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Case Study #1

Case Study Overview

Focused educa:on on Law Enforcement

Police Ocer
Previously worked in various security
ocer roles
Develop skills
Gain experience

Worked for OLG as Security Ocer

Recently hired with OPP Oender Transport Unit
Unsure where to go aOer becoming regular constable, just

wants to move up
As he is now close to career goals more focused on family goals
Believes in hard-work and determina:on

Career as Cycle
Shane is in the establishment phase of his career cycle
He is stabilizing choice within organiza:on and occupa:onal parameters,
Looking for advancements or transfer to higher responsibility (56)
Shane has just been hired by an organiza:on that he truly admires

and wants to be a part of,

He is looking for posi:ons that will give him
more responsibili:es and opportuni:es.
Dicul:es nding a posi:on in his desired
Looked at Policing as ac:on and excitement,

reality is its a lot of paperwork and wai:ng for calls

to come in





Career as Fit
Police Ocer Realis:c, Inves:ga:ve, Social (110)
Realis:c opposes Social (109)
Shane scored high on Social enjoys helping others solve problems
Scored high on Realis:c very

athle:c, enjoys sports and being

Scored lower on Inves:ga:ve
prefers working with people
Although Shane scored low on
one skill, he is s:ll a good t for
this posi:on (willingness to
develop these skills)

The right metaphor

Career as Cycles

Career as Fit





Shows a general
path of where
careers can take
people and how
they develop

Does not account

for new economy
and the length of
:me it may take to
get into career

Shows things
people enjoy and
what they are
inherently good at

Does not account

for extra work
individuals willing
to put in to develop

Shane: Career as Ac:on (not being afraid to fail - Shane)

people will act on their own careers to make decisions leading
to greater career sa:sfac:on and success (79)

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