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Camper Chronicle

April 10, 2015

Mrs. Brosman
Phone: 342-2355

MathThis week we worked on understanding percent, how to convert from percent to

fraction to decimal, how to find a percent of a whole number, and how to make a table for
word problems. We spent today reviewing Topic 16. The Topic test will come on Monday!

ReadingWith only having three days of instruction next week due to Camp Amigo, we will
not have a regular reading story. We will instead work on enriching a few reading skills and
completing our ACUITY 3 in preparation of the upcoming ISTEP test.

GrammarWe will turn next week into a review week for the skills we have covered in
this unit and take our unit 5 quiz. The skills that will be on the quiz will be punctuation, subject and object pronouns, pronouns and antecedents, possessive pronouns, and indefinite and
reflexive pronouns.

WritingAfter finishing up our State Report presentations this week, I

introduced our

next writing unit which conveniently comes during National Poetry Month...poetry! Students
created a foldable detailing the different types of poems that they will be reading and writing
in the next month. Students reviewed characteristics of poetry and were exposed to many examples of poetry in our everyday world.

SpellingWith our short week next week, we will not have our regular spelling test. Our

next spelling list will come home next Wednesday, before Camp Amigo, for the following week.

Social StudiesStudents will filled out chapter 9 study guide on Monday. We spent
the entire week reviewing and studying for the test which students took today. Our next
chapter will be about the government in our newly independent country and how it changed
from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution.

ScienceThe week started off with students taking the Unit 4 test. We began our last
unit in our book which covers Bioengineering. It will be a short unit which we will not be testing over. This unit will help set up our Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Robotics and Automation program that we received a grant for last year. This program will take us to the end of
the year. It should prove to be a fun way to end our science curriculum for the year.

Note From the Teacher:

Its hard to believe our Camp Amigo trip is next week! Time has flown by! This week I
sent home with the students an initial info sheet on our trip and a check-off list to use
when packing. Students will receive their packet with class schedule, cabin assignments,
group assignments, and maps on Thursday when we depart. Make sure all luggage is labeled
(tape works great) with the students name and cabin.
I need all medications turned into me prior to departing on Thursday. Please make sure
all meds are in their original bottles with labels. These will be returned to you afterwards.
If you marked that your child will bring a disposable lunch from home on Thursday,
please ensure you have that ready to go Thursday morning. We have no back-up lunches
Right now the weather is looking promising for our trip, but there are chances of rain as
of now so please ensure you pack layers for your child, extra shoes and possibly rain gear
just in case!

Visit Our Class Website:

*teachers blog
*contact the teacher
*class schedule
*nightly homework
*upcoming events
*websites to visit
Upcoming Dates:
April 14: 5th Grade DARE graduation @
11:15 in HS Auditorium
April 15: 5th grade will send Progress Reports home
April 16-17: 5th Grade Camp Amigo Trip
April 21: End of Year DIBELS testing

Star Camper of the Week

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