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Gabriel Melendez

Pathways Exhibition

Work Sample Reflection

Course Title: Earth Science 2
Grade Level: 9
On this assignment I was asked to do a study guide of Earth Science. I was asked to take
this as a test. It was closed book, meaning that I couldnt use my notes or my book to answer
these questions. After I completed this study guide I kept it and used it to study for a test I had to

EXAMINE: In order to complete this assignment I had to study for this assignment like
a test. I took this assignment as if it was a test and I am proud of the grade I received because I
studied for hours the night before. I as I reviewed each question on the study guide I tried my
best to memorize it and look for the answer in my notes the night before, I think that with my
grade I did a good job on that.

EXTEND: Overall, I am very proud of my score that I got on this assignment. I didnt
think that I would be so interested in Earth Science because I dont like most science. But I
enjoyed studying about the Earth.

CONNECT: I believe that this work reflects my growing interest in science and I am
glad that I took this class. I hope to continue studying science when I am in college.

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