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-Chordal Operations IHarmonic Chord Generators

A Prefix Operation places before the Object chord a chord which is structurally
subordinate to the object chord and imparts a sense of forward motion to it.
Resultant Chord is a chord generated from the basic Harmony. In Bop they impart a
strong Forward Motion [push] toward a stable goal [Tension - Rest]. It is newly
generated in relation to the Object chord.
Original Chord:
Apply Chordal Operation to original Chord:
Object Chord:
Resultant Chord (from operation):

G7 C7

NB All substitute chords must contain some resemblance to the chord they are
replacing. These substitute chords generate harmonic versatility.
Substitute chords are just what the word says - Substitute. They are not the real
item. Eg: although any chord may follow a Tonic, NOT any chord may follow a
substitute tonic.
Musicality and logic must be considered with chord color, relationship, and the
necessary similarity to the chord being replaced.

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