Health Lesson Five

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Lesson FIVE

1. Lesson Plan Information

Subject/Course: Healthy Active Living
Education, Open, (PPL3O)
Grade Level: Grade 11
Topic: Mental Health and Stress

Name: Stress Management

Date: December 15th
Time: 8:30
Length of Period: 70 minutes

2. Expectation(s)
Expectation(s) (Directly from the Ontario Curriculum):
Mental Health:
describe the characteristics of an emotionally healthy person;
demonstrate the skills that enhance personal mental health;
analyse the factors that influence the mental health of individuals and lead to
the prevalence of mental health problems in the community;
Stress Management:
describe the positive and negative effects of stresses that are part of daily
explain physiological responses to stress;
3. Content
What do I want the learners to know and/or be able to do?
Today learners will:
- Explore activities that can help reduce stress in everyday life;
- By the end of the lesson, students will :
o Have an understanding of activities and ways they can reduce stress;
o Be able to help others reduce stress in their lives ;
4. Assessment (collect data) / Evaluation (interpret data)
(Recording Devices (where applicable): anecdotal record, checklist, rating scale,
Based on the application, how will I know students have learned what I
- This lesson will help students practice stress management hands on;
- Evaluation will be based on observation and discussion throughout the
- Students will participate in activities that will allow them to explore stress
5. Learning Context

A. The learners
What prior experiences, knowledge and skills do the learners bring with
them to this learning experience?
o Learners will explore and identify stress management activities;
o This will allow the teacher to get an understanding of what students
already know on practicing stress management techniques;
o Students will participate in open discussion throughout the entire
lesson that will allow them to engage in their learning and discuss
their prior knowledge;
o Students may reference personal experiences and stories they have
encountered related to stress;
How will I differentiate the instruction (content, process and/or product) to
ensure the inclusion of all learners (Must include where applicable
accommodations and/or modifications for learners identifies as
o To ensure the inclusion of all learners, the teacher will use different
types of resources (such as visual charts, videos, open discussion,
independent research);
o To ensure success of all students, the teacher will;
Write new terms on the board while teaching new concepts
and terms;
Model and encourage discussion/ participation;
Pair students with reading partners for those students who
need extra support in reading;
Pair students with a stronger peer for those students who
need extra support in writing;
Students with IEPs or adaptation plans will follow
individualized adaptations, such as sitting in front of teacher
or given printed copy of notes;
To extend learning, students can further research at home
and explore how others, such as friends and family members,
cope with stress;
Teacher may add other modifications such as repeating
information and giving students extra time to research, for
those in need of extra support;
B. Learning Environment
- This lesson will take place in a classroom environment;
- Learners will actively engage/participate in discussion and learning activities
in the classroom;
- Discussion will be open and all students will be encouraged to feel safe to
share their ideas and thoughts;
C. Resources/Materials
- Materials:
o Balloons (blown up prior to class or ask each student to blow up a
balloon) and rubber bands or string (to tie around ankles);

Music to play during Hook/Activity 1;

Appendix 6; Flowing Comfort (instructions);
Appendix 7; 101 Stress Relievers;
Calm, relaxing music for Activity 2;
o Yoga matts;
o Mind/Body Health, Stress Management, 2009

6. Teaching/Learning Strategies
INTRODUCTION (~20 minutes)
How will I engage the learners? (e.g., motivational strategy, hook, activation of
learners prior knowledge, activities, procedures, compelling problem)

Teacher must always take attendance at the beginning of class;

Teacher will review success criteria (posted in classroom) that was identified
last class;
- Teacher will then begin class with a hook, to get students attention;
Hook/Activity 1: Balloon Stomping
o This activity is designed to create a fun, relaxed environment, to teach that
humor, interaction with others, and exercise can help reduce stress;
o The teacher will blow up balloons prior to class;
o The students will attach one or two balloons around one or two ankles
(depending on the number of students and balloons);
o The goal of the game is to stomp on the balloon of the other players while
keeping them from stomping on yours;
o Before the game starts, determine boundaries and rules (no physical
o When a player has lost all his/her balloons, they are eliminated and must step
out of bounds;
o The teacher can also play music during this activity to help create a fun
o At the end of the game, the teacher can discuss with the students:
o How do you feel after playing?
o Did you have fun?
o Did you interact with others?
o Did you exercise?
o Did you forget about the stress in your life while playing?
o The teacher will encourage an open discussion as students identify thoughts
and feelings about the game and stress management;
Consolidation and/or Recapitulation Process: How will I bring the important ideas
from the learning experiences together for/with the students? How will I check for
- During the discussion, the teacher presents students with important ideas

(stress management techniques) allowing them to further explore these

Teacher will observe what the students thoughts of the activity and how they
feel prior to the activity;

MIDDLE (~30 minutes)

Teaching: How does the lesson develop?
How we teach new concepts, processes (e.g., gradual release of responsibility
modeled, shared and guided instruction).
Activity 2: Flowing Comfort
o The purpose of this activity is to present to students with another form of
stress management;
o This activity will provide the students with a relaxation exercise that will help
them to feel the benefits of proper stress management techniques;
o The teacher will play calm, relaxing music during this activity;
o Each student will find a place where they can lay down their yoga matt in the
classroom; they will lie on their backs, fully stretched out;
o Turn off the lights and have the students breathe deeply to calm down before
o The teacher will read out loud the instructions from Appendix 6 a and b;
Flowing Comfort;
o At the end of the activity, ask the students how they feel;
o Do you feel relaxed and calm?
o Did this activity allow you to forget about the stress in your life?
o Do you feel less anxious about this stress?
Application: What will learners do to demonstrate their learning? (Moving from
guided, scaffolded practice, and gradual release of responsibility.)
- During the lesson, learners will demonstrate their learning through discussion
and exploring/participating in Activity 1 and Activity 2;
- Students will be encouraged to share ideas and personal experiences;
- Teacher will guide discussion/research and allow students to explore different
CONCLUSION (~10 minutes)
How will I conclude the lesson?
- The teacher will conclude the lesson by projecting Appendix 7 on the board;
101 Stress Relievers;
- The teacher emphasize that there are many ways to relieve stress and that
each individual enjoys different stress relieving activities;
- The teacher will end by letting the students know that the next class will be a
work period, to work on the final assignment of the unit;
- The teacher will also remind students to continue their daily stress log and
that it will be collected for evaluation and the beginning of the next class;

7. What do I need to do to become more effective as a teacher in

supporting student learning?
- I believe it is very important for the teacher to always be guiding the
students throughout conversations, discussions and exploration phases;
- The teacher must always be actively engaged and encouraging students to
do the same;
- The teacher must also be open to different ideas and stories that the
students may want to share throughout this lesson;
- It is important for the teacher to be prepared;
o Prepare the activity (balloons and rubber bands), prepare music;
o Prepare notes and photocopies as well as extra information for
students who need extra support (visual aids, typed notes);
o Teacher must also be well organized to set a good example for the
- Throughout the lesson, the teacher should also note what the students
already know in order the plan the following lessons for the unit;

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