Websites Hell Design

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Shell Design

Due: April 21

In this assignment you will design an at least 4-page website (1 homepage; 3 body
pages) that you will use as the container for whatever other multimodal
composition you are creating for your final project.

1. 3 example pages, which you are basing your final project design onbasically,
what, ideally, do you want your final site to look like? Take a screen capture of
these two pages and write a paragraph about what you like about each. Turn this
in in a word doc with the other documents that this assignment requires.
2. Homepage which serves as a visual landing page rather than a content page
(should look substantially different than your 3 body pages).
3. Clear navigation: Links clearly labeled and the user knows where they are within
the website when they are on a specific page (use headings).
4. Contains an embedded YouTube file and an embedded audio file (doesn't have to
be related to your final project).
5. Some well-styled paragraphs of textusing ipsem lorem
6. Some imagesideally floated.
7. Uniform: layout is similar across pages, fonts are the same, visuals are styled the
same, color scheme is well-chosen and limited
8. Bio information somewhere on the sitedesign the site with some kind of about
the author content.
9. 1-2 page description of how your final project will appear in this website.
10. Uses proper HTML and CSS (alt tags on images)does not use an automatic
code generator like Wix, I will be able to tell and you will not get credit.

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