bored with an activity and if this happened I would moved the
lesson forward. I felt like I was moving through the activities

quite fast so I added an activity that wasnt on the lesson plan

but that would improve their ability to control the ball and build
their gross motor skills. (Ball b/w feet and just to the other side of
the gym.)
Conclusion to the lesson was great! Everyone put their ball back
in the bin and then we met at the middle to discuss one thing
that was hard for students to do and one thing that they really
enjoyed! I then told them that they could line up at the door
but I should have said something like: Now lets all quietly and
safely line up at the door, rather than letting them charge!
WOW! First lesson is done! Its amazing how much you learn
about students in the gym in 40 minutes!

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