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Fernandez, Jaysha

NURS 362
16 January 2015
Leadership Managment
Leadership, as defined by Hersey and Blanchard, is the act of guiding or influencing
people to achieve desired outcomes; occurs any time a person attempts to influence the beliefs,
opinions, or behaviors of an individual or group (as cited in Cherry & Jacob, 2008 ,p. 285).
Leadership happens everywhere; at home, in the workplace, at school, sports teams, etc.
However, the type of leadership that is present can affect how the participants react and behave.
My personal management style, after taking the management style assessment, is style I:
commanders. This type of style is directive and thrives on power. Situationally, this style may
have little potential for building relationships, fostering change and keeping in touch with
peoples feelings. However, this style is able to defuse conflicts, manage a crisis and has great
productivity. This management style does suit me, in certain situations; however, there are parts
of this that I dont think fit me.
The first reaction that I had when I saw the style description was of complete denial.
However, thinking about the situations that I was in, as a leader, I see how I exhibit the style. For
example, when I was the captain of my varsity cheerleading squad, I was looked upon as a
leader. Basically, I was second-in-command to the coach. Therefore, I did have to control the
situation, be decisive in my decisions and I was definitely result-focused, especially when it
came to competition season. The main quality I have in this style is a perfectionist. This has to do
with, not only my leadership skills, but with how I live my life, in general. I like to have quality
products in everything that I do; therefore, I put more time and effort into everything until it
seems perfect to me. After deep consideration about the qualities that I exhibited, while in

leadership roles, I can see that this style does fit me, except for the little potential on building
relationships, since I am able to adapt to situations and become personable, at times.
Leadership is not meant for everyone, though. Maddox (2014) states, Leadership is
privilege. I cannot agree more with this statement. I believe that a leader should have everyone
involved in mind when making decisions. It is true that everyone will not be pleased with the
decision; however, as a leader, decisions need to be made and it shouldnt be on the benefit of the
leader only.
Overall, I agree with the leadership style that I have scored on the assessment. I am a
perfectionist that is decisive and want quality results. I do keep in mind all those involved when
making decisions. Sometimes I may come off as controlling, but it is what needs to be done in
that moment. Leaders have one purpose: to lead.


Cherry, B., & Jacob, S. (2008). Contemporary nursing: Issues, trends &
management (4th ed.).

St. Louis, Mo.: Mosby/Elsevier

Maddox, R. R. (2014). The essence of leadership. American Journal Of Health-System

Pharmacy, 41(8), 662-668. doi:10.2146/ajhp130696

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