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Brianna Shuler

EDU 2800
Section 4

The Acceptable Use Policy of Boston Massachusetts public schools focus on their staff and
students for safer internet uses. The acceptable Use Policy (AUP) governs the use of
technology in the Boston Public Schools, including the use of network, electronic devices, and
online resources (
%20Presentation%20FINAL.pdf). The definition of acceptable use policy is a document
stipulating constraints and practices that a user must agree to for access to a corporate network or
the internet (Google). The Boston Public School system uses an implementation strategy that is
designed to empower their staff and students and not to hinder their use of technology (Boston
Public Schools). In conclusion Boston Public Schools want to ensure that their students, staff,
and parents are using the internet wisely and safely when it comes to technology for education.
They create a policy that students have to sign annually to show their commitment that they will
use the internet safely, also Boston Public Schools staff are trained via internet on instances of
how to detect cyber bullying on social networks to ensure the safety of their students.

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