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West Virginia State University

College of Professional Studies: Department of Education

Teacher Candidate __Lindsay Dunlap______ Date_________________________
School _Anne Bailey Elementary_________ Grade/Subject _____1st__________
Lesson Topic _Who, what, when, where, why and how ______

Students will determine the 5 Ws (who, what, when, where, and why) in a read aloud story.
Students will create a short story and include all 5 Ws (who, what, when, where, why)

ELA.2.R.C1.1; Ask and answer key ideas such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and
how to demonstrate understanding of key details in literary text. (CCSS RL.2.1)
ELA.2.W.C9.3; Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence
of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts and feelings, use transitional words to
signal event order and provide a sense of closure. (CCSS W.2.3)
SL.2.3; Ask and answer questions about what a speakers says in order to clarify comprehension,
gather additional information, or deepen understanding of a topic or issue.
Overall Time - 55 minute lesson
5 minutes- Pretest
5 minutes- Introduction of the 5 Ws
10 minutes- Reading of The Super Smelly Alien
10 minutes- Filling out of 5 Ws worksheet
5 minutes- Explanation of book activity and passing out of materials
15 minutes- Making of books
5 minutes- Postest

Teacher/student led discussion, student presentations, guided instruction, teacher modeling,
project/inquiry learning.

Reading of The Super Smelly Alien benefits auditory learners

Teacher demonstration of the making of student booklets benefits visual learners
Making of student booklets benefits kinesthetic learners

Introduction/ Lesson Set
I will begin this lesson by handing out a teacher made pretest. It is a short paragraph that students
will read and answer the questions who, what, when, where and why. Students will have 5
minutes to complete this. After this, I will a students what all stories have in common. I
anticipate that they will give answers such as all stories have characters, all stories are about
something that happened, etc. After this initial questioning, I will introduce the fact that all
stories have the 5 Ws; who, what, when, where, and why, and 1 H; how. I will have each of
these words written out on poster board to display to the students as we go over each and discuss
what each one means. After this discussion, I will read aloud The Super Smelly Alien.
Body & Transitions
Once I finish reading The Super Smelly Alien aloud to the class, I will pass out my teacher made
5 Ws worksheet to each student. Here, we will discuss the 5 Ws and 1 H of the story and fill out
the 5 Ws worksheet together as a class.
Next, I will introduce our final activity; making a short story booklet. Each student will be given
a pre-made, blank booklet and will be told to think of the happiest day of their lives. They will
then be instructed to write about that day in their booklet (including illustrations if desired) and
include all of the 5 Ws. Students will be able to share their booklets if they wish.
For the closure of this lesson, I will give the students the same short story and worksheet I gave
them for the pretest to test their acquired knowledge of the 5 Ws through my lesson.

Diagnostic assessment will be acquired through the pretest.
Formative assessment will take place when I discuss with the class the 5 Ws of The Super
Smelly Alien and as we fill out the 5 Ws worksheet together as well.
The summative assessment for this lesson will be both the booklets the students make in which
they retell the happiest day of their lives, all while including each of the 5 Ws in their retelling
(who, what, when, where, why), and the posttest.

Poster board visuals of each of the 5 Ws

18 copies of short paragraph

36 copies of pre and posttest answer sheets

18 copies of the 5 Ws worksheet

18 pre-made booklets

18 copies of The Super Smelly Alien coloring sheet

If Student Finishes Early
If student finishes early, they will be given a Super Smelly Alien coloring sheet.
If Lesson Finishes Early
If lesson finishes early, students will find a partner and swap their booklets. They will then
identify the 5 Ws in each other stories.
If Technology Fails

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