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School District 70 (Alberni)

4690 Roger Street, Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 3Z4 Ph: (250) 723-3565 Fax (250) 723-0318

April 9, 2015
The Honourable Peter Fassbender
Minister of Education
Room 310 Parliament Buildings
Victoria, BC V8V 1X4
Dear Minister Fassbender:
School District 70 (Alberni) Board of Education wishes to express our deep concern in regards to the
reduction of Education funding for 2015-2016 and beyond. Our committed, caring and knowledgeable
Trustees have worked diligently to find every organizational efficiency possible to respond to our
declining enrolment and to prepare for when SD70 will no longer be in funding protection. Most
significantly, we are currently in the process of reconfiguring our district and closing two schools as a
means to find further operational savings.
The governments expectation of additional funding reductions came to us as a huge blow. Not only did
the funding announcement fail to provide adequate financial resources to districts, but it also disregarded
the Districts ongoing efforts to find financial efficiencies without sacrificing services to students. We
urge the Ministry of Education to provide funding allotments to Public Education as
recommended by the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services.
Additionally, the removal of the funding to support tuition-free upgrading courses for graduated adult
students is counter to the governments goals for B.C.s Skills for Jobs Blueprint. Students ability to take
upgrading courses provides an extremely valuable opportunity for adult students in SD70 and the
negative impact on these vulnerable adults will be significant in our community. We respectfully
request the reinstatement of tuition-free upgrading for adult students.
School District 70 (Alberni) Board of Education is very concerned that the cuts will have a serious impact
on student success in the long term. Trustees have exercised due diligence to curb costs in all areas while
trying to maintain vibrant classroom learning environments. We strongly encourage you to consider our
requests regarding funding allocations to districts and the restoration of tuition-free upgrading for

Pam Craig, Board Chair


Scott Fraser, MLA


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