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Kelsey Kazmac!

Seminar in Middle Education!

Learning Menu!

Standard: USI.6 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the causes and results of
the American Revolution!
a) identifying the issues of dissatisfaction that led to the American Revolution;!
b) identifying how political ideas shaped the revolutionary movement in America and led
the Declaration of Independence;!
c) describing key events and the roles of key individuals in the American Revolution,
emphasis on George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Patrick!
d) explaining reasons why the colonies were able to defeat Great Britain. !

UKDs: Students will know the key players and important people that took part in the
American Revolutionary War, including George Washington, Ben Franklin, Betsy Ross,
Abigail Adams, and others. (Remembering)!
Students will know how the Declaration of Independence was crafted and implemented.
Need an understand here???!
Students will be able to compare and contrast differing sides of a conflict in order to
understand how wars play out. (Analyzing)!
Need a higher order Do - related to creating podcast?!

Use: as sense-making activities throughout the unit. Students will receive formal
instruction and then be able to work on a certain section of the Learning Menu.!



Block _______________!

American Revolution Learning Menu

Highlight your choices and submit to Ms. K for approval!

Pick one:!
Introduction to the Revolution Quick List!
Option 2 (not created)!

Do all of the following:!
Main Course:!
Declaration of Independence Webquest!
Advantages and Disadvantages Chart and Voki!

Pick two:!
Side Dishes:!
American Revolutionary Woman Facebook Page!
Tweet the Revolution!!
Option 3 (not created)!

Pick two:!
Create a NEW flag for the American Revolutionary Forces!!
Option 2 (not created)!
Option 3 (not created)!


Name ____________________!!

Block _________________!

Introduction to the Revolution Quick List!

Pick one of the following:!


Pictures (Pick 5 from the Prelude section)

List 3 themes that you see in what you watched or looked at, and where you saw them.!
1. ___________________ : _____________________________________________________________!
2. ___________________ : _____________________________________________________________!
3. ___________________ : _____________________________________________________________!


Name ____________________!!

Block _________________!

Introduction to the Revolution!

Pick one of the following:!


Pictures (Pick 5 from the Prelude section)

List 3 themes that you see in what you watched or looked at, and where you saw them.!
1. ___________________ : _____________________________________________________________!
2. ___________________ : _____________________________________________________________!
3. ___________________ : _____________________________________________________________!

Name ______________________! !

Block _______________!

Declaration of Independence Internet Scavenger Hunt WebQuest!

Use this link to answer questions 1-2:!
1. Name the five men who wrote the Declaration of Independence: (5 pts)!
a) ___________________________________________________________ !
b) ___________________________________________________________!
c) ___________________________________________________________ !
d) ___________________________________________________________ !
e) ___________________________________________________________!
2. _________________________ wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence. (1 pt)!
Use this link to answer questions 3 and 4:!
3. What was the main purpose of the Declaration of Independence? (2 pts)
4. How many people signed the Declaration of Independence? _______ (1 pt)!
Use this link to answer questions 5 and 6:!
5. Which state chose not to vote on accepting the Declaration of Independence? (1 pt)
__________________________________________________________________ !
6. Write down one Fun Fact about the Declaration. (1 pts)
__________________________________________________________________ !
Use this link to answer questions 7-8:!
7. The Declaration of Independence has _________ parts. (1 pt)!
8. Name the three rights that the Declaration says all people should have. (3 pts)!
a) _____________________________________________!
b) _____________________________________________!
c) _____________________________________________!


Name ____________________!

Block __________________!

Comparing the Two Sides: American and British!

Use the listed websites to determine what advantages and disadvantages the
Americans and the British had during the American Revolutionary War. List at least 2
advantages or disadvantages per column.!

Websites: !






Now, create a Voki ( discussing why you think the Americans won
the war, based on the advantages and disadvantages you read about! You should talk for
1-2 minutes and reference at least 3 reasons why you think the Americans won the war.
Post the Voki on the class blog at !!


Name ______________________! !

Block ____________!

American Revolutionary Women Facebook Page!


Choose an American
Revolutionary Woman
from the choices listed
KKe8dv and create a
Facebook page for her.
What would she have
liked? Disliked? Posted
on her wall?See the
checklist for
Why did you pick this
woman? What interested
you about her?!


Name _____________________!

Block ____________!

Tweet the Revolution!!

Tweet three tweets that describe a significant event during or leading up to the American
Revolution. How would people have reacted? How would people have described what was
happening? Feel free to use hashtags, emojis, and @ mentions.

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