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MiguelAngel Lopez

Radio Actuality
Middle school Principal suspension
Professor Mirrer
William C McGinnis middle school from Perth Amboy NJ has principals and teachers
suspended for the misbehavior towards the students. Students who misbehaved
were made to run laps after school in the hallways with heavy books inside book
bags. Parents made a huge complaint after one of their sons made a complaint
about his back after school that day.

As an upcoming teacher, how do you feel about the behavior of the

principals and teachers towards the students?

I think that the behavior of the principals and the teachers towards the
students was not fair because if I was a parent I wouldnt like them to be
treating my child like this

Do you feel that they deserve to be fired?


I feel like I know that they are wrong, but, I mean everybody makes mistakes
so I dont think they should lose their job for this

Ok, What couldve been a better way to handle this situation?



Well, if the case was that bad, they shouldve suspended the students, if not
in school suspension like I have always thought about it, but if not detention

Well with this note, I end it by saying that William C McGinnis School principals and
teachers will be under close watch until this situation gets cleared.

Im MiguelAngel with WKNJ, 90.3 FM, Kean Univeristy

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