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Emilee Stumler

Module 18: PD Planning

o I plan to target the fourth and fifth grade regular education teachers at
my school. I serve the students with IEPs that are within these two
grade levels currently.
o I will be presenting during my fourth and fifth grade PLC times. We
meet weekly to discuss planning and assessment results. I will use
Blendspace and my screencast that I created for this PD.

Tool (or tools) you would like to share from this class preferably as you will
be using Blendspace to help with your presentation setup.
o Blendspace, YouTube, EdPuzzle, TeacherTube, and View Pure

Reason for sharing the tool(s) meeting what need(s) in your building?
o Id like to share these tools to show teachers how they can maximize
the learning and engagement with videos shown in the classroom
setting. Id like to show the teachers an alternative to YouTube, ways to
quiz with a video, and how to purify the video viewing platform. I
believe teachers are not maximizing on the educational impact that
videos can have in the classroom. Id like to share some of the tools
and resources that I have learned throughout this course.


Where would you like this PD to go? What would you like it to leverage in your
building (i.e. more collaboration, technology PDs, etc.)?
o I believe this PD could create a technology PLC in our building. Our
librarian is the STC, but she does not share out resources with the staff.
I am very interested in creating a PLC that shares ideas, resources,
updates, etc. about the tech that we use within our classroom and
personal lives. I would hope this PD could bring teachers together. I
would like to see a wide range of ability or comfort levels within this
PLC. I believe we all have something to share and learn from one
another that can benefit our students and us as professionals.

Adult Learning Theories


you would like your audience to gain from your sharing?

How do you view educational videos in a less distracting layout?
How can a video be transformed into an interactive quiz?
What alternatives to YouTube are available for teachers to use in their

Adults are internally motivated and self-directed: The tool will motivate the teachers to
enhance their current instruction. I believe that the majority of teachers desire to improve


their teaching and desire for their students to be more engaged in their learning. I will
provide the teachers with the tutorial and practice time.
Adults bring life experiences and knowledge to learning experiences: I am sharing a tool
that I have used before, so I am sharing my knowledge so that the teachers can have a
new learning experience.
Adults are goal oriented: Our school is very strict about what videos we can show within
our classrooms. I believe many teachers do not share videos due to the restrictions. The
goal is to show teachers how to optimize their videos and add an assessment element.
Adults are relevancy oriented: This tool is very relevant to the classroom setting.
Teaching is now a mixture of all sorts of media. I believe teachers should know about the
latest and greatest tools so that they can enhance their students learning experience.
Adults are practical: The tool is easy to use and does not recreate the wheel. The
teachers can use their favorite videos with Edpuzzle to create interactive videos.
Adult learners like to be respected: I do not plan to read a great deal of information to the
teachers. I will provide the tutorial and allow the teachers to have practice time. I will
circulate to answer further questions. I will also provide a follow-up opportunity where we
can take Edpuzzle to the intermediate level. I will cover the basics in the PD and allow
individuals who are interested to gather for more information.

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