Weebly Assessment Rubric

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Year group:____________


Miss Ceklic & Mr De Vos 2015



Weebly activity Did not follow steps

provided. Spiderscribe

Followed the steps

provided with some
assistance. Contributed
well to the brainstorm.
Spiderscribe was easy to
understand and follow.

Successfully followed
the steps provided.
Contributed greatly to
the brainstorm.
Spiderscribe was
detailed and coherent.

Weebly activity Did not participate in

the presentation. The

Participated in the
presentation. The Prezi
presented had key
information. Presentation
was around the designated

Participated well in
the presentation. The
Prezi presented was
visually appealing
and informative.
Presentation was true
to allocated time.

Weebly activity Insufficient

knowledge, input and

Sufficient knowledge,
input and understanding
on putting forth ideas. A
well-constructed letter.

Above the expected

input and
understanding into
the given task.
Excellent letter.

Weebly activity Displayed little

emotion, empathy and

Adequate reflection and

understanding. Beneficial
thoughts and ideas shared.

Exceeded the learning

required from the
reflection. Showed a
great interest and
exercised empathy
throughout the

Participated well with

class discussions. Used
the ICT applications to
the best of their ability.

Participated well and

made a conscious
effort in class
discussions. Used the
ICT applications

was limited and hard to

follow. Did not work
well with peers.

Prezi presented lacked

key information.
Presentation was under
5 minutes.

understanding of the
task at hand. No
involvement took
place. Minimal effort
put into letter.

understanding in the
reflection. Did not
contribute to the


Did not participate in

class discussions.
Attempted to use the
ICT applications.

Poverty Project Service Learning Term 2

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