Vanguard Dispatch - Vol 2

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Balanced Assessment Vanguard Team


Va n g u a r d D i s p a t c h

V olu me 2 , M a rch 2 01 1


The division created modules that the Vanguard team adapted to meet the needs of our
school are wrapping up this month. Check the calendar housed in the document liPOINTS SPOTLIGHT
brary on the schools Vanguard SharePoint site for remaining dates and times for
those sessions. The response has been overwhelmingly positive and the feedback
Also in the shared documents folder of the
has given our team some specific ideas for improvement. Thank you all for your
Vanguard site youll find a Vanguard
support and participation! We hope that the sessions were helpful to your PLC
points tracker. On it youll find the inteam as you all work together to reshape your units.
formation we will be reporting to central
Puttin on the Ritz
So, in response to complaints regarding the suggested acronym for our Vanguard showcase and awards show (originally dubbed the OL B.A.G. awards) the Vanguard team has
renamed the showcase. DAG (Dolphin Assessment Guild) is more than our new acronymits our inspiration. When something was tough in the 1980s the response was
DAG! When something was supremely good the response was DAG!

administration to procure your PDP

points. Please check it to be sure that our
records are accurate.

In June we plan to celebrate our efforts and awesome work with the first annual DAG
awards. This eighties themed award show will honor the work your PLCs will showcase
during the week of May 23rd. Below weve listed the criteria the faculty will use to view
showcased units . We cant wait to see which PLCs win soon-to-be-coveted DAGs! In
the immortal words of Kansasweve passed the point of no return.
DAGAnd the Award Goes To...
As you are reshaping your PLCs chosen unit, keep the following criteria/award areas in mind:
One Thing Leads to Another
This stage one is worded clearly and each section of stage one is aligned: Understandings are linked to essential questions;
Questions are explored with unit content/knowledge; Unit knowledge is demonstrated with unit skills; Unit skills and knowledge can transfer to other contexts.
Cant Touch ThisBest-in-Show
The best-in-show winning unit does it all well! This is the unit that exceptionally demonstrates all of the four major focus areas for the year.
Summative Performance Tasks:

We Are the Real World Authentic Assessment Task

Students were asked to complete a real-world task that was complex and challenging that required students to engage in critical thinking,
analytic reasoning, and problem-solving in order to demonstrate essential knowledge and skill in a scenario, role, process, and product of the
real world.
Brass in Pocket: Punk Rockin Performance Task
Students were asked to complete a summative assessment that reveals critical thinking and understanding and requires students to perform a
hands-on task for which they must choose the most effective delivery medium for a target audience, situation, and purpose.

Pre and Formative Assessment:

What I Am
The ultimate pre-assessment song by Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians states Im not aware of too many things, but I know
what I know if you know what I mean. The best pre-assessment gives teachers information about student learning style, preferences,
and/or prior knowledge. Teachers then have a plan to use this information before the students get too deep in the unit.
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
A variety of formative assessments are planned for the unit. The formative assessment complements and checks student mastery of
the units stage one objectives. Teachers will know who needs some intervention, who is ready to move on, and who needs enrichment based on feedback from this successful formative assessment plan.
Rad (and Rockin) RubricShes a Beauty
This rubric has it goin on. Its clearly aligned ONLY with the K-U-Ds of the unit and assessment, uses objective measurements, and divides the levels of accomplishment clearly.
We Got the Beat A Rubric that carries a clear tune
This rubric is written for a student to understand. It breaks down the criteria in easy-to-manage
chunks and reads like a how-to guide for a student. Its a great way for students to set goals and
create a plan for completing the task in the most successful manner possible.

DAG!! Showcase and Awards Show Logistics

PLCs meet to reshape and refine units using Balanced Assessment best practices
Sign-up for a Showcase date, time, and room. Look for the sign-up sheet on the mailroom door.
May 23rd Department meeting after end of year items, PLCs prepare units and materials for showcase.
Showcases on May 24th, 25th, and 26th1 hour each day of flex time (to be applied to the 7.33 needed for the Monday
after graduation)
Each day teachers will receive a showcase reflection and ballot document in their mail boxes. Theyll
use the document for two purposesto record their observations and to document their flex time.
June 13th our inaugural DAG! Awards.
Trophies and bragging rights to the winners.

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