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Follow-up Questionnaire after Data Analysis

Two Themes were discovered when I analyzed my data:

Communication and Relationships
After analyzing my students exit slips, which were given after
students had a weeks practice of using their listening, speaking,
and leading skills, I found that explicit teaching of listening,
speaking, and leading skills leads to increased awareness of
communication in my students. I also found that that there was
an increased awareness of how my students communication
affected other students.
Would you agree with this finding? Have you had
experience teaching listening, speaking, and leading
skills? Did you see similar themes?

After analyzing my data, I found that the ways in which I

communicated to my students drastically changed the results of
the communication. For example, I noted that when giving
directions, I was getting the result I wanted when students were
approached with positivity.
Would you agree with this finding? Please elaborate.

Relationships also played a key role in my findings. When

explicitly teaching my students listening, speaking, and leading
skills, they began developing friendships and an increased
awareness of their peers needs within their book clubs.
With what youve read and experienced within the realm
of peer relationships, would you agree with this finding?
Please elaborate.

My relationships with students also played an important role in

my findings. I found multiple examples of times when I used my
personal relationships with students to help them overcome a
As the school counselor at Hillside Elementary, Im sure
youve gotten to know many students very well. Do you
feel that this finding or positive relationships with
students and problem-solving correlate? Please explain.

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