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Zelio® Control Measurement Relays RMAUA Voltage Measurement Relays FUNCTIONS ‘These devices detect when voltage exceeds a pre-set threshold on an AC or DC supply. They have a can be sealed. transparent, hinged cover on the front face to prevent accidental alteration ofthe seltings. This cover Type of Relay Jovewotage contol [ovenelageor sg [Measuring Range Tana fer ne om ws00v Ruauaa- es ven som ws Applications + D¢ motor overspeed contol + Battery monitoring + Monitoring of AG or DC supplies *+ Speed monitoring (with tacho-generator) PRESENTATION ‘Wrath 0.89 in (220m) preg Wt 0.89 in (2.5mm) ° 2 | 2 Bi 1 Adjustrent of he voioge treshold as. a percentage ofthe sting range maximum vale 2 Hysteresis adusiment fom 5-30%. 3--Ajustnent of etme delay as a percentage of he sting ange maximum vale. 4 Sen combing: — secon of he tring range: ts, 38, 105, 305, no tne delay — Stncion of were ©) er eertage (e) ncn ala low ‘Yelow LE: lniates relay tat (a for de-enerized rly, 0 or energzed lay) ‘Groon LED: Inscates hat supply ote RM is prosont Details for Switch 4 ‘Switch Position [Fonetion Time Belay = [Usderatage dtecion [No ne olay = [Underatage detecton [00818 = [Usderatage etecton [01836 = [Usderatage detecton [0510108 =30 [Underotage deteaton [1510308 >a [Overetage detection No ie delay 34 [Overetage detector 05101 Fa Overotaga detcton—[aso3s 10 [Overetage detection 05 108 >a [Overetage detection 1510208 TE Saison by te awich one on Tce 1A Valo of he vtag iflernce tween energization and deeneriation of he output rey (rotthe wage treahot tobe messed). “ {© 7996-2008 Schnelder Electric All Rights Reserved courtesy of Seven Enginating, Inc-290 Ryan Way, South San Franco, CA S4OED-6270-Maln Oe: (50) S88-920-Outss Local Area: 200) 258-9200-ww ee 12005 Zelio® Control Measurement Relays RMAUA Voltage Measurement Relays OPERATING PRINCIPLE ‘The supply voltage is connected to terminals A1~A2. ‘The voltage to be monitored is connected to terminal B1, B2, or 83 and terminal C. Hysteresis (h) is adjustable from 5-30%: for overvoltage, h = (US — US2) / USI; for undervoltage, h = (US2- US1) / US2. ‘A measurement cycle lasts only 80 ms, allowing rapid detection of voltage changes. Relays set for overvoltage detection (RMMUA0* or selector on “>" for model RM4UA3+): When the voltage exceeds threshold setting US1, the output relay is energized (with or without a time dolay). When the voltage returns to value US2 below the threshold, the relay is instantaneously de-energized. The value of US2 depends on the hysteresis setting Relays set for undervoltage detection (selector on “<", model RM4UA3 only) When the voltage falls below threshold setting US", the output relay is energized (with or without a time dolay). When the voltage returns to value US2 above the threshola, the relay is de-energized. The value of US2 depends on the hysteresis setting. Function Diagrams Overvoltage Controt Usp A-\2 votage sy mreoeee USS Rey time delay A [voltage measured heshald ettng(>"ncton) threshol eting. tage measured © treshol etn (= finn) eae ’s- prconage ofthe il sae vate 59% 016i par" dapenaing onthe parse abort ongerure ‘Switching Teshold Dit 505%, win the apply woige range (085-11 Un) yseress (adjustable), 5=20% of he vllagetveshold seting “Tine Delay Sting Accuracy [Ae a peconiage ofthe ulseae vate 210% Tine Delay Dit E [= 05%, wth th spp wotago range (OBST. TUR) essuring Cycle aon 7% per. depending on the aed operating ogee Measuring Input Specifications {nteral input Resistance and PermisibfoGveriond Depondiig on he Curent Measurement Ranges “Type of Relay RAMUS RUAN UA Weasurment Rang O05 Jo OS ie a0 a ‘0-60 He Vac and Va (V) fos” [a |S [io |so (oo _|s00 [sto Interal input Resistanee RID) 65 [es ri as [ura [aa5 [oe [117 Permissibie Continous Oveioad ‘20 | Joo 90 [160 [00 —[ «00 [550 Permissibve Non-Repeliive Overoad forts 3(v) [25 [60 [100 [100200 |aoo | so0 550 ‘SELECTION Voltage Measurement Relays: Overvoltage Detection HY [Depending on Connection (Vac or Vc) |n. (mm) | Relay [5060 He Number tb (ka) a a ee fee foe 7 op, | CO Hf 10-100 (229) | 2 _[rzo-z0vae— [rmauaczm [0-37 0168) pe", [110-130 Vac [RMAUAOSF [0-37 (0.168), z [so-s00 v 5 [20-240 Vac [Rmavanam [0.37 (0.168) Voltage Measurement Relays: Overvoltage or Undervoltage Detection ‘Adjustable |Votiage tobe Measured Width Output] Supply Votage_ [catalog Weight ‘ime Delay [Deponcing on Connecion(Vacce Vee) jn. (mm) [Relay __|SO6U He | Number _ |b). [a-240 vaciWae_[RMAUASINW [0.37 (O75) aso 200 DPOT [yoo ves —[rmauasie [0-97 (0.100) nee (25) [0-240 Vac —|RMAUADIN [0970 169) oe faa0=115 Vac |RMAUASTO [0.27 (0-168) a [a2 vacivae_[RMAUAS2NIW [0.97 (0-165) poiecononsl a 177 10-120 Vac __[RMAUASEF [037 (0.16) application data, aaron) jeaivl” “ [0-210 Vac —|RMAUASaM [0970 169) refer to page 2. 10-100 [sa0—115 Vac |RMaUAS2a [0.37 (0-168) [25-240 VaciVe_|RWAUABSMIW [0.37 (0-168) 30-200 177 PPT i030 vac —_[RMAUASSE [0-37 0.168) 50-800 “) << |[ezo-2i0.vae—[RMAUATEM [037 (0.768) [aa0=116 Vac [RMAUAS3O [0.37 (0-169) 6 (© 1906-2008 Schneider Elecic AIRightsReseved — @E 12005 courtesy of Seven Engnating, Inc-290 Ryan Way, Sou San Franco, CA S40E0-6270-Min Ole: (50) 586-0200 Local Ae 200) 258-8200-www stavenengineering com Zelio® Control Measurement Relays RMAUA Voltage Measurement Relays DIMENSIONS MAA Rail Mounting Direct Mounting {common sie view) J) : 352 WIRING CONNECTIONS. “Terminal Blocks RMCUAGY, UA02 mauaos RMAUAS!, UAS2 MAUAss “Connection and current values to be measured, depending on ype of RMMUA RMAUAST BIO _O05-D5V [RWAUAe? B1-C (-10V [RMAUASD GS-0 30-300 At-A2 spplyvolage® Gg ga Bae Sov Bc s0-s00V 81,82, 89, CVatages to be measured (oo tablet righ)_ 63-0 _ 05-5 xe 10-1000 Application Diagrams Example: Overspeed Monitoring (Undervoltage Function) 7 ‘2005 @REEEEEEY © 1996-2005 Schneider Electic All Rights Reserved courtesy of Seven Engnating, Inc-290 Ryan Way, Sou San Franco, CA S40E0-6270-Min Ole: (50) 586-0200 Local Ae 200) 258-8200-www stavenengineering com Zelio® Control Measurement Relays RMAUA Voltage Measurement Relays Example: Measuring Undervoltage Product selected: RM4UAS2F Connection of voltage to be measured: 82-C (5-50 V) 3 + Undervoltage threshold: 12 Vdc ‘+ Reset voltage threshold: 13.2 V : + Time delay of the output relay (): 20's + Supply voltage: 120 Vacl6o Hz ‘ Adjustments: + Adjustment of function and timing range, Switch 4 (see page 14 for a detaled lst of switch positions): — Determine whether overvoltage or undervoltage detection is required; in this example undervolage. — Determine the timing range and select a time exceeding the time required; in this example, 30s. — Position Switch 4 according to the criteria above (in this example, set Switch 4 to < 30) + Fine adjustment of time delay: Depending on the maximum range setting displayed on Switch 4 (in this example, 30), use the potentiometer, Switch 3, to set the required time delay as a percentage of the value on Switch 4. In this example, the required time = 20 s. Therefore: 1100 20% 100 _ gy, Set the time delay potentiometer, Timing range of Switch 4-30 Switch 3, to 66. + Set the voltage threshold setting potentiometer, Switch 1, as a percentage ofthe maximum value of the measuring range selected when wiring In this example: wiring is B2-C; the maximum value of the measuring range = 50 V; and the Undervoltage threshold = 12 Vde. Therefore: Setting of Suite 1 = 12100 ‘Set the voltage threshold setting potentiometer, Switch 1, to 24 Set the hysteresis, Switch 2, as a percentage of the threshold value; in this example: sotngorsuicn2- 82-12 9% Set meryorei, Such 2,109, Extension of the Measuring Range AC or DC Supply ‘Simply connect a resistor, Rs, in series with the measuring input, 83 or C. Ifthe value of Ris equal to El , where: Ri Internal resistance of input 83-C. Rs = Ri( Um — Maximum vale of threshold seting range. ~ ~ Um U_ Voltage threshold to be measured. ‘The tripping threshold ofthe relay will be toward the maximum graduation on the threshold setting potentiometer. In general, the power consumed by the resistor does not exceed 0.5 W. For AC vollayes, itis also possible to use a voltage transformer Supply by the Measured Voltage For monitoring mains and power supplies, the RM4UA can be supplied by the voltage to be controlled, if + The measurement threshold is within the operating range of the product's power supply (0.85-1.1 Uc) ‘+ Variations ofthe voltage to be measured are compatible with the supply and measurement voltage ranges 8 (© 1096-2008 Schneider Electric ARights Reserved OEE 12005 courtesy of Seven Engnating, Inc-290 Ryan Way, Sou San Franco, CA S40E0-6270-Min Ole: (50) 586-0200 Local Ae 200) 258-8200-www stavenengineering com Zelio® Control Measurement Relays RMAUA Voltage Measurement Relays Example: Measuring Overvoltage Product selected RMAUA32F Connection of vollage to be measured B2-C (5-50 V) + Overvoltage threshold: 12 Vdc + Reset voltage threshold: 11 Vdc + Time delay of the output relay (): 20's + Supply voltage: 120 Vacl60 Hz Adjustments: + Adjustment of function and timing range, Switch 4 (See page 14 for a detailed list of switch positions): — Determine whether overvoltage or undervoltage detection is required; in this example overvoltage, — Determine the timing range and select a time exceeding the time required; in this example, 308. — Position Switch 4 according to the criteria above; in this example, Switch 4 on > 30, + Fine adjustment of time delay: Depending on the maximum range setting displayed on Switch 4 (in this example, 30 s), use the potentiometer, Switch 3, to set the required time delay as a percentage of the value on Switch 4. In this example, the required time = 20 s. Therefore: 1100. 20% 100 _ gg, Set the time delay potentiometer, Timing range of Switch 4 30 Switch 3, to 66. + Setthe voltage threshold setting potentiometer, Switch 1, as a percentage of the maximum value of Une measuring range selected when wii, In this example: wiring is 82-C; the maximum value of the measuring range = 50 V; and the ‘overvoltage threshold = 12 Ve. Therefore 24% Sethe voltage threshold setting potentiometer, Switch 1, to 24 Setting of Switch 1 Set the hysteresis, Switch 2, as a percentage of the threshold value; in this example: on Setting of Switch 2 ~ 12-11 83% ‘Set the hysteresis, Switch 2, to 8. 1” ‘2005 @l ‘© 1996-2006 Schneider Elecie Al Righis Reserved courtesy of Seven Engnating, Inc-290 Ryan Way, Sou San Franco, CA S40E0-6270-Min Ole: (50) 586-0200 Local Ae 200) 258-8200-www stavenengineering com

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