Cultural Diversity

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Clare Santos- Gacad

GCU 114- Nice

April 9, 2015
Biodiversity and Cultural Diversity

With more than 7,100 Islands, the Philippines is one of the 34 places in the world
that is considered as a biodiversity hotspot. As well as being rich in biodiversity, the
Philippines are also one of the worlds twelve biologically mega-diverse countries that
hosts about 127 main cultural groups (Philippines: Peoples and the Convention on
Biological Diversity). The main connection between biodiversity and cultural diversity
is that they affect one another. Speaking of threats and losses, whenever there is a threat
to biodiversity it can be link to a loss of culture as well. Within humans action in
biodiversity it also affects the diversity of cultures. Cultural diversity however, is also an
essential basis for sustainable development within a country.
Just like any country in the world, the Philippines have experienced many threats
that have affected biodiversity and cultural diversity. It has been stated that the
Philippines biodiversity has been decreasing dramatically and is in need of conservation
measures. Threats like natural disasters are also prone to the Philippines and these natural
disasters can lead to the disruption of the growth of biodiversity. Alongside with natural
disasters, humans and citizens of the Philippines are also factors such as human caused
environmental degradation, soil erosion, the improper disposal of solid and toxic wastes,
pollution, etc. Some of these human habits affect biodiversity since these actions can
influence certain species of plants and animals to become endangered.

Within the Filipino tribes of the past, there were some tribes who believed in
respecting the forest and believing in certain forest and animal spirits. These past beliefs
lead to creations of certain traditions like praying before economic activities like hunting
(Biodiversity of the Philippines). These examples are just a few ways in which there is
a clear connection between the culture in the Philippines and the biodiversity of the
Philippines Fauna and Flora. Studies have shown that the Philippines as a country have
153 endemic languages as well as 437 endemic species. With such high numbers, threats
to biodiversity can also be linked to threats with cultural diversity. (Biodiversity
Overall unlike certain threats to biodiversity, the Philippines pose to be stable in
terms of cultural diversity due to its numerous and various amounts of ethnic groups.
With the increase of population, the Philippine government and its resources have been
overseeing the protection of cultural diversity (Cultural Diversity of the Philippines).
Through the actions of human made threats to biodiversity, it can be seen that there needs
to be more action plans in order to reduced the incessant exploitation of natural resources
in the Philippines that is hurting biodiversity as well as negatively affecting the lives of
indigenous people (Philippines natural riches face dire threats). Both cultural diversity
and biodiversity are necessary in order for there to be a balance and growth in within
countries. These two factors like I have stated before, affect each other and if one part is
lacking or decreasing in a certain way, then the other part will experience a slight
unbalance of population growth and sustainability.

The Philippines are part of the so-called megadiversity regions, a group of 17 countries home to
a significant proportion of the world's biodiversity Retrieved from

ISSJournal- Issue 187: Cultural Diversity and Biodiversity | United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization. (n.d.). Retrieved April 10, 2015, from
Goldman, L. (2010, August 10). A Biodiversity Hotspot in the Philippines. Retrieved
April 10, 2015, from

(n.d.). Retrieved April 10, 2015, from

Philippines: Indigenous Peoples and the Convention on Biological Diversity. (n.d.).
Retrieved April 10, 2015, from
("Philippines: Indigenous Peoples and the Convention on Biological Diversity")

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