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Principals Advisory Meeting MinutesOctober 23, 2014

Committee members in attendance: Dr. Askew, Jim Cartwright, Bryan Dulmage, Anne Gregory, Shirley Hall,
Tasha Hurst, Kim Montgomery, Dorothy Neal, Andrea Stover, Bob Weisenbeck
Committee members absent: Kathy Harcourt, Heather Sipe, Jack Wheeler
Meeting was called to order at 2:25 p.m. The following submissions were discussed:

Students going to cars in student parking lotjust a reminder that a teacher may sign a planner to an
administrator only. Administrators will then determine if a student is permitted to go to his/her car. Reminder of
this information was put in the DolphInfo on Monday, October 20th.
Perm subs should be assigned to cover class in emergency situations rather than asking a teacher
from the departmentProfessional leave gets PERM subs FIRST. After thatperm subs are assigned to cover
other absences. Every perm sub is used during every blockand in the event of an emergency in which no
subs are availableteachers from the department might have to provide coverage until someone else is
Former students being permitted to visit classrooms during school hoursformer students will only be
permitted to visit OLHS after the normal school day at 2:10 p.m. New security assistants have been made aware
of this as has the guidance department. Unless a guest is directly supervised by a staff member, they are not
permitted to enter building until 2:10 p.m.
Number of required drills mostly during 1B and 4Bthe required drills schedule has been/will be adjusted by
Mr. Loehn and distributed to department chairs at the next ELT. Just a reminder that 4 additional dates have
been added by state legislature. One FD is required monthly. Drills will be balanced as best as possible spread
out across blocks 1B, 1A, 2B, 2A, 4B, 4A.
Teaching multiple classes means more work in TalendEd goalsDr. Askew checked with HR to confirm.
teachers are required to have goals for EACH prep taught in TalentEd. School goals, literacy goals, department
goals are permitted and should be used when developing goals for these preps.
PLC meetings during Monday time slot vs. flexible planning--PLCs should be ongoinghappening all day,
every day. PLC feedback forms were distributed to teachers and can be found in shortcuts. When teachers PLC
outside the assigned Monday timekeep track of meeting times & information. Then, at the end of each month,
submit a synopsis of meetings on the PLC feedback form to your department administrator.
Book Talk Clarificationsthe book distributed to all teachers at the September department meeting is a
professional growth opportunity that will help OLHS achieve school-wide grading guidelines to be put into place
upon completion of our book study. It is also a major component of our schoolwide professional learning. It has
been chunked in small amounts for discussion every other month(11/24, 1/27, 3/30, and 5/4) 10 PLP points
will be given for site-based professional learning for the 2014-2015 school year. Chapter 2 will be discussed
briefly, led by your administrator, at the Nov 24th meeting.
Progress Reportsthe issue of incorrect progress reports and posting grades was also addressed in DolphInfo
last weekReminder that the post button is only visible for assigned time period. The calendar of posting
dates for progress reports and report cards can be found in SHORTCUTS and a copy was included in our
Teacher Notebooks. NEW*** Dr. Askew will add an Upcoming Deadlines box to DolphInfo to be included
weekly. We will also schedule an optional workshop for any teachers who would like to learn more about the

Students arriving late to class from lunchunfortunately, over 500 kids are eating lunch daily. 100-150 total
more than last yearthe cafeteria is typically 4 staff members short on a daily basis and therefore not all lunch
lines are open. Administrators will continue working on new strategies to get students through lines as quickly
as possible. A late lunch pass has been created and will be given to students who are late to class.
Phone calls & deliveries to classrooms during instructional timeunless there is an emergency, phone
calls/deliveries should be reserved to the first and last 10 minutes of the block. Please let your administrator
know if and when this is not being adhered to.
Doors lockedsecurity, guidance, admin. etc. has been reminded to RELOCK doors when leaving classrooms
more information needed about who might be doing this so it can be addressed directly. All people who enter
classrooms should remember to RELOCK doors when leaving.
Learning Walksquarterly learning walks should be 5-10 minutes MAX (one learning walk=three
classrooms=15-30 minutes total). It is encouraged to e-mail teachers in advance so as to achieve the purpose
of observing NEW, FRESH, and exciting teaching/classroom strategies.
Dress code violationsleggings are permitted AS LONG AS whatever on TOP is fingertip length. If a student is
sent to the office and SEEN by administratorit will be addressed. Please let Dr. Askew know if you send a
student down and the issue is NOT addressed. Any students in violation of dress code who does not get a
change of clothes or is not willing to put on OLHS offered clothing will be placed in CSC for the remainder of
the day.
Copier usagewe still have a few older copiers in the building that will NOT be replaced when they break down.
Teachers are no longer permitted to use office or guidance copiersdue to faxes, time sensitive materials
being send, college communications, etc. There is NOW a copier in 159 (Dolphin Work Room) for all teachers
to use. When copiers are broken, please report the problem immediately so that a work order may be placed
and the problem can be fixed immediate. Remember, OLHS copiers are for all OLHS teachers. Also remember
that we dedicate part of Mrs. Lints schedule every day to reprographics needs.
Purchase Orders Clarificationthere is no limit on the number of purchase orders teachers, coaches, sponsors
are able to use in a school year provided they have funds in their account and are following proper
bookkeeping procedures.
REMINDERS FROM THE PACWhen submitting a concern for the PAC, be sure to put your name in the
appropriate spot so that if additional information is required we know who to ask. When presenting a concern,
be sure to offer a potential solution.
Meeting adjourned: 4:35 p.m.
Next PAC meeting: Thursday, November 20, 2014
Respectfully submitted,
Tasha Hurst, PAC Scribe

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