Unit II: Using Lights!: TV 1 Lesson 3

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Unit II: Using Lights!

TV 1 Lesson 3!

Three-Point Lighting Setup!

Key Light!

Fill Light!

Back Light!

Key Light

A subject's main source of light.!

Illuminates the subject in a way that highlights the subject's facial

features, specifically the eyes.!

Fill Light

Physically smaller than the Key Light (1/3 the size)!

Balances the frame with light designed to eliminate facial shadows.!

Back Light

Designed to fill out the lighting in the shot more completely by providing illumination for the setting.!

Eliminates background shadows.!

Good backlight is basically invisible.!

Light Placement!

Light Temperature!



Warm Lights

Yellow, Orange, Red, Violet (depending on shade)!

Connotes HIGH levels of emotion, happy or angry.!

Used to show physical representations of heat, morning, sunset, etc.!

Cool Lights

Blue, Green, Violet (depending on shade)!

Demonstrates LACK of emotion (Numbness, depression, sadness) as well as

sinister, creepy, etc.!

Used for physical representations of rain, night, cloudy days, but can be expertly
used during the daytime for specific effect.!

Diegetic Lights!

Lights that exist in the world of the movie.!

Lights that are tangible to the characters in your scene, they

can interact with these lights directly.!

Ligh%ng Ac%vity

Get a camera and a lighting kit

Set up three point lighting

record 5-10 seconds with a standard set up

Begin experimenting with the lights

how does changing the lighting set up change the mood of the

record 5-10 seconds with some different lighting set ups

change the lighting so you look sinister, happy, sad: 3


We will edit these together in a VERY short video

Ligh%ng Ac%vity

Come back and upload the clips into Sony Vegas

You will create a VERY short video that transi%ons through each of
your set-ups

This video is strictly for ligh%ng experimenta%on and learning/

reference for your movie trailer project

This allows you to visually see how ligh%ng eects your videos

You have two days to complete this exercise

Movie Trailers

What is a Movie Trailer?

Preview/commercial for a feature film

series of selected shots from the movie

tell the story, highly condensed

It does not give away the ending!

Meant to attract the audience to see movie

Three-Act Structure

Act 1:

Act 2:

lays out premise of the story

drives the story further and ends with dramatic climax

Act 3:

features strong piece of signature music

visual montage of powerful emotional moments of the film


Voice-over narration

briefly set up the premise of the film

provide explanation when necessary

tool to enhance the audience understanding


sets the tone and mood of trailer

music used in the trailer is not from the film itself

music from the score of other movies

popular well known music chosen for its tone

Library music

Specially composed music

Our Project

Come up with a story/concept for your movie

Create a storyboard for the trailer.

Your trailer should be 2 minutes long

You are not required to write a full script for this project but if you
are using dialog it should be written into your storyboard.


What is it about? Who are the characters?

Select music that you feel helps further the story/mood


Use the lighting techniques you have learned in class to help tell
the story.

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