Health Lesson Two

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Lesson TWO

1. Lesson Plan Information

Subject/Course: Healthy Active Living
Education, Open, (PPL3O)
Grade Level: Grade 11
Topic: Mental Health and Stress

Name: Targeting Stress

Date: December 4th
Time: 8:30
Length of Period: 70 minutes

2. Expectation(s)
Expectation(s) (Directly from the Ontario Curriculum):
Mental Health:
describe the characteristics of an emotionally healthy person;
demonstrate the skills that enhance personal mental health;
analyse the factors that influence the mental health of individuals and lead to
the prevalence of mental health problems in the community;
Stress Management:
describe the positive and negative effects of stresses that are part of daily
explain physiological responses to stress;
3. Content
What do I want the learners to know and/or be able to do?
Today learners will:
- Discover where stress comes from ;
- By the end of the lesson, students will :
o Identify stressful situations;
o Understand stress and its role in health and well-being;
4. Assessment (collect data) / Evaluation (interpret data)
(Recording Devices (where applicable): anecdotal record, checklist, rating scale,
Based on the application, how will I know students have learned what I
- This lesson is intended as an introduction type lesson;
- During activity 1, the teacher will get a general understanding of what
students already know based to the concept of stress (vocabulary and
- Evaluation will be based on observation and discussion throughout the
- Evaluation will also be based on study diary/log (Activity 3);
- The teacher will be able to identify areas that need to be further explored

throughout the unit;

5. Learning Context
A. The learners
What prior experiences, knowledge and skills do the learners bring with
them to this learning experience?
o Learners will identify vocabulary and personal situations they have
experienced related to stress during general discussion (Activity 1);
o This will allow the teacher to get an understanding of what students
already know and where they need to go in their learning
o Students will participate in open discussion throughout the entire
lesson that will allow them to engage in their learning and discuss
their prior knowledge;
o Students may reference personal experiences and stories they have
encountered related to stress;
How will I differentiate the instruction (content, process and/or product) to
ensure the inclusion of all learners (Must include where applicable
accommodations and/or modifications for learners identifies as
o To ensure the inclusion of all learners, the teacher will use different
types of resources (such as visual charts, videos, open discussion,
independent research);
o To ensure success of all students, the teacher will;
Write new terms on the board while teaching new concepts
and terms;
Model and encourage discussion/ participation;
Pair students with reading partners for those students who
need extra support in reading;
Pair students with a stronger peer for those students who
need extra support in writing;
Students with IEPs or adaptation plans will follow
individualized adaptations, such as sitting in front of teacher
or given printed copy of notes;
To extend learning, students can further research at home
and explore how others, such as friends and family members,
cope with stress;
Teacher may add other modifications such as repeating
information and giving students extra time to research, for
those in need of extra support;
B. Learning Environment
- This lesson will take place in a classroom environment;
- Learners will actively engage/participate in discussion and learning activities
in the classroom;

Discussion will be open and all students will be encouraged to feel safe to
share their ideas and thoughts;
C. Resources/Materials
- Materials:
o Appendix 1; Are you stressed out?
o White board and markers for discussion;
o Appendix 2; Daily stress log (culminating assignment)
- Resources:
o Mind/Body Health, Stress Management, 2009
6. Teaching/Learning Strategies
INTRODUCTION (~10 15 minutes)
How will I engage the learners? (e.g., motivational strategy, hook, activation of
learners prior knowledge, activities, procedures, compelling problem)

Teacher must always take attendance at the beginning of class;

Teacher will review success criteria (posted in classroom) that was identified
last class;

Hook/Activity 1: Are you stressed out?

o Have the class complete the activity/quiz Are you stressed out (Appendix
1) ;
o Write the following on the board: The one area I want to improve is_____;
o Have the class discuss results of the quiz and the areas that each individual
would like to improve;
MIDDLE (~45 minutes)
Teaching: How does the lesson develop?
How we teach new concepts, processes (e.g., gradual release of responsibility
modeled, shared and guided instruction).
Activity 2: Animal Statues
o Ask all the students to sit in a circle;
o The teacher will ask two students to go in the middle and act like different
animals in different situations;
o The teacher will choose instructions that contrast being stressed with being
o For example:
o Show us how a cat would feel if a dog was coming close to it;
o Show us how a cat would feel lying in the sun;

Show us how a dog would feel getting scratched behind the ears;
Show us how a dog would feel going to the vet;

Show us how a mouse would feel finding a piece of cheese;

Show us how a mouse would feel smelling a cat nearby;


Show us how a monkey would feel swinging in the trees;

Show us how a monkey would feel if the other monkeys had a banana
and he did not;


Show us how a bird would feel flying;

Show us how a bird would feel if a cat was about to chase him;


Show us how a squirrel would feel eating a nut;

Show us how a squirrel would feel being chased by a dog;

Consolidation and/or Recapitulation Process: How will I bring the important ideas
from the learning experiences together for/with the students? How will I check for
- The teacher will then ask; Do animals feel like people? What feelings do
people have that are the same feelings as animals have? Being afraid?
Feeling safe? Being excited of sad?
- This activity shows different areas where stress may come from;
- The teacher will then provide a discussion/questions period;
- During the discussion, the teacher presents students with important ideas
(the emotions brought on by stress) allowing them to further explore these
- Teacher will observe what students already know, as this is an introduction
type lesson;
Activity 3: Stress Diary
o The teacher will then present the students with a culminating assignment
that will be reviewed throughout the unit AND at the end of the unit;
o Students will have a daily stress diary, in which they will note daily stress
factors in their lives;
o Daily Stress Log; Appendix 2
o This log can be done with the use of technology (online in google classroom)
or paper format, according the preference/needs of the student;
o The purpose of the diary is to increase to students awareness of the types of
stress being faced on a daily basis;
o Ask students to note any type of activity that may put a strain on their
energy and time, trigger anger or anxiety, or precipitate any negative
physical response;
o You can also ask students to find patterns in their log, to possibly see
reoccurring events that cause stress in their lives;
o From this, they can begin to make adjustments;
Application: What will learners do to demonstrate their learning? (Moving from
guided, scaffolded practice, and gradual release of responsibility.)
- During the lesson, learners will demonstrate their learning through discussion

and exploring/researching where stress comes from;

Students will be encouraged to share ideas and personal experiences;
Teacher will guide discussion/activities and allow students to explore different
Students will identify their understanding of stress factors through their daily

CONCLUSION (~10 minutes)

How will I conclude the lesson?
- The lesson will conclude with a 10 minute work period for students to begin
logging in their diaries;
- Students may also ask questions and/or discuss stress in their lives;
7. What do I need to do to become more effective as a teacher in
supporting student learning?
- I believe it is very important for the teacher to always be guiding the
students throughout conversations, discussions and exploration phases;
- The teacher must always be actively engaged and encouraging students to
do the same;
- The teacher must also be open to different ideas and stories that the
students may want to share throughout this lesson;
- It is important for the teacher to be prepared;
o Prepare the activities;
o Prepare notes and photocopies as well as extra information for
students who need extra support (visual aids, typed notes);
o Teacher must also be well organized to set a good example for the
- Throughout the lesson, the teacher should also note what the students
already know in order the plan the following lessons for the unit;

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