Andersoncom 122 Application 2

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Application Paper #2

Application Paper #2
Adam Anderson
Sister Burk

Application Paper #2

As I have learned about different elements of communication during this course, I have
felt a hastened sense of motivation to improve in that regard. Flowing invariably from the
noticeable results which occur when applying effective communication skills, is my great desire
to implement and internalize these powerful techniques. One particular technique which has had
such an effect on me, is the principle of power posing. Power posing is a concept which was
effectively taught by Amy Cuddy, a prominent social psychologist, and is essentially the concept
that strong physical posture of an individual can dramatically change the outcome of his or her
life. Power-posing is an amazing technique which I will implement into my life. Applying
this principle can lay a strong foundation for effective communication by giving its possessor a
sense of confidence and fortitude which leads to clear and accurate transmittal of information
and allows individuals to communicate effectively and unreservedly express their identity.
First, the science and logistics behind power posing. Many animal species, whether
categorized as predator or prey, will use techniques to enlarge and expand their body in order to
appear dominant and powerful. For example when a pufferfish feels threatened, as an instinctive
defense mechanism, it puffs up and expands its body. This creates the perception of power or
dominance, and, when enlarged, the fish is much less likely to be consumed by the predator.
Humans also have this natural tendency when they feel powerful or dominant. For example,
immediately after basketball players score the game winning point in a tightly-matched game,
they often jump high with their arms in the air. They feel exhilaration, power, and
invulnerability and instinctively assume a posture which expands and enlarges their appearance.

Application Paper #2

On the contrary, animals or humans who feel inferior or submissive tend to shrink,
contract and assume perceptively weaker posture. When humans implement this type of
subordinate posture, the effects may include feelings of restriction, inferiority, and inhibition.
These individuals may also emanate an aura of powerlessness, uncertainty, and hesitancy, while
those who consistently display positions of power emanate an aura of confidence, control, and
certainty. In terms of communication, such individuals who are characterized by this latter
description have the courage and fortitude necessary to express themselves accurately,
powerfully, and clearly. In other words, they do not feel reservation to express their true
thoughts and feelings and are intuitively able to show their true identity through communication.
In mortality, there are many social barriers which understandably cause us to feel
uncertainty, anxiousness, and nervousness. These feelings cause us to retreat from forthrightly
and confidently expressing our thoughts and desires and may even prevent us from interacting
with others. Because this life is a period of mortal probation designed for our growth and eternal
progression, it is understandable why many individuals have such social reservations. However,
certain techniques such as power posing help us to overcome these socially preventive barriers
and innate human reservations. Individuals who assume a power pose for two minutes before
a job interview are proven to have greater success during the interview and subsequently to be
hired. Power posing is proven to increase testosterone levels, as well as to decrease cortisol
levels. The increase in testosterone causes a boost in morale and motivation which leads to
confidence, while the decrease in cortisol causes less reactivity to stress. As a result, these

Application Paper #2

individuals are able to be comfortable and confident, poignant and powerful, and expressively
efficacious communicators. They can leave it all on the table without any regrets.
Because of this science, implementing periodic power posing into a routine will always
produce consistently positive results. In addition to, and perhaps as a counterpart of this
principle is consistently displaying a posture of optimism and confidence. When an individual
applies these techniques, there is invariably an accompanied sense of power and fearlessness
which comes into his or her life. Furthermore, this individual is better able to communicate
thoughts and feelings with clarity, power, and confidence. They are able to communicate and
express their unique and individual identity. In other words, these postures of confidence allow
us to remove the social barrier which prevents us from effective communication and allow us to
accurately express our identity.
In James 1:22 we read the lucid and powerful declaration: Be ye doers of the word and
not hearers alone. Rather than storing this valuable information about power posing as reserve
material only to be used during interesting and intellectually stimulating conversations, I am
going to apply this concept into my life. My long term goal is to make power posing and
confident posture an integral part of my behavior and develop these techniques as long-term and
habitual behavior. My intermediate goal is first, to power pose for at least two minutes each day.
This will likely be implemented before work or school in order to provide a stable environment
in which I can test my results. I will record my observances, and the results will be cognitively
observed. Another intermediary goal is to assume an upright posture during school. I have not
always had very good posture, thus I believe that incremental progress will be required to

Application Paper #2

improve. I will initially concentrate on my posture specifically during school, but as I develop
this habit, I will begin to expand this goal to other times during the day and then focus on
additional elements of good posture. These small goals, if exercised consistently over a period of
time, will produce the desired results.
I have come to greater light and greater appreciation of the power which effective
communicators can possess. Effective communication places can place an individual in a
position of influence and allows more control over life. We are agents endowed with moral
agency and are primarily to act and not be acted upon. Following and supporting this doctrine of
agency, is this very technique of power posing. As a result of power posing, control in life is
expanded, and confidence is prevalent, and thus communication skills are greatly enhanced.
Power posing produces a sensation of unreserved fortitude and courage, and the social barriers
are thus removed. An individual is then able to communicate clearly, effectively, and
expressively. I am excited for the enhanced communication which implementing this technique
will bring into my life. This small technique will make a world of difference as it is applied and
will dramatically and positively alter the outcome of my life.

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