Commercial Wall Systems - Spring 2015

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Commercial Wall Systems

Created by: CEA Spring 2015

Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) -- Advantages and Disadvantages

(Emily and Morgan)

Advantages: The high tensile and bending has a

strength or firmness that would benefit the
foundation and basement walls as opposed to
poured concrete.
Additionally, an experienced insulator if
primed/made/insulted correctly, even if it doesnt
have extra insulation, it can still maintain
temperature pretty well.
Disadvantages: Visually unappealing, costly as
compared to wood counterparts and if an error
during the build occurs, the homes basement may
become subject to flooding


Guerra, Tony, and Demand Media. "The Pros & Cons of Concrete Block House Construction." SFGATE. Web. 7 Apr. 2015. <http:

Jones, Carlye. "What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Concrete Block Walls?"EHow. Demand Media, 22 Aug. 2011.
Web. 8 Apr. 2015.

Cast-in-Place concrete
Air Barrier


Cast-in-Place concrete is a ready to mix and is

placed in forms. The places you will mostly
see them in is foundations and slabs-onground, walls, beams, columns, floors, roofs,
pavements and so much more.



Advantages: It mixes easily with liquid

concrete, durable, cool( color wise), low
emitting, recyclable

Disadvantages: High amounts of labor is

required to lay out the concrete

Works Cited (Cast-in-Place Concrete)


Non-Load Bearing Wall

(Jaire & Jesse)
Advantages: Doesn't need a footing to transfer
load down, can be used for Partition walls to
separate interior spaces, protects other
structures from elements, easy to demolish to
rearrange space, cheaper to build.
Disadvantages: Can't bear any weight which
makes it a partition used only to divide spaces,
sound insulation is weak.

Work Cited (Non-Load Bearing Wall)

Light Gauge Metal Framing (Jayon & Nelson)

Advantages: Steel is completely recyclable. Steel does not ignite
or contribute energy to a fire. Galvanization reduces chance of
corrosion to absolute minimum.

Disadvantages: Light Gauge Metal Framing is more expensive

than Wood Framing. Light metal framing is also less energy
efficient when compared to Wood framing.

Works cited (LGMF)

Tilt-up Concrete
Grace Ngonyo


Advantages-The work of installing a tilt-up concrete is done

at ground level, which make it fast and efficient,and with the
repetition saving time.

panel finishing

Disadvantages- The wall has to be lifted by a crane which

means that the safety must be strict and most wall projects.

work cited
"Tilt-Up Concrete." Tilt-Up. Web. 8 Apr. 2015. <>.

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