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STATE OF INDIANA IN THE HENRY CIRCUIT CourT No. 2 SS Caseno, Bi 15.04.08000001 COUNTY OF HENRY FILED APR 09 2015 Dawe ¢ {dal (CLERK HENAY CIRCUIT COUHT NO.2 ¢ FILE STAMP ) STATE OF INDIANA INFORMATION FOR: CountI MURDER vs. Count II ABUSE OF A CORPSE LEVEL 6 FELONY LC. 35-45-11-2(1) ANTHONY E. DAILEY Do: 3-31-1978 Count I - The undersigned, being sworn upon his oath, says that between the dates of March 31, 2015, and April 2, 2015, in Henry County, State of Indiana, Anthony E. Dailey did knowingly kill another human being, to-wit: Kirsten P. Sidwell, all of which is contrary to the statutes in such cases made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the State of Indiana. Count Il - The undersigned, being sworn upon his oath, says that between the dates of March 31, 2015, and April 2, 2015, in Henry County, State of Indiana, Anthony E. Dailey did knowingly mutilate the corpse of Kirsten P, Sidwell, to-wit: by dumping said corpse in Province Pond, all of which is contrary to the statutes in such cases made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the State of Indiana. Dk Li LE Indiana State Police Subscribed and swom to before me this, day of April, 2015. My commission expires: December 31, 2018 ‘APPROVED BY ME: Toheyh Bgyhacs cutigd Attorney WITNESSES: Det. Capt, Scott Ulery Det, Philip A. Byers, ISP Det. Sgt. Tony Darling Capt. David Carnes Det. Scott Jarvis, ISP Brandy Dailey F/Sgt. Len Langland, ISP Set. Jeremy Franklin, ISP Sgt. Rob Ricks, ISP Jeff Katt, Kokomo P.D. Det. Josh Rozzi, ISP Ashley Bennett Dr. Joyce Carter, M.C.C.O. Jason Loveless STATE OF INDIANA ) IN THE HENRY CIRCUIT COURT 2 COUNTY OF HENRY ys caseno, #2150 448000001 STATE OF INDIANA vs FILED ANTHONY DAILEY APR 09 a8 AFFIDAVIT FOR PROBABLE CAUSE dee ¢ G [ulaaken The undersigned, being duly sworn upon his oath, deposes and says that upon information and belief, that Anthony Dailey has committed the offenses of Murder, a Felony, and Abuse of a Corpse, a Level 6 Felony and in support thereof says as follows: ‘On April 2, 2015, at approximately 0840 hrs, Affiant along with members of the Henry County Major Investigation Team (MIT), comprised of members from the Indiana State Police, Henry County Sheriff's Department and the New Castle Police Department responded to State Road 36 and 125 West, in Henry County, Indiana, to the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Wildlife area known as Province Pond in reference to a fisherman reportedly discovering a body in a suitcase in the pond. Upon arrival Affiant observed a Chrysler Minivan backed up to the edge of the Ramp at Province Pond. Just a few feet from the back end of the minivan was a suitcase that was partially open and affiant observed what appeared to be a tattoo ‘ona person. Investigators with the MIT were able to remove the suitcase from the water. Upon removal of the suitcase from the water, it was determined that the body of a deceased female identified as Kirsten Sidwell, age 22 (d/o/b 10/19/1992) was in fact partially enclosed in the suitcase and partially covered in a blanket. Further, Kirsten Sidwell was wearing a shirt, a bra, and socks, but no other clothes. Indiana State Police evidence technicians processed the scene and the body of Kirsten Sidwell was released to the Henry County Coroner. ‘On the moming of April 4, 2015 and autopsy was performed at the Marion County Coroner's Office. Present for the autopsy were, Affiant, Sgt. Tony Darling (HICSD), F/Sgt Len Langland, Sgt. Jeremy Franklin (ISP) and the Henry County Coroner. Duting the autopsy, the pathologist preliminarily indicated that the cause of death was asphyxiation by manual strangulation. However, the pathologist indicated that she would wait until toxicology was received to determine primary cause of death and determine manner of death. ‘On April 2, 2015, Affiant interviewed Ashley Bennett. Ashley indicated that her and Kirsten Sidwell were in a relationship as girlitiends. Ashley indicated that she last saw Kirsten Sidwell on Tuesday March 31, 2015 at 11:00 pm at her residence in Henry County. Ashley indicated that they argued and then Kirsten Sidwell left. Ashley said that she texted Kirsten all day Wednesday, April 1, 2015 and Kirsten did not text her back. Ashley said they argued because Kirsten had been cheating on her or at least has been acting funny. Ashley stated that Kirsten had been with this guy Tony Dailey. Ashley said that Kirsten had dated a Doug just. before they got back together. Ashley also said that Kirsten also dated Tony Dailey at about same time she was also seeing Doug. Ashley said that she wasn’t aware of anyone who did not like Kirsten. Further, on April 2, 2015, Affiant along with other detectives met with Anthony Dailey at his residence, 701 S. 14" St Apt B4, New Castle, Indiana. Anthony Dailey was then interviewed at the New Castle Police Department by Affiant. Upon speaking with Anthony Dailey he stated that he knew Kirsten Sidwell and that he had seen her on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 around 9 or 10ish and that she came and hung out for a little bit. Anthony said that they stopped by his, cousin's Mike Stigall around 9:30pm and Kirsten dropped him off by 10pm. Anthony said he has known Kirsten for 7 or 8 years but have never dated. Anthony said they were driving around and ‘when she dropped him off Kirsten said she was going to see Ashley Bennett. He indicated that him end Kirsten had smoked marijuana when they were together and that is why Kirsten came over. Anthony said Kirsten had texted him before coming over. He further indicated that he had been with Kirsten Sidwell on the night, Tuesday, March 31, 2015. Anthony Dailey indicated that Kirsten left at around 10:00 pm and was supposed to come back later, but indicated that she never did. ‘On April 6, 2015, Sgt. Rob Ricks with the Indiana State Police interviewed Brandy Dailey at the Howard County Sheriff's Department. Brandy confirmed that she was the sister of Anthony Dailey. Brandy stated that by either text or telephone calls, that Anthony Dailey confided information to her that made her believe that he was involved in the death of Kirsten Sidwell. Brandy advised that starting Tuesday, March 31,2015 Anthony Dailey sent her a text boasting about having sex with two women at the same time that evening. Brandy then stated that some 6 or 7 hours later she received another text from Anthony Dailey that he had messed up. Anthony Dailey stated they were having raw sex and he was choking her, that’s the way she liked it, He stated that he doesn’t know if he choked her too hard or if she overdosed, but she was dead. At some point during the conversations, he admitted that he had folded Kirsten, put her half in and half out of the suitease, before disposing of her in a pond. The following day Brandy talked to Anthony on the phone and he stated that he was cleaning up. She asked him what he meant by cleaning up and he refused to talk about. On April 6, 2014, Affiant conducted a search of Anthony Dailey’s apartment located at 701 South 14" St. Apt# B4, New Castle, Indiana. During the search of the apartment an Indiana State Police evidence technician located carpet fibers that were consistent with the color of carpet fibers found with Kirsten Sidwell at Province Pond. The evidence technician also located bedding at the apartment that had fibers that matched the color and fibers of the blanket found with Kirsten Sidwell at Province Pond. Evidence technicians also found a blood smear on the baseboard in the bedroom of Anthony Dailey, All of the evidence from the scene at Province Pond and Anthony Dailey’s apartment will be sent to the Indiana State Police Lab and results of those tests are pending. Indiana State Police Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9" day of April, 2015. My Commission expires: December 31, 2018. ‘STATE OF INDIANA ) IN THE HENRY CircuiT Court No. 2 J SS: COUNTY OF HENRY. ) ‘STATE OF INDIANA ) ; . ARO a FILED — causeno, Sue 1504800000 ANTHONY E. DAILEY 09 2015 atime ORDER FOR PROBABLE CAUSE ‘THE STATE OF INDIANA BY ITS PROSECUTING ATTORNEY, JOSEPH J. BEROACS, FILES AFFIDAVIT FOR PROBABLE, (CAUSE WHICH IS EXAMINED BY THE COURT. FROM SAID EXAMINATION THE COURT FINDS THAT PROBABLE CAUSE DOES EXIST FOR THE ARREST OF ANTHONY E. DAILEY FOR THE CRIMES oF: CouNT I, MURDER, a felony, AND COUNT II, ABUSE OF A CORPSE, LEVEL 6 FELONY. ‘THE CLERK OF THIS COURT IS ORDERED TO ISSUE A WARRANT FOR THE ARREST OF ANTHONY E. DATLEY. ANTHONY E. DAILRY IS TO BE HELD WITHOUT BOND. L4 AE Date Kir. DEAN CRANE Jupce, Henry Circutt Court No. 2

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