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FHS 2620 Activity/ Lesson Plan

PART 1: Preparing the Activity and Planning for Implementation

Spring 2015
Student Name: ____Alexis Rowland_______________
Lesson Plan # and Title: _____Food and Safety Plan_________
Classroom / Lab Teachers: __Grizzlies_____/___Connie and Barbara_____
Todays Date: __2/28__ Date of Activity Implementation (both days):__3/25___and ___3/27___
Lab Teacher Signature before Implementation: ___________________________________________
Date: _______________________

Course Instructor Approval before Implementation: ___________________________________________

Date: _______________________

Topic and Overarching Goal: Children will be able to know the rules of the playground.
Behavioral Objectives:
1. When outside, all children will demonstrate going down the slide feet first, every time.
2. When asked, 3/5 children will be able to verbally explain one playground rule.
3. When given a variety of vegetables, all children will be able to verbally state which they like best without
help from the teacher.

Preparing The Activity

Observation and Assessment:
What interests, assessments, prior knowledge, observations, and/or experiences have you observed to explain
why you have chosen this activity?
While outside with the kids, I have observed a lot of dangerous behavior. Cotton has to be reminded weekly the
correct way to go down the slide. Izzy had to be stopped from climbing on the outside of the play houses. Kensley
was trying to climb on the outside of the big toy. Aamir tries to hide behind the barn.
Activity/ies Description: What are you doing for your activity/ies? Describe in very specific step-by-step detail,
using numbers or bullets. Write descriptions as if you will be giving instructions to a substitute teacher:

Recognizing vegetables:

At center table (whatever table is available or else the table closest to the door that is used for entrance)
Set out all the vegetables to show (list to be finalized after checking allergies)
Have kids see, feel, smell, and touch.
Ask if they know the names.
Talk about recipes.
See if the kids like or dont like.
*Keep in mind this is a center table, can only do it if/when children come to you*

Playground safety:

Gather children at circletime. *transition in Find a seat on the game*

Calm down with listening song
Read Slyde the playground hound book suggested and provided by Barbara
Discuss playground safety and rules.
Gather coats.
Take a tour of the playground.
Excuse for outside play.

2nd Day Changes: Specifically and concretely explain how your activity/ies will change for the 2nd day. How
will you extend and expand the learning?

At the centers table I will have the same vegetables from day 1 (whatever approved list, not allergies)
This time the vegetables will be cut up into small, one-bite portions.
We will be doing a taste test instead.
This will take the information that they learned on day 1 (names, textures, smells) and give additional
information (taste).

Read Please Play Safe by Margery Cuyler

Review playground rules from day 1.
Ask for ideas of how to play safe.
Take kids outside and have them demonstrate a safety rule.
Excuse for outside play.

Planning Assessment
How will you assess your behavioral objectives?
1. On day 1, while outside, I will station myself by the slide and take a picture of each child that goes down
feet first.
2. On day 2, while at circle time, I will ask 5 children to tell me a playground rule.
3. On both days, I will be at the center table during centers. I will ask each child that comes over which is
their favorite (day 1 favorite will be based on looks, day 2 favorite will be based on taste)
Explain why your plan enhances a childs creativity:
Children can come up with things that they think would taste good when mixed together or things they have
eaten but would change. As for outside rules, they can talk about what rules they think need to be included. (The
kids have been using the sand sifters to sit on when going down the slides because it makes them go faster- I
think they can equally as creative with safety rules.)

Planning for Implementation

What center or places within the classroom will you be utilizing?
Center table, circle time/rug area, and outside
List the materials you need to supply:
The vegetables
Please play safe book
Tasting cups
List the materials you would like to have the lab school supply:
Slyde the playground hound book
Address the documentation to be completed (how, when, who, what?):
1. A picture of each child that is able to demonstrate going down the slide feet first.
2. A list of what the 5 children stated as a rule.
3. A graph of which vegetable was their favorite.
Coordination between Student and Lab Teacher
_____ (Student) I discussed this lesson plan with the lab teacher before the due date
_____ (Lab Teacher) The student discussed this lesson plan with me before the due date

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