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By Rani Rumita

Is the action of one body
to another
Tends to move a body in
the direction of its action
The action of force is
characterized by (the
effect of the action on one
body depends on):
Its magnitude (P)
The direction of its action ()
Its point of application (A)

Force Measurement
SI Units
N (Newton)
kN (kilo Newton

US Units
Pound (lb)
Klp (k) = 1000 pound

Garis Kerja Gaya

Garis yang panjangnya tak tentu
yang terdapat pada vektor gaya
Titik tangkap suatu gaya dapat
dipindahkan ke titik lain yang
terletak pada garis kerjanya,
tanpa mengubah efek
translational dan rotasional dari
gaya terhadap benda yang
Gaya yang bekerja pada benda
tegar dapat dipandang bekerja di
MANA SAJA di sepanjang garis

Principle of Transmissibility
States that a force may be applied at any
point on its given line of action without
altering the resultant effects of the force
external to the rigid body on which it acts
Thus, whenever we are interested in only
the resultant external effect of a force, the
force may be treated as a sliding vector,
and we need specify only the magnitude,
direction and line of action of the force,
and not its point of application

Force Classification
External Forces
Applied Forces
Reactive Forces

Internal Forces
The resulting internal forces
Deformation distributed throughout the material of
the bracket
(the relation between internal forces and internal
deformations depends on the material properties of
the body and is studied in strength of materials,
elasticity and plasticity)

Contact vs body force

Contact force is produced by direct
physical contact
Body force is generated by virtue of the
position of a body within a force field
such as a gravitational, electric or
magnetic field

Concentrated vs distributed force

Action vs reaction force

Concurrent Forces
Two or more forces are said to be
concurrent at a point if their lines of
action intersect at that point Triangl
e Law
e Law

The Parallelogram Law for The

Addition of Forces
Two forces acting on a particle can be
replaced by a single force, called resultant,
obtained by drawing the diagonal of the
parallelogram which has sides equal to the
given forces

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