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Financial Aid Reflection

1. What financial assistance does the FAFSA offer? Based on your application, do
you qualify for assistance through the FAFSA? If so, how much do you expect to receive
and how will you use this money?
The FAFSA offers immense financial assistance. I do qualify for financial aid through
FAFSA. I expect to receive $5,730 from FAFSA. I plan on using this money for
transportation, tuition, and books.
2. Are you eligible to receive the Cal Grant? If so, how much do you expect to
receive and how will you use this money?
I am eligible to receive the Cal Grant. I expect to receive $1,648. I plan on using this
money for unexpected school expenses.
3. Are you eligible to receive a Board of Governors Fee Waiver? If so, do you plan
on applying for the BOG Fee Waiver?
I do not qualify for BOG fee Waiver.
4. Describe your findings from the private scholarship search. Do you plan on
applying to any of the scholarships available? If so, to which are you planning to apply
and how much do you expect to receive if you are accepted?
I am eligible for California State Parent-Teacher Association/Graduating High School
Senior Scholarship, Soroptimist International of the Americas/The Soroptimist Live Your
Dream: Education and Training Awards for Women, and American Institute of Polish
Culture Inc./Harriet Irsay Scholarship Grant. I plan on applying for the scholarships. if I
am accepted I can receive up to $1,000.

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