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Choose the correct alternative:

1. ____________________________ mother always cooks for __________________________

2. ____________________________doesn't know name.______________________________
3. David's sister is very hard working. ___________________________ marks are really brilliant!
4. What do____________________ eat when you go to a Chinese Restaurant?______________
eat pork. I like !________________________________
5. I watch______________________programme every afternoon_________________________
is a really good actress.
6. David is my best friend__________________ play with_______________________________
and________________________________________ sister every Saturday.
7. I like the piano very much, but I don't play _________________________________________
8. _____________________daughter takes care of________________________ baby brother.
9. ________________________don't brush________________________teeth after every meal.
10.___________________________uncle and my aunt have got a computer______________
is old __________________________________need to repair .
11. The teacher is not very happy with______________________because__________________
talk all the time and don't listen to_________________________________.
12. Those children are very happy______________________________parents have a new car
13. Are you talking to_______________________? Sorry, but___________________don't
understand what you're saying.
14. Is this your new house?_______________________like______________________very big.
every Saturday

Substitute the underlined parts with a suitable Subject/Object pronoun:

1. Martha and I don't like adventure films.____________________________________________

2. I give Tom a very interesting book._______________________________________________
3. You never tell your mother the truth.______________________________________________
4. It's very important that you bring your workbook._____________________________________
5. She studies English and French._________________________________________________
6. He comes to the cinema with Adam and I.__________________________________________
7. They buy some tickets for the concert.____________________________________________
8. Liam, Robert and you go to the same school._______________________________________
9. The babygirl cries very much at night. ____________________________________________
10. The policeman helps the woman________________________ //______________________

Order the following sentences. There is ONE WORD that you don't need in each sentence:

1. He students The to listen him.

2. watch parents MyTV at She night.
3. He is The very computer good.
4. the Your Me dance in friends disco.
5. eats Your all its dog food I.
6. in live mice garden Those You your
7. and rice. granny cooks His chicken I
8. The He its dog tail moves.
9. her parents. She with lives They
10. his John school her finishes in June.

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