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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Title: Our Community as it Changes over Time

Name: Kacie Kirk
I. Goal(s)/Objective(s)/Standard(s)
A. Goal(s) Students will understand change over time in their own community.
B. Objective(s)
Using different artifacts students will explain how their community has changed
through the years.
By reading different artifacts students will recall the history local landmarks and
their community.
C. Standard(s)
2.1.2 Explain changes in daily life in the community over time using maps, photographs,
news stories, Web sites or video images.
2.1.7 Read about and summarize historical community events using a variety of resources
NCSS: II. Time, Continuity, and Change
Management: time, materials, space, behavior
Time: 40-45 minutes
Materials: PowerPoint, large sticky note paper for their posters, tangible objects for
showing change over time, articles, pictures, crayons, pencils
Space: Students will start out on the carpet where they will be in their assigned seats,
they should be paying attention, not talking, and not disturbing those around them, then
they will move to the desk areas where I will have designed where their groups will
meet, then they will be back at their seats for when their peers are sharing and for the
writing activity
Behavior: Students should be paying attention when the teacher is speaking, there will be
opportunities to be moved up and down on their behavior chart, when working with
groups students should be working respectively and be at a level 1 or 2 on their noise
chart, when peers are sharing they should again be quiet and respectful of what they are
saying. I will have different pieces of a puzzle that students can work towards
completing. They will be able to earn pieces of this puzzle by waiting their turn to ask
questions or just by staying on task. If they earn all of the pieces by the end then they
will get to earn a special reward/surprise.

II. Anticipatory Set: This will be done through a PowerPoint as well as through objects.
Everything changes as it gets older. Are you the same height as you were in kindergarten? Do

Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

you look the same as you did when you were a baby? We can see this with people, even Miss
Kirk has not always looked as she looks now (go through PowerPoint with me at different ages
and seeing how Ive grown and changed as the years have progressed). Objects that people have
made have also changed as people learn more and more (show objects such as the telephone or
pictures of computers)
III. Purpose: Today we are going to learn about how our community has changed over time and
history behind that.
IV. Lesson Presentation
Vocab: Change over Time
Just like you and me have changed over time so does our community. Some buildings have been
taken down while others have been put up. That is how there are different states and the different
cities, throughout time more land was bought and people decided where they thought a good city
could be placed. Marion was founded (define this vocab word) in 1831 by Martin Boots and
David Branson and was first just a place for farming. Can you imagine if this still was a place
for just farming, all of your families would probably live on a farm and you would milk cows and
feed chickens possibly! Marion has changed a lot in almost 200 years and has grown to the
Marion that we know and live in today. (Show aerial views of Marion from beginning and then
progressively till now). Places can also change in a shorter period of time which is what we are
going to see today and explore why the places have changed and why they were there in the first
I do: Today we are going to work in groups to learn more about different places in Marion as
well as how they have changed through the years. The place I am going to show you is from the
community that I lived in my whole life which is Fort Wayne, Indiana. (Show pictures of a place
such as the City Hall building in Fort Wayne). So once you get into your groups that I have
assigned you are going to pick up your materials and create a chart like this one I have up here.
Draw a line down the middle and one side is going to be when it was created or and when it was
older and the other side will be what it is like now. (Do these actions and put up your pictures)
Then you are going to read an article about this place. Then you are going to add the date of
when these pictures are. Then go through the articles and write three facts on each of the sides.
When we are finished each of your groups will come and tell us how your place in the
community has changed over the years. At the bottom of the poster I want you to write the words
BETTER or WORSE if you think that your place is either better now or worse and be able to
give a reason why!
V. Guided Practice
We do: After I get done going through the first beginning of my example poster, then we would
read the next part of the article as a class, and have them come up with different examples and
details that they have found in my article. They are reading along in the article and will model
highlighting different parts in the articles and finding those important parts in what they are

Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Closure: Then the students will repeat back the directions and then we will go through a couple
lines of the article that I have for my place and put some facts down on each of the sides of the
paper for both then and now. I will then put the directions up on the board so that the students
have something to refer back to when making their posters.
VII. Independent Practice.
You do: Students will then break up into the groups that I have assigned them and get to work on
their posters, I will be walking around and answering questions that they might have about what
they are working on. Students should be working on the project together and I will have at least
one strong reader in the group to read through the articles that they have been given about their
place in the community.
VI. Conclusion
Each of the students will come and talk about their place that they have researched and
learned about. Tell them they are teaching the class and in the end they will explain whether they
think that their place is better now or worse than it was in the beginning.
VIII. Assessment
Formative: This will happen throughout the lesson where I am able to walk around and
monitor which students are understanding what they are supposed to be doing and which
students are lost and are participating.
Summative: This will come from their posters and if they mastered getting the details in
on there as well as all of the requirements.
IX. Adaptations:
Special Needs Students: These students will be paired with those that are a higher ability
when needing to read the article, and working on the poster, they will be able to work on
the poster and be active in the sharing process as well, a teacher may need to help when it
comes to working on the writing that is necessary
Remediation these students could be taught again through having them learn about
another thing that has changed over time, and then explain what they have learned in a
different way, this will happen through more one on one instruction in a way that a
teacher can be there guiding them through step by step. This can also come through a
variety of reading materials.
Enrichment these students will be given more of a leader role in the groups that they are
assigned, more of the reading and analyzing will fall on their shoulders, also their writing
will be held to a higher standard and expecting more critical thinking
ESL even though we do not have any of these students in my classroom I think that this
lesson would be appropriate for them as they could see the change especially through the
pictures and in the way that their peers explain the change. They could also be the one to
present the information at the end
X. Technology Inclusion

Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Technology will be included via the PowerPoint as well as coming up with the articles
and artifacts in the first place. Viewing Google Earth will also utilize technology in the
Self-Answer Questions
1. How many students achieved the objective? For those that did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
a. Blooms Taxonomy
b. Gardners Multiple Intelligences
7. All are students be included when working in groups in a way that all grasped the lesson?

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