Andersoncom 122 Application 1

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Application Paper

Application Paper
Adam Anderson
Sister Burk

Application Paper

During this course I have learned much about my unique strengths and how they connect
with effective communication. Nonverbal communication is very important and is directly
influenced by our self-image. Additionally our self-image impacts effective verbal
communication. A strength of mine which I have identified during this class is that of positivity.
Learning about this strength has helped me to shape a positive self-image, which has affected my
overall communication; both nonverbal and verbal. As a result of this simple recognition, I have
gained greater understanding and awareness of my self-image which has likewise influenced the
effectiveness and clarity of my communication.
Effective communication involves much more than simply speaking. The messages we
transmit to others are heavily influenced by unspoken messages and the way we present
ourselves. Important elements of nonverbal communication include body language,
responsiveness, and confidence. Each element of non-verbal communication is influenced by the
way we perceive ourselves, or our self-image. For example, an individual whose self-image is of
fearlessness and audacity, is likely to present different body language and responsiveness than an
individual whose self-image is of shyness and introversion. Furthermore, an individual whose
self-image is healthy and strong may have greater confidence than an individual whose selfimage is overweight and unappealing. For similar reasons, having a positive self-image also
influences our verbal communication.
I have come to recognize, understand, and appreciate that I possess the strength of
positivity. As part of this strength, I have the aptitude to consistently recognize the positive and
to be continuously optimistic. I have an uplifting presence and the ability to strengthen others
despite overcast circumstances. I have the ability to recognize the positive and focus on the good
in others. Identifying this strength in myself has helped me to better identify my self-image

Application Paper

because I know the particular skills which I have been blessed with and how I can use them to
bless the lives of others. This has, in turn, influenced my nonverbal and verbal communication.
Understanding and recognizing this trait has played a large part in helping me understand
my capabilities and shape my self image. Recognizing this unique identifying trait, has taught
me what more about who I am and what I am capable of. Additionally, I have greater
confidence in my ability to communicate well with others. My non-verbal communication with
others has improved by how I express interest and enthusiasm in their lives and focus my
attention toward them. Because of this positive nonverbal communication, they are willing to
be more open and descriptive in their language. I can then better understand and internalize what
they are communicating, and respond verbally with better clarity. Furthermore, I am able to
verbally express my story with clarity because I have a stronger understanding of my identity.
To conclude, my nonverbal and verbal communication skills have improved
because I have identified this particular strength and gained a clearer self-image. I now have a
much better understanding of my unique abilities and what I can offer to others. I have
recognized that I am important, distinguished, and unique with the capacity to build and
strengthen others. Ultimately, I am a child of God and have recognized this strength which He
has given me and how it can be used to fulfill His purposes. My mission as His servant is now
clearer and my true identity has been brought to greater light. I hope to continue to identify and
internalize other strengths and improve my communication so that I can do the work of the Lord
effectively and bless the lives of others.

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