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Nicholas II- Became czar in 1894, continued autocracy in Russia.

Rasputin- While Nicholas II was away, Nicholass wife developed a crush on

Rasputin. He helped ease their childs symptoms of Hemophilia, therefore he was
allowed to make key political decisions. After this he continued to climb his way up
the political ladder gaining better positions and opposing reforms to Russia. Many
people did not agree with his tendencies and decisions so he was murdered, by a
group nobles.
Industrialization and growth of revolutionary movements

Bolsheviks- Supported a small number of more radical groups willing to

sacrifice anything for change.
Mensheviks- Wanted abroad base of support for the Russian revolution. They
also wanted better work standards and better pay in factories.
Soviets- Russian councils of workers, soldiers and peasants, in many cities
soviets had more influence than the provisional government.

Lenin- Real name Vladimir Ilyich, he adopted the name Lenin, was the leader of the
Bolsheviks. He was ruthless and an excellent organizer, which helped him gain
more control over the Bolsheviks.
Revolution of 1905

Russo-Japanese war- In the late 1800s, Russia and Japan competed for
control over Korea. They both eventually signed agreements over the
territories, which Russia eventually broke.
Bloody Sunday- On January 22, 1905 200,000 workers and their families went
to the Czars winter palace in St. Petersburg with a petition asking for better
work conditions, more freedom and an elected legislative branch. Czar
Nicholas IIs general ordered soldiers to fire in the crowd. More than 1,000
people were injured and 100+ were dead.

WW1- In 1914 Nicholas II drug Russia into World War 1. However Russia wasnt
prepared for the economic burden nor the military burden. This resulted in Russia
getting crushed by Germany. Before the end of one year, at least one million
Russian soldiers had died.
March Revolution- In March 1917, Women textile workers led a strike, causing riots
and shortage of bread and fuel. About 200,000 workers swarmed the streets
screaming Down with autocracy!. Originally soldiers agreed to shoot the
protestors, but then eventually changed their minds and sided with them.
Eventually, this behavior would result in the czar stepping down.
November Revolution- Taking place in November 1917, Lenin used famous
slogans/quotes: All power to soviets, Bread, land and peace. He uses these
quotes to appeal to the citizens of Russia to ease them.
Treaty of Brest-Litosvk unilateral treaty with Germany- The Germans believed that
Lenin and his Bolshevik supporters would cause problems when Lenin returned to

Russia, so they made arrangements for him to return back after many years of
exile. The returned him in a sealed boxcar.
Civil War- Bolsheviks now had to battle enemies in their own home territory. Their
enemies white army was composed of several groups. The only reason the white
army was formed was for the sole idea of defeating the Bolsheviks. The white
army wanted the return of the czar and wanted a democratic government. After
three years, 14 million Russians died and the Bolsheviks remained in power. Lenin
then gave Russia the name U.S.S.R and then named the Bolshevik the
communist party

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