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Plate Tectonics Explained:

Assessment Rubric

Lesson and task


Additional work required

Lesson#2 Plate Boundaries

Identify correctly the three

boundary types. Be able to
describe the various geological
activity associated with each
including both destructive and
constructive nature of each. Be
able identify major plate boundary
locations and types around the
Presentation runs for 3:00
minutes. Students correctly specify
the Eon, Era, Period, Epoch and
approximate year range of their
chosen point in history.
Palaeogeographic position of
Australia and relative sea level
correctly identified. Presentation
includes numerous pictures and
thorough explanations of correct
Climate, Flora and Fauna.

The three boundary types able to

be identified correctly. Not all
resulting geological activity
correctly attributed or assigned to
each boundary type. Some errors
in the identifying major boundary
type locations worldwide.

One to two boundary types

identified correctly. 30 to 40
percent of the resulting geological
activity assigned missing or
incorrectly assigned. One to two
major plate boundaries identified

Limited content knowledge, less

than 40% of content questions
answered correctly. More study

Presentation runs for 2:30

minutes. Students correctly specify
four of the five dating categories
(Eon, Era, Period, Epoch, year
range). Palaeogeographic position
of Australia and relative sea level
are approximate. Presentation
includes several pictures and basic
explanations of Climate, Flora and
Fauna, but several are incorrect.

Presentation runs for 2:00

minutes. Students correctly specify
two of the five dating categories
(Eon, Era, Period, Epoch, year
range). Either palaeogeographic
position of Australia or relative sea
level are approximately correct.
Presentation includes minimal
pictures and/or explanations of
Climate, Flora and Fauna, and
several are incorrect.

Correctly identified volcano or

earthquake event including
country, continent reference
Date given including year Location
including plate Destruction
identified including area size and
impact. Death and injuries
included sources given
All 5 included 5 marks

Correctly identified volcano or

earthquake event
Date given to decade Location
Destruction identified
Some information included or
estimated sources given
4 of 5 included 4 marks

Volcano or earthquake identity

miss spelled or minor incorrect.
Date partially included Partial
location not including land/ocean
Destruction estimated
Information estimated no sources
2 or 3 of 5 included 2 or 3 marks

Presentation runs for less than

2:00 minutes. Students correctly
specify one of the five dating
categories (Eon, Era, Period,
Epoch, year range).
Palaeogeographic position of
Australia and relative sea level are
incorrect or not included. Pictures
and/or explanations of Climate,
Flora and Fauna not included.
Students may negotiate to
resubmit, depending on
Less than 2 included inquiry is
incomplete, no marks given,
student may negotiate to resubmit

Lesson #3
Plate Tectonics Australia
Media Presentation

Lesson #4 Volcano or
Earthquake investigation


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