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Based on Hoeppler Method, to determine the dynamic viscosity using HAAKE Falling-ball
viscometer is in accordance with the equation. According to the equation, the viscosity of
fluids can be determined from the viscometer ball constant, K, density of the ball and viscous
fluid with the value of falling time of the ball that has been recorded. The value for the
viscometer constant, K has been given. All the information and data that has been taken is
recorded in the data sheet. All information that has been filled in the data sheet leads to the
value of the viscosity.
Based on the data, it is clearly observed that the viscosity of glycerine is higher than water
which is determined by the calculation of viscosity by using the equation and also the time
taken for each ball to reach the bottom mark. The viscosity value of glycerine from the
experiment is too low than the theoretical value that quoted in literature which is 9420 mPa.s.
The viscosity of glycerine is greater than water. This is because of the hydrogen bonds
between the positively charged hydrogen atoms and the negatively charged oxygen atoms.
Glycerine, on the other hand, contains three hydroxyl groups, which leads to a higher number
of hydrogen bonds and therefore stronger bonds between molecules and higher viscosity. On
top of that, according to the Newtons law of viscosity, both water and glycerine are
considered as the Newtonian fluid.
In order to obtain how accurate this experiment was carried out, the percentage difference
must be calculated. The calculation revealed this experiment has a very high percentage
difference. This means that there might be possible errors that could have taken place.
There are many solutions to cope with the error. Before using the vernier calipers, the jaws
must be closed with nothing between them to check the presence of zero error. If there is zero
error, the vernier calipers need to compensate accordingly. In order to compensate for the
error, all readings taken with this vernier calipers should be adjusted by deducting or adding
the value of zero error with the actual reading. Error in operating the viscometer equipment
can be reduced by taking several readings of the same quantity and same angle of turns thus
subsequently obtaining the average value. To make sure the uniformity of the temperature of
the viscometer, the tube needs to be turn upside down at least once for the spherical ball run
through up and down.

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