Ugpa3173 Unit Operation Ii Jan Trimester 2015 Tutorial V

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Jan Trimester 2015

Tutorial V


Propose a simple and economical mechanical separation method to separate mixture of

dry clay powder based on their particle size. Explain also TWO (2) ways that can be
used to express the shape of individual clay particles upon separation.



(11 marks)

Filtration can be divided into cake filters, clarifying filters and crossflow filters.
With a proper diagram, explain briefly the filtration mechanism for each of this


State FOUR(4) requirements that need to be consider for the selection of suitable
filter medium or septum.


(4 marks)

What are the disadvantages of sink-and-float sedimentation method as compared

to the differential settling sedimentation method?


(12 marks)

(3 marks)


Briefly describe the solid particle settling mechanisms in gravity sedimentation.


Centrifugal sedimentation if preferred over gravity sedimentation particularly on

the separation of fine particles. Justify this statement.


Upon recycling of plastic bottles, the bottles were first washed and cleaned,
before being separated based on the density. The sorted plastic bottles are then
reduced into smaller chips and processed.


Based on your understanding of solid separation methods, propose a

simple and economical method that can be used to sort the plastics
bottles based on their density.


(5 marks)

Identify and describe the mechanism of TWO (2) equipments suitable for
the size reduction of plastic bottles into small chips.

(5 marks)

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